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Why would this test program use 900K+ memory?

Started by CCurl, October 31, 2015, 07:25:49 AM

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; TEST program
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.model flat, stdcall
.stack 4096

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ExitProcess PROTO,

GetStdHandle PROTO,

ReadConsole EQU <ReadConsoleA>

ReadConsole PROTO,
hConsoleInput:DWORD,              ; input handle
lpBuffer:PTR BYTE,                ; pointer to buffer
nNumberOfBytesToRead:DWORD,    ; number of chars to read
lpNumberOfCharsRead:PTR DWORD,  ; ptr to number of bytes read
lpReserved:DWORD                ; (not used)

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Constants


; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

hStdIn DWORD 0
buf byte 0 dup (100)
num dword 0

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

main proc

invoke GetStdHandle, STD_INPUT_HANDLE
mov hStdIn, eax

mov edx, offset buf
INVOKE ReadConsole, hStdIn, edx, 100, ADDR num, 0

invoke ExitProcess,0

main endp
end main

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



buf byte 0 dup (100)

try this, you can place it in the .DATA? section

buf byte 260 dup (?)

the ReadConsole function likes to have 256 bytes, plus a couple extra for termination
we make it 260 so it's evenly divisable by 4

as for the memory usage, i doubt it uses 900 K
however, CMD.EXE might use quite a bit   :biggrin:


oh - and don't define a stack
use this....

        .MODEL  Flat,StdCall
        OPTION  CaseMap:None


Windows is generous: by default, all programs get about one megabyte.

For further reading, Mark Russinovich has a nice series starting with Pushing the Limits of Windows: Physical Memory


...Oh, yes,...and speaking of  Mark Russinovich, he has an excellent FREE utility: Process Explorer v16.05, TechNet


Quote from: CCurl on October 31, 2015, 07:38:48 AM
Is it because it links in kernel32.dll?
yes, among others. However that are unavoidable costs, because you can't create any useful program without these APIs.
MREAL macros - when you need floating point arithmetic while assembling!