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My first Project with MASM32 !

Started by Juliano de la SMK, September 19, 2017, 03:44:06 AM

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Juliano de la SMK

hello everyone !

today, i launch me to the code in assembler with MASM32 !
i speak french and i don't understand this tutorial :

because i want to explain me this msgbox code source line by line :

.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none

    include         \masm32\include\   

    include         \masm32\include\
    includelib      \masm32\lib\masm32.lib

    include         \masm32\include\
    includelib      \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib

    include         \masm32\include\
    includelib      \masm32\lib\user32.lib


    szMessageText       DB  "Hello, i am a message box.", 0
    szMessageCaption    DB  "New Window !", 0



    Invoke MessageBox, NULL, ADDR szMessageText, ADDR szMessageCaption, MB_OK

    Invoke ExitProcess, NULL

end ep_start

Thank you for your replies,
Juliano de la SMK.



I will try to use code. Thank you for coming


Hi, Juliano de la SMK!
    include         \masm32\include\   

    include         \masm32\include\
    includelib      \masm32\lib\masm32.lib

    include         \masm32\include\
    includelib      \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib

    include         \masm32\include\
    includelib      \masm32\lib\user32.lib
There is macro uselib in \masm32\macros\macros.asm. The "uselib" macro allows names that are used for both include files and library file to be used in a list without extensions. Note the following order of include files where WINDOWS.INC should be included first then the main macro file BEFORE this macro is called.        include \masm32\include\
        include \masm32\macros\macros.asm
        uselib masm32,gdi32,user32,kernel32,Comctl32,comdlg32,shell32,oleaut32,msvcrt