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NeHe Tutorial in masm64

Started by Mikl__, August 06, 2020, 12:55:45 PM

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Bonjour, Yves!
Try to follow the link again


Same thing,
After the too many questions i failed on the phone format number ?!
Fa is a musical note to play with CL


QuoteSame thing, After the too many questions i failed on the phone format number ?!
There shouldn't be any questions, some problems with accessing the virtual disk, but I'll figure it out


Hi Mikl__ !

Quote from: Mikl__ on July 28, 2021, 08:25:11 PM
There shouldn't be any questions, some problems with accessing the virtual disk, but I'll figure it out
Requiere to create an ID, and provide email adress or phone number. I don't do that, then I don't know what happen next :biggrin:
Equations in Assembly: SmplMath


Lesson #43: FreeType Fonts in OpenGL

In this tutorial NeHe teaches how to work with font anti-aliasing. Bitmap fonts are usually blocky looking when zoomed, and outline fonts eat up too much CPU. You can now create extremely nice looking fonts using the FreeType library. By using the FreeType library you can create anti-aliased text. The text is easy to rotate and works well with OpenGL's picking functions. The example program is based on lesson 13, and uses the older NeHe basecode. The example is not all that fancy, but after running it, you will see a clear difference between the older WGL Bitmap Font and the new FreeType Font!
There are asm\exe-files, cursor, freetype.dll, and freetype.lib in the attachment.

Attention! The program was written and tested under 64-bit Windows seven. The author did not check how the program will behave under Windows 10...


Quote from: Mikl__ on July 31, 2021, 06:12:40 PM
Lesson #43: FreeType Fonts in OpenGL

In this tutorial NeHe teaches how to work with font anti-aliasing. Bitmap fonts are usually blocky looking when zoomed, and outline fonts eat up too much CPU. You can now create extremely nice looking fonts using the FreeType library. By using the FreeType library you can create anti-aliased text. The text is easy to rotate and works well with OpenGL's picking functions. The example program is based on lesson 13, and uses the older NeHe basecode. The example is not all that fancy, but after running it, you will see a clear difference between the older WGL Bitmap Font and the new FreeType Font!
There are asm\exe-files, cursor, freetype.dll, and freetype.lib in the attachment.

Attention! The program was written and tested under 64-bit Windows seven. The author did not check how the program will behave under Windows 10...

Hi Mikl__,

on Windows 10, the text movement is too fast, and the text line is visible just as a line, but not as text.


Hi, LiaoMi!
Thanks for the comment, I will try to fix it ...


I fixed it. Now the program works in Windows 10 too...
There are asm\exe-files, cursor, freetype.dll, and freetype.lib in the attachment.


Quote from: Mikl__ on August 04, 2021, 10:18:22 AM
I fixed it. Now the program works in Windows 10 too...
There are asm\exe-files, cursor, freetype.dll, and freetype.lib in the attachment.

Hi Mikl__,

now works flawlessly, thanks!  :thumbsup:


Lesson #39: Introduction to Physical Simulations

This tutorial demonstrates motion under gravity, a mass with constant velocity, and a mass connected to a spring. An excellent introduction to physical simulation in projects of your own. The code is based on the latest NeHeGL code and the bitmap font code from lesson 14. It features keyboard interaction and heavy commenting.
There are asm\exe-files and cursor in the attachment.

The program was tested in 64-bit Windows seven and Windows 10...


Works fine on Win7-64, thanks, Mikl :thumbsup: