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Help with creating a loop in MASM

Started by revolution9540, September 19, 2015, 05:27:08 AM

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I am programming assembly language (x86) in MASM using Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate. I am trying to use an array to calculate a Fibonacci sequence for n elements using an array. In other words, I am trying to go to an array element, obtain the two elements before it, add those up, and store the result in another array.

I am having trouble setting up the index registers to make this work.

I have my program setup like this:

TITLE fibonacci.asm


fibInitial BYTE 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
fibComputed BYTE 5 DUP(0)
fibOne WORD 0
fibTwo WORD 0

main PROC

MOVZX si, fibInitial
MOVZX di, fibComputed
MOV   cl, LENGTHOF fibInitial

MOV   ax, [si - 1]
MOV   dx, [si - 2]
MOV   bp, ax + dx
MOV   dl, TYPE fibInitial
MOVZX si, dl
MOV   [edi], bp
MOV   dh, TYPE fibComputed
MOVZX di, dl
loop L1

main ENDP
END main

I cannot compile this because of an error message that says "error A2031: must be index or base register" for the line MOV ebp, ax + dx


i didn't really examine the code....

try this line
    lea     bp,[ax+dx]          ;loads BP with AX + DX

don't know how that will go in 16-bit code   :P

on a side note....

you probably don't need to keep the entire array in memory
in fact, if you use registers carefully, you might be able to carry the last 2 values in register


hi revolution9540,

Your program won't work as it stands. You don't want two arrays, just one, which will continuously fill up with fib numbers. The array should start like this:

1,2, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...

and end like this:

1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233 (next one, 377, won't fit in a byte)

It should look something like this:

  fib BYTE 1,2

main PROC
  lea esi, [fib+2]
  mov al, [esi-2]
  add al, [esi-1]
  mov [esi], al
  inc esi
  loop @B

; here print out the results or examine them with debugger

main ENDP
END main

I haven't run this, may be some stupid mistake in it, but hopefully u get the idea
I am NaN ;)