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Started by Biterider, March 30, 2018, 01:39:36 AM

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Are the sources of latest h2incX public? Any chance to get them?

Regards, Biterider


Not to my knowledge, I don't think Japheth ever release it or the src for jwlink.



another implementation, but can be useful  :t You can write to the author if you have any contacts :idea:



Hello friends,

Biterider has asked me to supply the source of h2incx. It's attached.

A warning: this is not the source code of the h2incx executable which was downloadable from my old site - that source code is lost. It's a somewhat "newer" code, perhaps with additional features ( I can't remember ), and surely with an additional bug ( IIRC there' was a GPF introduced on certain occasions ).  So this source might be of limited use.

The source is Public Domain.

Note: there's a small static CRT library included, I guess it was to make the binary stand-alone. It ca be replaced by linking to a CRT dll.

Dummheit, gepaart mit Dreistigkeit - eine furchtbare Macht.


Long time out here. No more playing with asm?


It's a big surprise!
Miracles are happening!
thanks and kindest wishes :t

P.S.: What's your opinion on porting it to Linux?   


Good to hear from you, und GrĂ¼sse ins Neckartal  ;)


Danke sehr Japheth!  :t


Thanks for the wishes!

> What's your opinion on porting it to Linux?   

I haven't done any coding in recent years. My skills have faded and I'm in no positrion to give useful advice to experienced coders.
If I have a look into  the h2incx source, It's alien and awful and I can scarcly believe that it was me who wrote such stuff. It's insave and all I can suggest is to give up asm and switch to decent languiages - such as BASIC ... or COBOL

Dummheit, gepaart mit Dreistigkeit - eine furchtbare Macht.


Thanks for advice.
In fact I'm not an experienced coder, even more not a coder at all.
Well, COBOL sounds interesting  according to some of Internet  articles:

Ancient programming language COBOL can make you bank, literally
COBOLed Together

It's here in the context of COBOL programming language where I find myself  too young   :biggrin:


Quote from: _japheth on April 01, 2018, 02:46:43 PMall I can suggest is to give up asm and switch to decent languiages - such as BASIC ... or COBOL

Gosh, for a short moment I was worried - but you didn't lose your sense of humour :t


I can not believe either that you wrote that code, because I don't believe that you are Japheth, however,
I am curious why do you pretend to be Japheth and where did you get that code you posted above :dazzled:

How dare you say on masm forum that BASIC and COBOL are "decent languiages" and that ASM is "alien and awful" ::)

Do you want to say that we are stupid and that we waist our lives with ASM programming???


   I share your suspicions . Obviously  he has  Japheth's sources but not his intellectual capacity and  knowledge.

Of course it might be the consequences  of disease ...  but highly  unlikely  ;)

"Curiouser and curiouser!"


I am afraid that Japheth has passed away. I believe that _japheth(who is in my opinion some young prankster)  has bought his computer as second hand, either from Japheth's family or in some second hand shop.
He found out who was the owner and than found on internet about him.
He wanted to log on this forum as Japheth but did not know the password, so he had to create a new account as _japheth.

It is pity that he has some very valuable source code on that computer but are not aware because he is not a programmer. It would be better for him to admit that and make that source available to this forum.
