The MASM Forum

General => The Campus => Topic started by: mabdelouahab on April 22, 2016, 01:31:31 AM

Title: Sql Server & Masm32
Post by: mabdelouahab on April 22, 2016, 01:31:31 AM
In this topic I will try to put up a way to deal with SQL Server using MASM32, step by step I'll try making the procedures and functions in order to facilitate the work
And just for clarification, I use Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Express (, and Microsoft .NET Framework 4 ( IDE, on Windows 8.1 x64, means that the code is not tested on another system.

To deal with databases we need System.Data library, and to get them we can use the tool Masm32Ref (
Open the tool and then choose :"List Registred .Net Assembly", Then choose :"System.Data, Version=x.x.x.x" , Then choose then output folder and OK.
Go back to the IDE, open a new project name SqlExp.
First we must make sure the work of the .Net using the function __InitCLR
__UNICODE__ equ 1
   include System.Data.INC
   include Masm32RefMacro.INC

   .if rv(__InitCLR)
      invoke crt_wprintf,BSTR$(13,10," unable to Initialise CLR")

end start

Note the necessary files should be loaded :

   Masm32Ref.INC ( to "\Masm32\include"
   Masm32Ref.lib ( to "\Masm32\lib"
   Masm32RefMacro.INC ( to "\Masm32\include"
Title: Sql Server & Masm32 - ExistSqlDataBase
Post by: mabdelouahab on April 22, 2016, 01:43:11 AM
Check if exist a database
    dbName : the name of database
Return :
    eax == TRUE if database exist
    eax == FALSE if database not exist
    eax == 2 if Eror

   ExistSqlDataBase PROC   dbName
      LOCAL l_SqlConnection
      LOCAL l_SqlCommand
      LOCAL l_SqlDataReader
      LOCAL l_Bool
      LOCAL create_Str   [255]:word
      LOCAL create_StrB
      __New_Null l_SqlConnection
      __New_Null l_SqlCommand
      __New_Null l_SqlDataReader
      New_System_Data_SqlClient_SqlConnection_2               l_SqlConnection
      .if eax
         System_Data_SqlClient_SqlConnection_CreateCommand          l_SqlConnection,l_SqlCommand
         System_Data_SqlClient_SqlConnection_ConnectionString_Set   l_SqlConnection,__String(" Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=True;")
         System_Data_SqlClient_SqlConnection_Open               l_SqlConnection
         .if eax
            invoke RtlZeroMemory ,addr create_Str,255*2
            invoke lstrcat,addr create_Str,BSTR$(" IF EXISTS",28h,"SELECT * FROM sys.sysdatabases where name= ",27h)
            invoke lstrcat,addr create_Str,dbName
            invoke lstrcat,addr create_Str,BSTR$(27h,29h,13,10," SELECT ",27h,"OK",27h,"; ")
            invoke SysAllocString,addr create_Str
            mov create_StrB,eax
            System_Data_SqlClient_SqlCommand_CommandText_Set         l_SqlCommand,__String( create_StrB)
            __New_Null l_Bool
            System_Data_SqlClient_SqlCommand_ExecuteReader            l_SqlCommand,l_SqlDataReader
            System_Data_SqlClient_SqlDataReader_Read               l_SqlDataReader,l_Bool
            System_Data_SqlClient_SqlDataReader_HasRows_Get            l_SqlDataReader,l_Bool
            System_Data_SqlClient_SqlConnection_Close               l_SqlConnection
            invoke SysFreeString,create_StrB
            mov ecx,l_Bool
            movzx eax,[ecx].VARIANT.boolVal
            invoke crt_wprintf,BSTR$(13,10," unable to Open SqlConnection")
            mov eax ,2
         invoke crt_wprintf,BSTR$(13,10," unable to create new SqlConnection")
         mov eax ,2
   ExistSqlDataBase endp

Title: Sql Server & Masm32 - CreateSQLDataBase
Post by: mabdelouahab on April 22, 2016, 02:16:50 AM
Create new database
    dbName : the name of database
    eax==True : if the database created
    eax==False :error
   CreateSQLDataBase   PROC   dbName
      LOCAL l_SqlConnection
      LOCAL l_SqlCommand
      LOCAL create_Str   [255]:word
      LOCAL create_StrB
      __New_Null l_SqlConnection
      __New_Null l_SqlCommand
      New_System_Data_SqlClient_SqlConnection_2               l_SqlConnection
      .if eax
         System_Data_SqlClient_SqlConnection_CreateCommand          l_SqlConnection,l_SqlCommand
         System_Data_SqlClient_SqlConnection_ConnectionString_Set   l_SqlConnection,__String(" Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=True;")
         System_Data_SqlClient_SqlConnection_Open               l_SqlConnection
         .if eax
            invoke RtlZeroMemory ,addr create_Str,255*2
            invoke lstrcat,addr create_Str,BSTR$(" CREATE DATABASE ")
            invoke lstrcat,addr create_Str,dbName
            invoke SysAllocString,addr create_Str
            mov create_StrB,eax
            System_Data_SqlClient_SqlCommand_CommandText_Set         l_SqlCommand,__String( create_StrB)
            System_Data_SqlClient_SqlCommand_ExecuteNonQuery         l_SqlCommand,0
            push eax
            invoke SysFreeString,create_StrB
            System_Data_SqlClient_SqlConnection_Close               l_SqlConnection         
            pop eax
   CreateSQLDataBase endp


   __UNICODE__ equ 1
   include System.Data.INC
   include Masm32RefMacro.INC
   include SqlExp.Inc


   .if rv(__InitCLR)
      .if _rv( ExistSqlDataBase,BSTR$("DBTest")) != 2
         .if eax   
            invoke crt_wprintf,BSTR$(13,10," Database exist",13,10)
            invoke crt_wprintf,BSTR$(13,10," Database not Found",13,10)
            invoke CreateSQLDataBase,BSTR$("DBTest")
      invoke crt_wprintf,BSTR$(13,10," unable to Initialise CLR",13,10)
end start

Title: Sql Server & Masm32 - Drop DataBase
Post by: mabdelouahab on April 22, 2016, 07:03:07 AM
Drop DataBase
    dbName : the name of database
    eax==True : if OK
    eax==False :error

Quote      DropSQLDataBase   PROC   dbName
      LOCAL l_SqlConnection
      LOCAL l_SqlCommand
      LOCAL create_Str   [255]:word
      LOCAL create_StrB
      __New_Null l_SqlConnection
      __New_Null l_SqlCommand
      New_System_Data_SqlClient_SqlConnection_2               l_SqlConnection
      .if eax
         System_Data_SqlClient_SqlConnection_CreateCommand          l_SqlConnection,l_SqlCommand
         System_Data_SqlClient_SqlConnection_ConnectionString_Set   l_SqlConnection,__String(" Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=True;")
         System_Data_SqlClient_SqlConnection_Open               l_SqlConnection
         .if eax
            invoke RtlZeroMemory ,addr create_Str,255*2
            invoke lstrcat,addr create_Str,BSTR$("  Drop DATABASE  ")
            invoke lstrcat,addr create_Str,dbName
            invoke SysAllocString,addr create_Str
            mov create_StrB,eax
            System_Data_SqlClient_SqlCommand_CommandText_Set         l_SqlCommand,__String( create_StrB)
            System_Data_SqlClient_SqlCommand_ExecuteNonQuery         l_SqlCommand,0
            push eax
            invoke SysFreeString,create_StrB
            System_Data_SqlClient_SqlConnection_Close               l_SqlConnection
            pop eax
   DropSQLDataBase endp
Title: Re: Sql Server & Masm32
Post by: mabdelouahab on April 25, 2016, 02:37:55 AM
Create Table
    dbName: the name of database
    tableName: the name of table
    Primary_Key: True :create primary key identity,False: nothing
    eax==True : if OK
    eax==False :error
   CreateSQLTable   PROC   dbName,tableName,Primary_Key
      LOCAL l_SqlConnection
      LOCAL l_SqlCommand
      LOCAL create_Str   [512]:word
      LOCAL create_StrB
      __New_Null l_SqlConnection
      __New_Null l_SqlCommand
      New_System_Data_SqlClient_SqlConnection_2               l_SqlConnection
      .if eax
         System_Data_SqlClient_SqlConnection_CreateCommand          l_SqlConnection,l_SqlCommand
         invoke RtlZeroMemory ,addr create_Str,255*2
         invoke lstrcat,addr create_Str,BSTR$(" Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS; Initial Catalog=")
         invoke lstrcat,addr create_Str,dbName
         invoke lstrcat,addr create_Str,BSTR$("; Integrated Security=True;")
         invoke SysAllocString,addr create_Str      
         mov create_StrB,eax
         System_Data_SqlClient_SqlConnection_ConnectionString_Set   l_SqlConnection,__String(create_StrB)
         invoke SysFreeString,create_StrB
         System_Data_SqlClient_SqlConnection_Open               l_SqlConnection
         .if eax
            invoke RtlZeroMemory ,addr create_Str,512*2
            invoke lstrcat,addr create_Str,BSTR$(" CREATE TABLE ")
            invoke lstrcat,addr create_Str,tableName
            .if Primary_Key
               invoke lstrcat,addr create_Str,BSTR$(" ",28h,"Id  INT PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY",29h)
            invoke SysAllocString,addr create_Str
            mov create_StrB,eax
            System_Data_SqlClient_SqlCommand_CommandText_Set         l_SqlCommand,__String(create_StrB)      
            System_Data_SqlClient_SqlCommand_ExecuteNonQuery         l_SqlCommand,0
            push eax
            invoke SysFreeString,create_StrB
            System_Data_SqlClient_SqlConnection_Close               l_SqlConnection         
            pop eax            
   CreateSQLTable endp

    __UNICODE__ equ 1
    include System.Data.INC
    include Masm32RefMacro.INC
    include SqlExp.Inc
    .if rv(__InitCLR)
        .if _rv( ExistSqlDataBase,chr$("Masm32_DataBase")) != 2
            .if eax   
                invoke crt_wprintf,cfm$("\n Database exist \n")
                .if _rv(CreateSQLDataBase,chr$("Masm32_DataBase"))
                    invoke CreateSQLTable,chr$("Masm32_DataBase"),chr$("Masm32_Table1")    ,TRUE               
                    invoke CreateSQLTable,chr$("Masm32_DataBase"),chr$("Masm32_Table2")    ,TRUE               
                    invoke CreateSQLTable,chr$("Masm32_DataBase"),chr$("Masm32_Table3")    ,TRUE               
                    invoke crt_wprintf,cfm$("\n Operation Complet \n")
                    invoke crt_wprintf,cfm$("\n unable to create new database \n")
        invoke crt_wprintf,cfm$("\n unable to Initialise CLR \n")
end start

Title: Re: Sql Server & Masm32
Post by: Zen on April 29, 2016, 05:47:34 AM
This is a terrific concept,...I have never learned how to program SQL in any variation. I will study this intensely,...thanks for posting all the example code.
Title: Re: Sql Server & Masm32
Post by: qWord on April 29, 2016, 06:08:09 AM
next step: hibernate + ObjAsm32   :biggrin:
Title: Re: Sql Server & Masm32
Post by: mabdelouahab on April 29, 2016, 06:46:56 AM
Hi Zen,qWord, I thank you for reply

Quote from: qWord on April 29, 2016, 06:08:09 AM
next step: hibernate + ObjAsm32   :biggrin:
There are a lot  :biggrin:, I expected that no one  cares for the topic
Title: Re: Sql Server & Masm32
Post by: mabdelouahab on April 29, 2016, 07:52:28 AM
Add Column To Table
    dbName: the name of database
    tableName: the name of table
    columnName:  the name of table
    SqlDbTypeStr: Data Type [,length][,Default Value]

              Data Type:
                 BigInt, Binary, Bit, Char, DateTime, Decimal, Float, Image, Int, Money,
                 NChar, NText, NVarChar, Real, UniqueIdentifier, SmallDateTime, SmallInt, SmallMoney, Text, Timestamp,
                 TinyInt, VarBinary, VarChar, Variant, Xml, Udt, Structured, Date, Time, DateTime2, DateTimeOffset

    eax==True : if OK
    eax==False :error

    AddColumnToSQLTable    PROC    dbName,tableName,columnName,__SqlDbTypeStr
        LOCAL l_SqlConnection
        LOCAL l_SqlCommand
        LOCAL create_Str    [512]:word
        LOCAL create_StrB
        __New_Null l_SqlConnection
        __New_Null l_SqlCommand
        New_System_Data_SqlClient_SqlConnection_2                    l_SqlConnection
        .if eax
            System_Data_SqlClient_SqlConnection_CreateCommand             l_SqlConnection,l_SqlCommand
            invoke RtlZeroMemory ,addr create_Str,255*2
            invoke lstrcat,addr create_Str,BSTR$(" Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS; Initial Catalog=")
            invoke lstrcat,addr create_Str,dbName
            invoke lstrcat,addr create_Str,BSTR$("; Integrated Security=True;")
            invoke SysAllocString,addr create_Str       
            mov create_StrB,eax
            System_Data_SqlClient_SqlConnection_ConnectionString_Set    l_SqlConnection,__String(create_StrB)
            invoke SysFreeString,create_StrB
            System_Data_SqlClient_SqlConnection_Open                    l_SqlConnection
            .if eax
                invoke RtlZeroMemory ,addr create_Str,512*2
                invoke lstrcat,addr create_Str,BSTR$(" ALTER TABLE ")
                invoke lstrcat,addr create_Str,tableName
                invoke lstrcat,addr create_Str,BSTR$(" ADD ")
                invoke lstrcat,addr create_Str,columnName
                invoke lstrcat,addr create_Str,BSTR$(" ")
                invoke lstrcat,addr create_Str,__SqlDbTypeStr
                invoke SysAllocString,addr create_Str
                mov create_StrB,eax
                System_Data_SqlClient_SqlCommand_CommandText_Set            l_SqlCommand,__String(create_StrB)       
                System_Data_SqlClient_SqlCommand_ExecuteNonQuery            l_SqlCommand,0
                push eax
                invoke SysFreeString,create_StrB
                System_Data_SqlClient_SqlConnection_Close                    l_SqlConnection
                pop eax                           
    AddColumnToSQLTable endp
    invoke AddColumnToSQLTable ,chr$("Masm32_DataBase"),            
                                chr$(" Int ")               
    invoke AddColumnToSQLTable ,chr$("Masm32_DataBase"),
                                chr$(" NVarChar(20) Not Null DEFAULT 'Abc' ")               
    invoke AddColumnToSQLTable ,chr$("Masm32_DataBase"),
                                chr$(" Int Not Null DEFAULT 19 ")               

Title: Re: Sql Server & Masm32
Post by: mabdelouahab on May 07, 2016, 03:01:31 AM
The second part: Use a database
I. Execute Non Query

I think we will need many Methods  :biggrin:
        eax== pointer to System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection Object (PTR to VARIANT )
        eax==False :error
        pSqlConnection: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection Object (from CreateSqlConnection)
        pConnectionString: Connection String (ConnectionString Property (  /  SQL Server 2012 connection strings (
        eax==True : if OK
        eax==False :error
        pSqlConnection: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection Object (from CreateSqlConnection)
        eax==pointer to System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand Object (PTR to VARIANT )
        eax==False :error
        pSqlCommand: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand Object (from CreateSqlCommand)
        queryString: String=Transact-SQL statement (Transact-SQL Reference (  /  TSQL Tutorial (
        eax==True :OK
        eax==False :error
ExecuteNonQuery: Executes a Transact-SQL statement
        pSqlCommand: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand Object (from CreateSqlCommand)
        eax== The number of rows affected.
        eax==False :error

   CreateSqlConnection Proc   
      LOCAL lSqlConnection
      mov lSqlConnection,_rv(HeapAlloc,_rv(GetProcessHeap),0,16)
      New_System_Data_SqlClient_SqlConnection_2               lSqlConnection   
      .if eax
         mov eax,lSqlConnection
   CreateSqlConnection endp
   OpenSqlConnection Proc   pSqlConnection,pConnectionString
      LOCAL LString

      mov LString,_rv(SysAllocString,pConnectionString)
      System_Data_SqlClient_SqlConnection_ConnectionString_Set   pSqlConnection,__String(LString)
      invoke SysFreeString,LString
      System_Data_SqlClient_SqlConnection_Open               pSqlConnection
   OpenSqlConnection endp
   CreateSqlCommand Proc pSqlConnection
      LOCAL lSqlCommand
      mov lSqlCommand,_rv(HeapAlloc,_rv(GetProcessHeap),0,16)
      System_Data_SqlClient_SqlConnection_CreateCommand          pSqlConnection,lSqlCommand
      .if eax
         mov eax,lSqlCommand
   CreateSqlCommand endp
   SetCommandText Proc   pSqlCommand,queryString
      LOCAL LString
      mov LString,_rv(SysAllocString,queryString)
      System_Data_SqlClient_SqlCommand_CommandText_Set         pSqlCommand,__String(LString)      
      PUSH EAX
      invoke SysFreeString,LString   
      POP EAX         
   SetCommandText endp
   ExecuteNonQuery proc pSqlCommand
      LOCAL nbrows
      __New_Null nbrows
      System_Data_SqlClient_SqlCommand_ExecuteNonQuery         pSqlCommand,nbrows
      .if eax
         mov eax,nbrows
         mov eax,[eax].VARIANT.lVal
   ExecuteNonQuery endp


            _SqlConnection    dd    0
            _SqlCommand    dd    0
            __ConnectionString   dd   BSTR$(" Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS; Integrated Security=True; Initial Catalog=Masm32_DataBase")
            mov _SqlConnection,_rv( CreateSqlConnection)
            .if eax
                .if _rv(OpenSqlConnection,_SqlConnection,__ConnectionString)
                    mov _SqlCommand,_rv(CreateSqlCommand,_SqlConnection)
                    invoke SetCommandText,_SqlCommand,chr$(" INSERT INTO Masm32_Table2 (Masm32_Colomn1)VALUES (1889); ")
                    invoke ExecuteNonQuery,_SqlCommand
                    invoke crt_wprintf,cfm$("\n The number of rows affected=%d \n"),eax
                    invoke SetCommandText,_SqlCommand,chr$(" INSERT INTO Masm32_Table2 (Masm32_Colomn2)VALUES ('Example A');",13,10," INSERT INTO Masm32_Table2 (Masm32_Colomn1)VALUES (1889);")
                    invoke ExecuteNonQuery,_SqlCommand
                    invoke crt_wprintf,cfm$("\n The number of rows affected=%d \n"),eax

  The number of rows affected=1

  The number of rows affected=2
Title: Re: Sql Server & Masm32
Post by: mabdelouahab on May 12, 2016, 07:06:47 AM
Add SQL Parameters
For SqlDbType: BigInt:
            pSqlCommand: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand Object (from CreateSqlCommand method)
            _parameterName : ptr to parameter Name
            _parameterValue : the Value DWORD
For SqlDbType: Bit:
            pSqlCommand: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand Object (from CreateSqlCommand method)
            _parameterName : ptr to parameter Name
            _parameterValue : TRUE or FALSE
For SqlDbType: Char, Text, VarChar, NChar, NText, NVarChar, Xml:
        pSqlCommand: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand Object (from CreateSqlCommand method)
        _parameterName : ptr to parameter Name
        _parameterValue :  ptr to text value
Quote   AddParameter PROC pSqlCommand,_parameterName,_parameterValue
      LOCAL l_Parameter , LString , VString
      LOCAL VarValue:VARIANT
      mov LString,_rv(SysAllocString,_parameterName)

      __New_Null l_Parameter
      System_Data_SqlClient_SqlCommand_Parameters_Get pSqlCommand,l_Parameter
      System_Data_SqlClient_SqlParameterCollection_AddWithValue l_Parameter,__String(LString),_parameterValue,0      
      invoke SysFreeString,LString

   AddParameter endp
    ; long: SqlDbType.BigInt:
   AddLongParameter PROC pSqlCommand,_parameterName,_parameterValue
      LOCAL VarValue:VARIANT
      mov    VarValue.vt,VT_I4
      mov    eax,_parameterValue
      mov    VarValue.lVal,eax
      invoke AddParameter,pSqlCommand,_parameterName,addr VarValue
   AddLongParameter endp
   ; bool: SqlDbType.Bit:
   AddBoolParameter PROC pSqlCommand,_parameterName,_parameterValue:word
      LOCAL VarValue:VARIANT   
      mov    VarValue.vt,VT_BOOL
      mov    ax,_parameterValue
      mov    VarValue.boolVal,ax
      invoke AddParameter,pSqlCommand,_parameterName,addr VarValue
   AddBoolParameter endp
   ;  string: SqlDbType.Char,SqlDbType.Text,SqlDbType.VarChar,SqlDbType.NChar,SqlDbType.NText,SqlDbType.NVarChar,SqlDbType.Xml
   AddStringParameter PROC pSqlCommand,_parameterName,_parameterValue
      LOCAL VString
      LOCAL VarValue:VARIANT
      mov VString,_rv(SysAllocString,_parameterValue)

      mov    VarValue.vt,VT_BSTR
      mov    eax,VString
      mov    VarValue.bstrVal,eax

      invoke AddParameter,pSqlCommand,_parameterName,addr VarValue
      invoke SysFreeString,VString

   AddStringParameter endp

Example :

               invoke AddColumnToSQLTable ,chr$("MyDataBase"),
                                    chr$(" BigInt ")            
               invoke AddColumnToSQLTable ,chr$("MyDataBase"),
                                    chr$(" Bit ")            
               invoke AddColumnToSQLTable ,chr$("MyDataBase"),
                                    chr$(" NText ")            
               invoke AddColumnToSQLTable ,chr$("MyDataBase"),
                                    chr$(" NVarChar(30) ")   
            invoke SetCommandText,_SqlCommand,chr$(" INSERT INTO MyTable (ClmBigInt,ClmBit,ClmNVarChar,ClmNText)VALUES (@v01,@v02,@v03,@v04); ")

            invoke AddLongParameter,_SqlCommand,chr$("@v01"),1477
            invoke AddBoolParameter,_SqlCommand,chr$("@v02"),TRUE
            invoke AddStringParameter,_SqlCommand,chr$("@v03"),chr$("strint example ")
            invoke AddStringParameter,_SqlCommand,chr$("@v04"),chr$("masm32 forum")

            invoke ExecuteNonQuery,_SqlCommand
Title: Re: Sql Server & Masm32
Post by: Zen on May 12, 2016, 07:56:49 AM
Sorry, I've had other stuff to do lately, and didn't get to your SQL Project. But, I visited Sourceforge: Masm32Ref, Brought to You By: MABDELOUAHAB (
I didn't realize that you had posted a thread about: Masm32Ref, January 14, 2016 ( I was totally unaware that this program even existed.
...I'm afraid to ask you how much sleep you lost coding this tool,...:bgrin:
Title: Re: Sql Server & Masm32
Post by: jj2007 on May 12, 2016, 04:27:08 PM
Quote from: Zen on May 12, 2016, 07:56:49 AM

I fully agree :t
Title: Re: Sql Server & Masm32
Post by: mabdelouahab on May 12, 2016, 06:27:13 PM
thank you jj2007, Zen
Quote from: Zen on May 12, 2016, 07:56:49 AM
...I'm afraid to ask you how much sleep you lost coding this tool,...:bgrin:
two years  :biggrin:
I do not forget that your topic Really Bizarre Question ( has helped me, and so the topic deleted by MSDN .NET Type Internals (, but there is a copy in .NET Framework Internals to See How the CLR Creates Runtime Objects (
Title: Re: Sql Server & Masm32
Post by: mabdelouahab on May 12, 2016, 10:35:01 PM
Add SQL Parameters
For SqlDbType: Real:
            pSqlCommand: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand Object (from CreateSqlCommand method)
            _parameterName : ptr to parameter Name
            _parameterValue : the Value REAL4
For SqlDbType: Float:
            pSqlCommand: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand Object (from CreateSqlCommand method)
            _parameterName : ptr to parameter Name
            _parameterValue :  the Value REAL8
For SqlDbType: Int:
        pSqlCommand: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand Object (from CreateSqlCommand method)
        _parameterName : ptr to parameter Name
        _parameterValue : dword

For SqlDbType: SmallInt:
        pSqlCommand: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand Object (from CreateSqlCommand method)
        _parameterName : ptr to parameter Name
        _parameterValue : word value

   ;float: SqlDbType.Real
   AddFloatParameter PROC pSqlCommand,_parameterName,_parameterValue:REAL4
      LOCAL VarValue:VARIANT
      mov    VarValue.vt,VT_R4
      lea    ecx,VarValue.fltVal
      fld    _parameterValue
      fstp   REAL4 PTR [ecx]
      invoke AddParameter,pSqlCommand,_parameterName,addr VarValue
   AddFloatParameter endp
   ;double: SqlDbType.Float:
   AddDoubleParameter PROC pSqlCommand,_parameterName,_parameterValue:REAL8
      LOCAL VarValue:VARIANT

      mov    VarValue.vt,VT_R8
      lea    ecx,VarValue.dblVal
      fld    _parameterValue
      fstp   REAL8 PTR [ecx]

      invoke AddParameter,pSqlCommand,_parameterName,addr VarValue

   AddDoubleParameter endp
    ;int: sqlDbType.Int:
   AddIntParameter PROC pSqlCommand,_parameterName,_parameterValue
      LOCAL VarValue:VARIANT
      mov    VarValue.vt,VT_INT
      mov    eax,_parameterValue
      mov    VarValue.lVal,eax
      invoke AddParameter,pSqlCommand,_parameterName,addr VarValue
   AddIntParameter endp
    ;short; SqlDbType.SmallInt:
   AddShortParameter PROC pSqlCommand,_parameterName,_parameterValue:word
      LOCAL VarValue:VARIANT
      mov    VarValue.vt,VT_I2
      mov    ax,_parameterValue
      mov    VarValue.iVal,ax
      invoke AddParameter,pSqlCommand,_parameterName,addr VarValue
   AddShortParameter endp

Example :

               invoke AddColumnToSQLTable ,chr$("MyDataBase"),
                                    chr$(" Real")            
               invoke AddColumnToSQLTable ,chr$("MyDataBase"),
                                    chr$(" Float ")            
               invoke AddColumnToSQLTable ,chr$("MyDataBase"),
                                    chr$(" Int")            
               invoke AddColumnToSQLTable ,chr$("MyDataBase"),
                                    chr$(" SmallInt ")   
                        prmPIr4   REAL4   3.14159265358979323846264338327
                        prmPIr8   REAL8   3.14159265358979323846264338327

            invoke SetCommandText,_SqlCommand,chr$(" INSERT INTO MyTable (ClmReal,ClmFloat,ClmInt,ClmSmallInt)VALUES (@v01,@v02,@v03,@v04); ")

            invoke AddFloatParameter,_SqlCommand,chr$("@v01"),prmPIr4
            invoke AddDoubleParameter,_SqlCommand,chr$("@v02"),prmPIr8
            invoke AddIntParameter,_SqlCommand,chr$("@v03")1012
            invoke AddShortParameter,_SqlCommand,chr$("@v04")511

            invoke ExecuteNonQuery,_SqlCommand
Title: Re: Sql Server & Masm32
Post by: mabdelouahab on May 16, 2016, 03:26:34 AM
Add SQL Parameters
For SqlDbType: Binary, Image, Timestamp, VarBinary:
            pSqlCommand: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand Object (from CreateSqlCommand method)
            _parameterName : ptr to parameter Name
            _nByte: The number of bytes to be passed
            _pByte: Ptr to the first byte

   ;byte[]: SqlDbType.Binary, SqlDbType.Image, SqlDbType.Timestamp, SqlDbType.VarBinary
   AddArrayOfByteParameter PROC pSqlCommand,_parameterName,_nByte,_pByte
      LOCAL VarValue:VARIANT
         __byteArray   SAFEARRAY   <>
      lea ecx,__byteArray
      mov [ecx].SAFEARRAY.cDims              ,1
      mov [ecx].SAFEARRAY.fFeatures          ,0
                mov [ecx].SAFEARRAY.cbElements         ,1
      mov [ecx].SAFEARRAY.cLocks             ,0
      mov eax,_pByte
      mov [ecx].SAFEARRAY.pvData             ,eax
      mov eax,_nByte
      mov [ecx].SAFEARRAY.rgsabound.cElements   ,EAX
      mov [ecx].SAFEARRAY.rgsabound.lLbound   ,0 
      mov    VarValue.vt,VT_ARRAY OR VT_UI1
      mov    VarValue.parray,ecx
      invoke AddParameter,pSqlCommand,_parameterName,addr VarValue

   AddArrayOfByteParameter endp

Example :


               invoke AddColumnToSQLTable ,chr$("MyDataBase"),
                                    chr$(" Binary(3) ")            
               invoke AddColumnToSQLTable ,chr$("MyDataBase"),
                                    chr$(" Image ")            
               invoke AddColumnToSQLTable ,chr$("MyDataBase"),
                                    chr$(" Timestamp ")            
               invoke AddColumnToSQLTable ,chr$("MyDataBase"),
                                    chr$(" VarBinary(10) ")            

                     arrByte   db   1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17
                     invoke SetCommandText,_SqlCommand,chr$(" INSERT INTO MyTable (column01,column02,column04)VALUES (@p1,@A2,@param); ")
                     invoke AddArrayOfByteParameter,_SqlCommand,chr$("@p1"),3,addr arrByte
                     invoke AddArrayOfByteParameter,_SqlCommand,chr$("@param"),10,addr arrByte
                     invoke AddArrayOfByteParameter,_SqlCommand,chr$("@A2"),15,addr arrByte
                     invoke ExecuteNonQuery,_SqlCommand

timestamp (Transact-SQL)

Is a data type that exposes automatically generated, unique binary numbers within a database. timestamp is generally used as a mechanism for version-stamping table rows. The storage size is 8 bytes. The timestamp data type is just an incrementing number and does not preserve a date or a time. To record a date or time, use a datetime data type.
Each database has a counter that is incremented for each insert or update operation that is performed on a table that contains a timestamp column within the database. This counter is the database timestamp. This tracks a relative time within a database, not an actual time that can be associated with a clock. A table can have only one timestamp column. Every time that a row with a timestamp column is modified or inserted, the incremented database timestamp value is inserted in the timestamp column. This property makes a timestamp column a poor candidate for keys, especially primary keys. Any update made to the row changes the timestamp value and, therefore, changes the key value. If the column is in a primary key, the old key value is no longer valid, and foreign keys referencing the old value are no longer valid. If the table is referenced in a dynamic cursor, all updates change the position of the rows in the cursor. If the column is in an index key, all updates to the data row also generate updates of the index
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