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Iczelion Sintax HighLighting in qEditor

Started by HSE, March 03, 2020, 11:08:07 PM

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Hi all!

After tests with RFT and other things result is very simple: Iczelion procedure requiere nothing to work in QE.

Plugin don't modify Richedit properties or text in anyway. For my taste some improvement is needed (sometime...).

Font still is hardcoded: fixedsys, height =12, weight= 500. But is very easy to change that.

Again, location of wordfile.txt must be qEditor's location.

Of course itsn't perfect, is blocking QE functions, and you have to close Syntax to use them (to save for example).
Equations in Assembly: SmplMath


Hi Mikl!

Can you run 64 bits plugins in qEditor?
Equations in Assembly: SmplMath


No. Plugins are dlls, so they must be 32-bit like qEditor. It's different if you launch an executable via a qEditor menu: that can be 64 bits. You could even pass the 32-bit handle to the 64-bit exe and do nasty things with it.


Hi, HSE and jj2007!
I'm trying to write a text editor for IDE and I'll use your idea of syntax coloring through dll


Quote from: Mikl__ on March 15, 2020, 02:27:28 AM
I'm trying to write a text editor for IDE
Fantastic   :thumbsup:

Quote from: Mikl__ on March 15, 2020, 02:27:28 AM
I'll use your idea of syntax coloring through dll
It's what Hutch allow to do in qEditor  :biggrin:
I think you can use dlls in same way in WinAsm and RadAsm.
Equations in Assembly: SmplMath