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Started by ShadowNin, April 16, 2020, 12:00:32 AM

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I know i might be asking the most annoying question ever but what do you use as an IDE? I am currently using the MASM32 text editor but i seem to be having problems with it saying it can't find the file even though i just saved it on the desktop. I really want to get to assembly but i just don't know how. I am experienced with HLL such as Java, C# and it is quite a different learning curve.


Hi ShadowNin,

The Masm32 editor qedit has no any problems with finding and opening files. Can you open your file with notepad?




Save your source files in a dedicated directory on the same partition. The MASM32 SDK is designed to work that way to avoid OS interference and remain isolated from other development packages.


Than what can you do to execute them


Not sure of your question, there is a run option on the menu.

Project - Run Program.


Sorry for not giving a good description


Also whenever i do click run program under the project tab, nothing appears



Probably, you built a console application. Did you try to run it from the command prompt?

An example :

No command line specified
STRINGS.EXE get string data from binary file
      1. name of file to get strings from
      2. character count for minimum size word
         default is 3 characters long or greater

Output : STDOUT to screen

File output is by redirection
EXAMPLE : strings yourfile.ext 3 > testfile.ext


Welcome to the Forum  :thup:

For qEditor, you can write your own batch file and integrate it into \Masm32\menus.ini, for example:

Build+Run Console,\MASM32\BldRunUAsmConsole.bat "{b}"
Build+Run Windows,\MASM32\BldRunUAsmWindows.bat "{b}"

Both attached batch flles build the project and run the exe. You need UAsm to use them, download it from here.

UAsm is a perfect MASM clone developed by two members of this forum. It is much better and faster than the old 6.14 version that comes with the Masm32 package. Similar but a little complicated is AsmC (forum search is your friend)

Note that with qEditor, you need to save your file before assembling it. With RichMasm, for example, this is not necessary, but that is a matter of taste.


Quote from: Vortex on April 16, 2020, 01:15:10 AM

Probably, you built a console application. Did you try to run it from the command prompt?

An example :

No command line specified
STRINGS.EXE get string data from binary file
      1. name of file to get strings from
      2. character count for minimum size word
         default is 3 characters long or greater

Output : STDOUT to screen

File output is by redirection
EXAMPLE : strings yourfile.ext 3 > testfile.ext

It worked after some tweaking. Thank you very much


Try the batch files I posted above. It is a nuisance to have separate commands for build and run  :smiley:


Trying to use them, it is just i don't know exactly how. I extracted them but i don't really know what to do next


I also download uasm 64bit version but i don't known what's next


See reply #9 above. You need to
- add two lines to \Masm32\menus.ini (e.g. using Notepad)
- extract the archive to \MASM32\BldRunUAsm*.bat
- put UAsm.exe in \Masm32\bin
- restart qEditor.exe
- open a source
- go to menu Project and look for the new entries