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Macro "len(addr var)"

Started by clamicun, October 13, 2016, 01:54:19 PM

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;One of these nights, I thought, I had digested the "Basics" of programming.
;Obviously I have not.
;Why this proc doesn't correctly return ? Please tell me !

;Hier is the example 

include \masm32\include\

The_Test_Proc PROTO :DWORD

show_value MACRO arg1,arg2
LOCAL  ws_msg,showint
ws_msg  TCHAR 60 dup(?),0
showint TCHAR 'Wert: %lu',0
   INVOKE wsprintf,addr ws_msg,addr showint,arg1
   INVOKE MessageBox,0,addr ws_msg,reparg(arg2),0


testvar  db"12345",0
testvar2 db"123456789",0
testvar3 db"123456789123456789",0


mov eax,len(addr testvar)
show_value eax,"Len testvar1"       ;correct !
INVOKE The_Test_Proc,addr testvar

mov eax,len(addr testvar2)
show_value eax,"Len testvar2"       ;correct !
INVOKE The_Test_Proc,addr testvar2

mov eax,len(addr testvar3)
show_value eax,"Len testvar3"       ;correct !
INVOKE The_Test_Proc,addr testvar3

INVOKE ExitProcess,0

;=====The Test Proc
The_Test_Proc proc arg

mov eax,len(addr arg)
show_value eax,"Len input"          ;not correct !

The_Test_Proc endp

end start


In the following code.

;=====The Test Proc
The_Test_Proc proc arg

mov eax,len(addr arg)
show_value eax,"Len input"          ;not correct !

The_Test_Proc endp

You are getting the address of an address. Its usually referred to as multiple levels of indirection.

>>> ,addr testvar3 is passed to "The_Test_Proc" as arg then you get the address of the data that is passed.

In "The_Test_Proc" you should use "len(arg)".


yes hutch,
thank you.
How stupid of me ...