Masm32 SDK description, downloads and other helpful links
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#ifndef UNICODE
#define UNICODE
#pragma comment(lib, "netapi32.lib")
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <lm.h>
int wmain(int argc, wchar_t *argv[])
DWORD dwLevel = 0;
DWORD dwEntriesRead = 0;
DWORD dwTotalEntries = 0;
DWORD dwResumeHandle = 0;
DWORD dwTotalCount = 0;
LPTSTR pszServerName = NULL;
if (argc > 2)
fwprintf(stderr, L"Usage: %ls [\\\\ServerName]\n", argv[0]);
// The server is not the default local computer.
if (argc == 2)
pszServerName = (LPTSTR) argv[1];
wprintf(L"\nUser account on %ls: \n", pszServerName);
// Call the NetUserEnum function, specifying level 0;
// enumerate global user account types only.
do // begin do
nStatus = NetUserEnum((LPCWSTR) pszServerName,
FILTER_NORMAL_ACCOUNT, // global users
// If the call succeeds,
if ((nStatus == NERR_Success) || (nStatus == ERROR_MORE_DATA))
if ((pTmpBuf = pBuf) != NULL)
// Loop through the entries.
for (i = 0; (i < dwEntriesRead); i++)
assert(pTmpBuf != NULL);
if (pTmpBuf == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "An access violation has occurred\n");
// Print the name of the user account.
wprintf(L"\t-- %ls\n", pTmpBuf->usri0_name);
// Otherwise, print the system error.
fprintf(stderr, "A system error has occurred: %d\n", nStatus);
// Free the allocated buffer.
if (pBuf != NULL)
pBuf = NULL;
// Continue to call NetUserEnum while
// there are more entries.
while (nStatus == ERROR_MORE_DATA); // end do
// Check again for allocated memory.
if (pBuf != NULL)
// Print the final count of users enumerated.
fprintf(stderr, "\nTotal of %d entries enumerated\n", dwTotalCount);
return 0;
QuoteSo what, exactly, are we supposed to learn from this?
PEB STRUCT ; sizeof = 0210h
InheritedAddressSpace BYTE ? ; 0000h
ReadImageFileExecOptions BYTE ? ; 0001h
BeingDebugged BYTE ? ; 0002h
SpareBool BYTE ? ; 0003h
Mutant DWORD ? ; 0004h
ImageBaseAddress DWORD ? ; 0008h
SubSystemData DWORD ? ; 0014h
ProcessHeap DWORD ? ; 0018h
FastPebLockRoutine DWORD ? ; 0020h
FastPebUnlockRoutine DWORD ? ; 0024h
EnvironmentUpdateCount DWORD ? ; 0028h
KernelCallbackTable DWORD ? ; 002Ch
SystemReserved DWORD 1 dup(?) ; 0030h
PebBits PEB_BITS <> ; 0034h named by Four-F
TlsExpansionCounter DWORD ? ; 003Ch
TlsBitmap DWORD ? ; 0040h
TlsBitmapBits DWORD 2 dup(?) ; 0044h
ReadOnlySharedMemoryBase DWORD ? ; 004Ch
ReadOnlySharedMemoryHeap DWORD ? ; 0050h
ReadOnlyStaticServerData DWORD ? ; 0054h
AnsiCodePageData DWORD ? ; 0058h
OemCodePageData DWORD ? ; 005Ch
UnicodeCaseTableData DWORD ? ; 0060h
NumberOfProcessors DWORD ? ; 0064h
NtGlobalFlag DWORD ? ; 0068h
DWORD ? ; 0064h padding
CriticalSectionTimeout LARGE_INTEGER <> ; 0070h
HeapSegmentReserve DWORD ? ; 0078h
HeapSegmentCommit DWORD ? ; 007Ch
HeapDeCommitTotalFreeThreshold DWORD ? ; 0080h
HeapDeCommitFreeBlockThreshold DWORD ? ; 0084h
NumberOfHeaps DWORD ? ; 0088h
MaximumNumberOfHeaps DWORD ? ; 008Ch
ProcessHeaps DWORD ? ; 0090h
GdiSharedHandleTable DWORD ? ; 0094h
ProcessStarterHelper DWORD ? ; 0098h
GdiDCAttributeList DWORD ? ; 009Ch
LoaderLock DWORD ? ; 00A0h
OSMajorVersion DWORD ? ; 00A4h
OSMinorVersion DWORD ? ; 00A8h
OSBuildNumber WORD ? ; 00ACh
OSCSDVersion WORD ? ; 00AEh
OSPlatformId DWORD ? ; 00B0h
ImageSubsystem DWORD ? ; 00B4h
ImageSubsystemMajorVersion DWORD ? ; 00B8h
ImageSubsystemMinorVersion DWORD ? ; 00BCh
ImageProcessAffinityMask DWORD ? ; 00C0h
GdiHandleBuffer DWORD 34 dup(?) ; 00C4h
PostProcessInitRoutine DWORD ? ; 014Ch
TlsExpansionBitmap DWORD ? ; 0150h
TlsExpansionBitmapBits DWORD 32 dup(?) ; 0154h
SessionId DWORD ? ; 01D4h
AppCompatFlags LARGE_INTEGER <> ; 01D8h
AppCompatFlagsUser LARGE_INTEGER <> ; 01E0h
pShimData DWORD ? ; 01E8h
AppCompatInfo DWORD ? ; 01ECh
CSDVersion UNICODE_STRING <> ; 01F0h
ActivationContextData DWORD ? ; 01F8h
ProcessAssemblyStorageMap DWORD ? ; 01FCh
SystemDefaultActivationContextData DWORD ? ; 0200h
SystemAssemblyStorageMap DWORD ? ; 0204h
MinimumStackCommit DWORD ? ; 0208h
DWORD ? ; 020Ch padding
OSMajorVersion DWORD ?
OSMinorVersion DWORD ?
OSBuildNumber WORD ?
Quote from: taken from the linked github pagePacman-Source-Code
The Source Code to the original Atari Pacman game!
The history of Pac-Man encompasses its origins as an innovative arcade game, its widespread popularity and impact on popular culture, the expansion into home console ports and merchandise, and its enduring legacy as an iconic and beloved video game.
Development (1979): Pac-Man was created by Toru Iwatani, a Japanese game designer working at Namco. Inspired by the concept of eating and the image of a pizza with a slice missing, Iwatani aimed to create a game that would appeal to a broader audience beyond the traditional male demographic of arcade games at the time.
Release (1980): Pac-Man was officially released in arcades in May 1980. The game introduced a novel concept where players controlled a round, yellow character named Pac-Man, navigating mazes filled with dots, power pellets, and four ghosts - Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde. The objective was to eat all the dots while avoiding the ghosts.
Popularity and Impact: Pac-Man quickly became a cultural phenomenon, captivating players around the world. Its simple yet addictive gameplay, colorful graphics, and catchy music contributed to its immense popularity. Pac-Man's universal appeal attracted both male and female players, broadening the demographic reach of video games.
Pac-Man Fever: The game's popularity extended beyond arcades and into popular culture. In 1981, a hit single called "Pac-Man Fever" by Buckner & Garcia was released. The song featured lyrics inspired by the game and became a chart-topping hit, solidifying Pac-Man's status as a cultural icon.
Home Console Ports: Pac-Man's success led to numerous ports for home gaming consoles and computers. The Atari 2600 version, released in 1982, became one of the best-selling games for the console. Other popular ports included versions for the Atari 5200, Commodore 64, and the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), among others.
Spin-offs and Sequels: The popularity of Pac-Man spawned a variety of spin-offs and sequels. Ms. Pac-Man, released in 1982, became one of the most successful arcade games of all time. Other notable sequels and spin-offs included Super Pac-Man, Pac-Man Plus, Pac-Mania, Pac-Land, and Pac-Man Championship Edition. These games introduced new gameplay mechanics, mazes, and power-ups, expanding upon the original concept.
Merchandising: Pac-Man's popularity translated into a wide range of merchandise. The game's iconic characters and imagery appeared on toys, clothing, board games, lunch boxes, and more. Pac-Man-themed animated television shows, such as "Pac-Man: The Animated Series" (1982-1983), further popularized the character and his adventures.
Legacy: Pac-Man's legacy is undeniable. It remains one of the most influential video games of all time, defining the maze chase genre and inspiring countless game developers. The character of Pac-Man is instantly recognizable, and the game's distinctive "waka-waka" sound effect has become synonymous with gaming. Pac-Man has been included in numerous video game compilations, anniversary releases, and reimagined versions for modern gaming platforms, ensuring its enduring presence in the gaming industry.
start proc
xor ecx, ecx
call GetModuleHandle ; invoke GetModuleHandle,NULL
lea rcx, DialogBoxParam
xor r8d, r8d
xchg rcx, rax
lea r9, DlgProc
mov [rsp+4*8],r8
lea rdx, Resource
call qword ptr [rax] ; invoke DialogBoxParam,rcx,ADDR Resource,NULL,ADDR DlgProc,NULL
start endp
DlgProc proc
mov ecx, 0FF0000h
call CreateSolidBrush ; invoke CreateSolidBrush,Blue=0FF0000hh
mov hBrush,rax
cmp rdx,WM_CLOSE
je @Ret
cmp rdx, WM_COMMAND
jne @Exit
test r9, r9
cmp r8w, IDM_EXIT
je @Ret
cmp r8w, IDM_ABOUT
jne @Exit
mov r9d, MB_OK
lea r8, title1
lea rdx, msg
xor ecx, ecx
call MessageBox ; invoke MessageBox,NULL,ADDR msg,ADDR title1,MB_OK
jmp @Exit
mov rax, r8
shr rax, 16
cmp ax, BN_CLICKED
jne @Exit
cmp r8w, IDC_EXIT
je @Ret
cmp r8w, IDC_ABOUT
jne @Exit
xor r9d,r9d
mov r8d, IDM_ABOUT
mov edx, WM_COMMAND
call SendMessage ; invoke SendMessage,hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_ABOUT,0
jmp @Exit
xor ecx, ecx
call ExitProcess ; invoke ExitProcess,rcx
xor eax, eax
DlgProc endp
start proc ;Here is the program entry point
SysInit ;Runtime initialization of the OOP model
DbgClearAll ;Clear all DebugCenter windows
ForLpR ir, FP8(0.0), FP8(500.0), FP8(20.0)
DbgDataPoint ir, @fSlv8(ir^1.5), 0, "primera"
DbgDataPoint ir, @fSlv8(ir^1.8), 1, "primera"
DbgDataPoint ir, @fSlv8(ir^2.0), 2, "primera"
NextR ir
DbgDrawGraph "primera"
SysDone ;Runtime finalization of the OOP model
invoke ExitProcess, 0 ;Exit program returning 0 to Windows OS
start endp
Quote from: NoCforMe on October 11, 2024, 11:21:31 AMHmm; when I run this I get a blank window, black, with the title "IDD_DLG". No menu, no nothing.Apparently it is a "bare bones" template or "skeleton" for the user to use as they see fit. He did say it was a "skeleton".