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Send a file to SMTP using masm32/Please help me

Started by hamidfarhadiyan2, March 17, 2014, 02:28:49 AM

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I created a masm-software for capturing screenshots, It's completed
Now I want  adding to it a feature for attaching "screenshots captured" and after attaching, they sending to smtp/ftp in silent

After my try, I can't finding a code for add "send to smtp"
Please help me


Found in a french site (don't read the comments)
Fa is a musical note to play with CL


This file doesn't exist
You must put in comment those lines.
;INVOKE   GetPassword   ;Decoder le mot de passe
;INVOKE   KillPassword
It is in case you want to encrypt your password.
You have also to modify:
INVOKE   InternetConnect,hInternet,ADDR ServeurFtp,21,ADDR UserName, ADDR Password,1,0,0   ;Se connecte au serveur
ServeurFtp is your ftp provider without ftp://
UserName is your full mail adresse
password is the mail adresse password
FileLocal is the directory where to put the downloaded file
FileServer is the name of the file you want to download

Fa is a musical note to play with CL


I have put some comments in english.
Test on my site

;LogFTP.exe - Freeware by Bluebibubble -
include wininet.sdk
includelib Wininet.lib


AppName DB 'Log File Transfert',0
NullString DB 0
;------------------------- MODIFY Those three lines ---------------------------------------------
ServeurFtp DB '',0
Password db 'Wrong',0
UserName DB '',0
MsgErreur DB "Une erreur est survenue, le fichier log n'à pas été transferé !",0
FileServer DB "index.html",0 ;The file to load

;------------ five lines NOT MOVABLE ----------------------------------------------
FileLocal DB 'E:\envoi_file_ftp\' ;Modify this directory
FileYear DD 0
FileMonth DW 0
FileDay DW 0
FileExt DB '.LOG',0    ;end of the new named file

CnvBuff DW 0,0
fMtStrinG DB "%lu",0


hInternet DD ?
hConnection DD ?
hFind DD ?

DirInfo WIN32_FIND_DATA <?>
DateBuffer SYSTEMTIME <?>


Start: INVOKE InternetOpen,ADDR AppName,1,ADDR NullString,ADDR NullString,0 ;Ouvre une connection
.if eax == 0 ;internet
jmp GetError
mov hInternet,eax

;Password and Username are NULL, the function uses the default "anonymous" password.
INVOKE InternetConnect,hInternet,ADDR ServeurFtp,21,ADDR UserName, ADDR Password,1,0,0 ;Se connecte au serveur
.if eax == 0 ;internet
jmp GetError
mov hConnection,eax

INVOKE FtpFindFirstFile,hConnection,ADDR FileServer,ADDR DirInfo,0,0 ;Vérifie présence du
.if eax == 0 ;internet
jmp GetError
lea edx,DirInfo.cFileName
lea ecx,DirInfo.cAlternateFileName

INVOKE FileTimeToSystemTime,ADDR DirInfo.ftLastWriteTime,ADDR DateBuffer ;Convertir la date en
xor eax,eax ;en Nom de fichier
mov ax,DateBuffer.wYear
INVOKE  wsprintf,ADDR FileYear,ADDR fMtStrinG,eax
xor eax,eax
mov ax,DateBuffer.wMonth
INVOKE  wsprintf,ADDR CnvBuff,ADDR fMtStrinG,eax
mov ax,CnvBuff
cmp ah,0
jnz @F
ror ax,8
mov al,'0'
@@: mov FileMonth,ax
xor eax,eax
mov ax,DateBuffer.wDay
INVOKE  wsprintf,ADDR CnvBuff,ADDR fMtStrinG,eax
mov ax,CnvBuff
cmp ah,0
jnz @F
ror ax,8
mov al,'0'
@@: mov FileDay,ax
xor eax,eax

INVOKE FtpGetFile,hConnection,ADDR FileServer,ADDR FileLocal,\ ;Transfert le fichier
or eax,eax
jz GetError
INVOKE InternetCloseHandle,hConnection ;Referme les connections
INVOKE InternetCloseHandle,hInternet ;et
      INVOKE ExitProcess,0 ;quitte sans erreur
GetError: INVOKE  MessageBox,0,ADDR MsgErreur,ADDR AppName,MB_OK ;Si on arrive ici, il
      INVOKE ExitProcess,1;y a eu une erreur.

END Start

Fa is a musical note to play with CL


SMTP Client :




Simple example with cdosys.
Change options in CDOSendTest.asm like smtpserver, sender, receiver, ...
How to make it better?

EDIT 2014-03-21:
- fix some bugs. UNICODE version.
- no macros or headers used anymore.


Thank you for all help
Last help is good,
I changed smtpserver, sender, receiver, ... in file (CDOSendTest.asm)
But I'm after run have a error to name: 80040213

I thinking it need to password also
how to adding password or fixing error ?


These fields are needed:
;hr = SetItem(pFlds, L"", NULL, 465);
;hr = SetItem(pFlds, L"", NULL, 1);
;hr = SetItem(pFlds, L"", NULL, 1);
;hr = SetItem(pFlds, L"", pUser, 0);
;hr = SetItem(pFlds, L"", pPWord, 0);


Codes should be add in what file ?
Please config like with this smtp :
SMTP Server :
port : 587
User :
Pass : 359416


Quote from: hamidfarhadiyan2 on March 20, 2014, 02:54:56 AM
Codes should be add in what file ?
Please config like with this smtp :
SMTP Server :
port : 587
User :
Pass : 359416


Codes should be add in what file ?
Please config like with this smtp :
SMTP Server :
port : 587
User :
Pass : 359416



Alternate version in original message.
Added user, pass, port too.


user, pass, port are changed
But again after run I have a error : 80040211
Please checking and fixing it