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A question on find$ macro.

Started by clamicun, September 19, 2016, 10:56:23 AM

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A question on find$ macro.

thestring db "1234.56",0
eax = find$(offset thestring,".")
returns 5

Is there a function or a macro - to check on 2 dots ?

thestring2 db"123.4.56
macro or function ???

Thank you


Use the same macro again but add one (1) to the return value from the first macro call and use it as the address to start from.


Does make sense ..
Thank you Hutch

thestring db "1234.56",0
eax = find$(1,offset thestring,".")
returns 5

thestring2 db "1234.56.78",0
eax = find$(5,offset thestring2,".")