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Why am I having such a hard time uploading my avatar image?

Started by RedSkeleton007, June 25, 2015, 09:08:59 AM

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I'm trying to upload an avatar image for my profile, but it keeps giving me the error message that says something like, "the image you want to upload is either too large or not an avatar". I've shrunk my image down to only 150px by 187px, so I'm starting to suspect that maybe new members can't upload their own avatar for some reason? What is up with this?


New members can, in fact, upload avatar images (6 months ago, anyway). Mine was 30% smaller; could that make a difference? Maybe the type is unacceptable? I used .png
I am NaN ;)


rrr's avatar is only 134x170, mine is 107x107 - maybe you are just a little bit too ambitious?


Hi Red,

The size is 130 x 130 pixel but the forum software will resize a bigger image down to that size if its too big. Make your avatar a JPG or PNG format file and you should have no problems.


Quote from: hutch-- on June 25, 2015, 01:05:18 PM
The size is 130 x 130 pixel but the forum software will resize a bigger image down to that size if its too big. Make your avatar a JPG or PNG format file and you should have no problems.

Hi hutch. I've tried all 3 of those things, and it still won't let me. Is there a more appropriate sub forum that I should have posted this in? Am I allowed to PM the admins about this? Or, any other ideas? Thanks.



Go to your profile on the top menu of the forum, set it so you can upload your avatar, make sure its a JPG or PNG and try and keep it no larger than 130 x 130.



   My avatar is a *.GIF image.  Try one of those, as it was the preferred
type way, way back in the past.


Steve N.


Hey guys, how do you insert an image into a post? I have a screen shot image of my problem to show you, but I can't see how to implement it with just the  opening/closing tags.


Well one way is, post the image on one of these free photo-storage places. I used, there are many. It will give you a ref (to post here) to the image that it stores. There may be better ways to do it
I am NaN ;)


Quote from: hutch-- on June 25, 2015, 05:35:20 PM
Go to your profile on the top menu of the forum, set it so you can upload your avatar, make sure its a JPG or PNG and try and keep it no larger than 130 x 130.

Do you mean this:

This is precisely what is NOT working. Am I trying to upload to the wrong spot?


Equations in Assembly: SmplMath


HSE, it STILL didn't work :(

Does anybody know the quickest (and most appropriate) way I could get the admins attention on this problem? There doesn't seem to be any subforums for website questions/help either, so...


If you want attention from the administrators, you can

- talk about hacking
- or any other illegal activities
- or, say insulting things about Australia!
- For example: Aussies' fathers are kangaroos, due to the bizarre habits of their mothers.

But seriously, u already got the administrator's attention - hutch. No doubt he's working hard on your problem right now! :biggrin:
I am NaN ;)


Quote from: RedSkeleton007 on June 26, 2015, 09:30:50 AM
HSE, it STILL didn't work :(

Does anybody know the quickest (and most appropriate) way I could get the admins attention on this problem? There doesn't seem to be any subforums for website questions/help either, so...

I know that this sounds like the answer from a Help Desk, but, have you tried to turn off your system (power it OFF), then re-boot it?

I just had a "total loss of signal" on my Dish Network (probably transmission problems or solar flair problems - no weather problems here - just the heat in Phoenix). It finally came back up, but would not act normally - (almost) anything to do with recording did not work - Pause, Fast Forward, Backup, etc. I had a program scheduled to record shortly thereafter so I waited until that time. The record light came on as expected, but still no pause, etc. I finally powered it off (pulled the power cord out for the Dish box, waited 10 seconds, then plugged it back in. Everything works like a charm again. I checked on that program that I had tried to record (the record light came on but couldn't pause, etc). There was no record of that program recording anything. Amazing what a re-boot will do,




   Well, in the image you posted it says "No file selected".  Paste
a fully qualified path to the picture there (or click on browse and
navigate there), and see what happens.  "No file selected" would
tend to croak things.

