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How fast is BitBlt?

Started by jj2007, February 01, 2016, 02:14:07 AM

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This code takes one second:
push 999
invoke BitBlt, ebx, 0, 0, APs.apRectG.right, APs.apRectG.bottom, PtDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY
dec stack
.Until Sign?
pop edx

One millisecond for a full 1366*768 bitblt, is that a reasonable value?

Graphics card is a GeForce 610M from NVIDIA.


BitBlt to memory is very fast
BitBlt to a physical device is somewhat slow

StretchBlt to memory is also very fast - not as fast as BitBlt, though
StretchBlt to a physical device is very slow, especially if the stretching mode is set to COLORONCOLOR


i would say 1 mS is reasonable
that allows for 1000 updates per second - far more than should be necessary
20 to 40 frames per second are reasonable update rates