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Microsoft C using the 64 bit MASM library

Started by hutch--, August 01, 2019, 07:12:48 PM

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It worked fine here. Looking at the include at the start, now you know why I bundled them all together in one include directory.


I also just collected WDDK 7.10 inc files to a one include directory.
Those are WDDK msvc 2010 files and have a support for OS msvcrt.dll.

EDIT: for testing with Pelles C 9 headers:bin\cl.exe -GS- -MD -wd4068 -wd4103 -D__midl -D__POCC__=900 -D__POCC_TARGET__=1 -Drestrict=__restrict -D__WCHAR_TYPE__=short -D__SIZE_TYPE__=__int32 foo.cx64

cl -GS- -Zl -O2 -wd4068 -wd4103 -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -D__midl -D__POCC__=900 -D__POCC_TARGET__=3 -Drestrict=__restrict -D__WCHAR_TYPE__=short -D__SIZE_TYPE__=__int64 cplusasm.c kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib M:\masm32\m64lib\m64lib.lib  rsrc.res -link -nodefaultlib -entry:main -map -nocoffgrpinfo -safeseh:no -subsystem:windows,5.2
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