The MASM Forum

Specialised Projects => PowerBASIC => Topic started by: Crupib on January 16, 2018, 12:48:30 PM

Title: PowerBasic assembler
Post by: Crupib on January 16, 2018, 12:48:30 PM
I am trying to do the following in power basic using the inline assembler:
create an assembler block

asmdata tof
    dd 0000000
end asmdata

the following instruction fails

mov dl, [ebx+tof]

I tried numerous things including codeptr(tof) nothing seems to work.
I get Error 427 Integer constant expedted.
A defined constant works, but it does not help me.
I need to line up with the asm block and increment using ebx.
Any ideas?

Title: Re: PowerBasic assembler
Post by: hutch-- on January 16, 2018, 01:48:26 PM
I am not sure what you are doing but try this.

! mov ecx, tof
! mov dl, BYTE PTR [eax+ecx]
Title: Re: PowerBasic assembler
Post by: Crupib on January 17, 2018, 12:03:44 PM
Thanks I was able to get it to work with the offset instruction