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Capturing Commandl Line Output

Started by cman, December 13, 2012, 04:19:17 AM

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What's the best way to run a command line program from a Windows program and display the output of the program to a Windows control ( like an edit control or something ). I want to run a command line program "in the background"  but show the output in "real time" as though it were part of the main Windows program.  An examples of how to do this? Thanks for any information.


Create pipes for the std handles you want to deal with - minimally one for stdout+stderr;
Start your sub-process with CreateProcess, with the pipe handles in the STARTUPINFO structure.
The process runs, readfile its output on the pipe(s), do whatever..
Check the process has finished (WaitForSingleObject), close the pipes, clean up.


Hi cman,

You can check Iczelion's tutorial #21. It provides a nice example demonstrating the capture of command line output.


Here is a template to do that:
;useful to execute dos or windows proc
   startInfo     STARTUPINFO <>   ;structure API CreateProcess
   processInfo   PROCESS_INFORMATION <> ;structure API   
   hRead dd 0
   hWrite dd 0
   retourligne db 13,10,0
   Pipetampon db 500h dup (0)
   bytesRead dd 0
   Hfile dd 0
   NumberOfBytesWritten dd 0
   dumpbinexe db "\masm32\bin\ml.exe /?",0
CreationPipe PROC
         Local  retour:DWORD
      mov retour,0
   mov SecuAttr.nLength,sizeof SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES
   mov SecuAttr.bInheritHandle,TRUE
   ;lea edx,SecuAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor
   ;invoke InitializeSecurityDescriptor,edx,SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION
   invoke CreatePipe,addr hRead,addr hWrite,addr SecuAttr,NULL   
   mov retour,eax
   mov startInfo.cb,sizeof startInfo
   ;retrouve les informations a la creation du prog
   invoke GetStartupInfo,addr startInfo
   xor eax,eax
   mov startInfo.lpReserved,eax      ;null avant d'appeler CreateProcess
   mov eax,hWrite
   mov startInfo.hStdOutput,eax
   mov startInfo.hStdError,eax
   mov startInfo.wShowWindow,SW_SHOW
   ;invoke CloseHandle,hWrite      ;made test here
                ;---------- close it later if not work -------------------------------
         mov eax,retour
CreationPipe endp


   invoke CreationPipe
   invoke CreateProcess,NULL,addr dumpbinexe,NULL,NULL,TRUE,NULL,NULL,NULL,\
            addr startInfo,addr processInfo
   ; si hread déclaré avec FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED,dernière donnée structure
   ;lpSecurityDescriptor de SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES
   invoke ReadFile,hRead,addr Pipetampon,sizeof Pipetampon - 1,addr bytesRead,NULL
   .if eax != 0
      ;invoke WriteFile,Hfile,addr Pipetampon,bytesRead,addr NumberOfBytesWritten,NULL
      jmp lecture
   invoke CloseHandle,hRead
Take care when closing handles

Fa is a musical note to play with CL


And here is a sample who read the ml help output and write it in a file:

.NOLIST         ;signifie: ne rien mettre dans le listing   
   include \masm32\include\
   InitInstance PROTO :DWORD   
   hInstance dd 0
   ;FindFileData WIN32_FIND_DATA <>
   ;------------------- pipe data ----------------------------------------
   startInfo     STARTUPINFO <>   ;structure API CreateProcess
   processInfo   PROCESS_INFORMATION <> ;structure API   
   hRead dd 0
   hWrite dd 0
   retourligne db 13,10,0
   Pipetampon db 500h dup (0)
   bytesRead dd 0
   Hfile dd 0
   NumberOfBytesWritten dd 0
   dumpbinexe db "\masm32\bin\ml.exe /?",0   
   Nomfichier db "ML_help.txt",0
   ;------------------- end pipe data --------------------------------------
CreationPipe PROC
         Local  retour:DWORD
      mov retour,0
   mov SecuAttr.nLength,sizeof SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES
   mov SecuAttr.bInheritHandle,TRUE
   ;lea edx,SecuAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor
   ;invoke InitializeSecurityDescriptor,edx,SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION
   invoke CreatePipe,addr hRead,addr hWrite,addr SecuAttr,NULL   
   mov retour,eax
   mov startInfo.cb,sizeof startInfo
   ;retrouve les informations a la creation du prog
   invoke GetStartupInfo,addr startInfo
   xor eax,eax
   mov startInfo.lpReserved,eax      ;null avant d'appeler CreateProcess
   mov eax,hWrite
   mov startInfo.hStdOutput,eax
   mov startInfo.hStdError,eax
   mov startInfo.wShowWindow,SW_SHOW
   ;invoke CloseHandle,hWrite      ;inutile
         mov eax,retour
CreationPipe endp

   invoke InitInstance,1
   ;---- code here --------
   invoke CreationPipe
   invoke CreateProcess,NULL,addr dumpbinexe,NULL,NULL,TRUE,NULL,NULL,NULL,\
            addr startInfo,addr processInfo
   invoke CloseHandle,hWrite
; if hread declared with FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED,last readfile data is a structure
   ;lpSecurityDescriptor de SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES
   invoke ReadFile,hRead,addr Pipetampon,sizeof Pipetampon - 1,addr bytesRead,NULL
   .if eax != 0
      invoke WriteFile,Hfile,addr Pipetampon,bytesRead,addr NumberOfBytesWritten,NULL
      jmp lecture
   ;invoke CloseHandle,hWrite   
   invoke CloseHandle,hRead
   invoke InitInstance,0   
   invoke ExitProcess,0
;hInstance dd 0
;InitCtrls INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX <> ;include commctrl.sdk

InitInstance PROC  init:DWORD
   Local  retour:DWORD
   mov retour,1
   .if init == 1
      invoke GetModuleHandle,NULL
      mov hInstance,eax   
         invoke CreateFile,addr Nomfichier,GENERIC_WRITE,NULL,\
      mov Hfile,eax         

      invoke CloseHandle,Hfile

   mov eax,retour
InitInstance endp

   end start
Fa is a musical note to play with CL


For the lazy assembly coder:

        Launch "SendStringsToConsole.exe", SW_MINIMIZE, cb:hEdit

P.S.: Under the hood, a slightly modified version of the MSDN example is working. Read the user comments...!


i am really lazy, i guess - lol

        INVOKE  AllocConsole

you can left click anywhere in the window to see some console text   :P

my mistake - i misread the original post


Wow , thanks for your input , everyone! :t