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TrayInfo x86 and x64 (Updated MemStat)

Started by fearless, July 23, 2019, 08:47:12 AM

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I done some work on the ModernUI_TrayMenu controls, and think I fixed the issue that might have caused leaks in the x64 version. I rewrote the MemStat application which is now called TrayInfo, it works similar to MemStat, but also does cpu load as well. The app starts minimized to the tray.

I built an x86 and x64 version. Attached is the RadASM projects for each which includes the compiled app

The ModernUI_TrayMenu libraries can be downloaded from and

The x86 version will show cpu load as a decimal point if < 10, the x64 version doesn't show this as I was using Raymond's fpu.lib for x86 with the FpuFLtoA function, and I don't think Raymond's fpu library is available for x64

If the cpu load or mem load reaches 90+ then the text color should change to red in the icon in the tray.


I only checked the 64 bit version but it works fine here and the update intervals work correctly.


Hi fearless!

Res directory fall out of examples' zip.  :sad:
Equations in Assembly: SmplMath



Thanks for spotting that. Yes, it appears I forgot those Res folders - I've updated the attachments in the first post.


Equations in Assembly: SmplMath


This type of programs are implicitly asking to have an option to be launched at startup.  :icon_idea:


Hi fearless,

bug with frozen memory indicator is still present, if you enable and disable the memory option, for 3 seconds a second indicator appears with the correct value, but then it closes and everything stays the same.


I haven't been able to reproduce this and I have left my copy running since 22/07/2019. I've tried to cause it to crash or cause other odd issues, but still nothing like what your describing. I'm not sure what I can suggest to fix this issue.


Quote from: fearless on July 29, 2019, 09:00:57 PM
I haven't been able to reproduce this and I have left my copy running since 22/07/2019. I've tried to cause it to crash or cause other odd issues, but still nothing like what your describing. I'm not sure what I can suggest to fix this issue.

Put the system into sleep mode, log in again and wait, should work exactly as I described ... Found another bug, when the memory indicator is on, then if you select it with the mouse, in this case, the indicator disappears  :badgrin: This happens when you restart the program to avoid the first bug.


I looked at the x64 version and seen that it had the issue you described. I updated the traymenu control that had a couple missing lines from porting over from the x86 version, and it appears to have fixed the disappearing icon when you mouse over it. I updated the first post with the updated x64 version of TrayInfo.


Quote from: fearless on July 30, 2019, 03:06:34 AM
I looked at the x64 version and seen that it had the issue you described. I updated the traymenu control that had a couple missing lines from porting over from the x86 version, and it appears to have fixed the disappearing icon when you mouse over it. I updated the first post with the updated x64 version of TrayInfo.

Hi fearless,

thank you for correcting errors, all these days it worked without hanging, but today it happened again  :undecided: We need some kind of debug logger that will test changes in the tray, if the current value is not equal to the value in the tray, then activate the full recording of events in the program.


Yes, I noticed on the x86 version - which i have kept running for a few days - that it had stopped updating the icons. I will try and get round to looking at implementing a logger - or perhaps pre-creating the icons, instead of on the fly, like icons for 0-100 - and for remainder icons for 0.1-9.9 - which might be an option to test to see where the issue lies - the shell part or the icon creation part.