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General => The Campus => Topic started by: TheSpider on December 15, 2018, 10:16:58 AM

Title: OpenGL clears Window to black
Post by: TheSpider on December 15, 2018, 10:16:58 AM
Hi Guys,

I wanted to start drawing with OpenGL and tried to set up a basic call to clear the Window to some color.
Unfortunately for some reason my Window stays black although I should be clearing it to a pink color.  :(

Here is how I'm initializing OpenGL although I do not think this is the issue

Win32InitializeOpenGl proc Window:HWND

local WindowDC:HDC
local OpenGLRC:HGLRC
local SuggestedPixelFormatIndex:dword
local SuggestedPixelFormat:PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR

invoke GetDC, Window
mov WindowDC, rax

InitStructToZero DesiredPixelFormat
mov DesiredPixelFormat.nSize, sizeof DesiredPixelFormat
mov DesiredPixelFormat.nVersion, 1
mov DesiredPixelFormat.cColorBits, 24
mov DesiredPixelFormat.cAlphaBits, 8
mov DesiredPixelFormat.iLayerType, PFD_MAIN_PLANE

invoke ChoosePixelFormat, WindowDC, addr DesiredPixelFormat
mov SuggestedPixelFormatIndex, eax

invoke DescribePixelFormat, WindowDC, SuggestedPixelFormatIndex, \
sizeof SuggestedPixelFormat,\
addr SuggestedPixelFormat
invoke SetPixelFormat, WindowDC, SuggestedPixelFormatIndex, \
   addr SuggestedPixelFormat

invoke wglCreateContext, WindowDC
mov OpenGLRC, rax

invoke wglMakeCurrent, WindowDC, OpenGLRC
Assert rax

invoke ReleaseDC, Window, WindowDC

Win32InitializeOpenGl endp

And then each time in the main loop this is how I update my Window.
Win32UdpateWindow proc DeviceContext:HDC

invoke glViewport, 0, 0, GlobalWindowHeight, GlobalWindowWidth
invoke glClearColor, FLT4(1.0), FLT4(0.0), FLT4(1.0), FLT4(0.0)
invoke glClear, GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT

invoke SwapBuffers, DeviceContext

Win32UdpateWindow endp

I had to define a few symbols on my own because a few I could not find in the masm32 include64 directory.
I hope that is not the issue.

Anyone know what might be the problem ?

Title: Re: OpenGL clears Window to black
Post by: Siekmanski on December 15, 2018, 04:30:33 PM
Think SwapBuffers is not doing it's job.
You are missing some valuable include files.

Here are some excellent Masm (32 bit) OpenGl examples by hitchhikr.
Including all OpenGl include files you need.
Title: Re: OpenGL clears Window to black
Post by: TheSpider on December 15, 2018, 09:31:52 PM
Thank you

So that means I should work in 32-bit not 64-bit ?
Title: Re: OpenGL clears Window to black
Post by: Siekmanski on December 15, 2018, 10:20:41 PM
That's up to you, those examples are 32-bit only.
You can translate them yourself to 64-bit if you really need to.
Title: Re: OpenGL clears Window to black
Post by: TheSpider on January 05, 2019, 08:02:51 PM
Thank you.
What exactly would I have to do to translate them to 64-bit ?
I'm not sure about the process.
Title: Re: OpenGL clears Window to black
Post by: jj2007 on January 05, 2019, 11:25:47 PM
Quote from: TheSpider on January 05, 2019, 08:02:51 PM
What exactly would I have to do to translate them to 64-bit ?

You would have to replace the type of those elements that depend on the bitness of your code (pointers and handles) with something like SIZE_P, where
IF @AssembleAs64