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Miscellaneous => Irvine Book Questions. => Topic started by: Syre Lancaster on September 30, 2013, 04:25:23 AM

Title: Conflicting Parameter Definition (Array Value Swap Program)
Post by: Syre Lancaster on September 30, 2013, 04:25:23 AM
Hey guys,
I've been working on this practice problem for my class that asks you to create an array of random ints then swap the values in each pair. I've followed the professor's instructions precisely, but I still error when it comes to the DumpMemory Procedure.

Error   1   error A2111: conflicting parameter definition   C:\Irvine\Examples\Project_sample\Problem 18.asm   61   1   ASM_Project
Error   2   error A2008: syntax error : dword   C:\Irvine\Examples\Project_sample\Problem 18.asm   63   1   ASM_Project
Error   3   error A2006: undefined symbol : units   C:\Irvine\Examples\Project_sample\Problem 18.asm   68   1   ASM_Project
Error   4   error A2006: undefined symbol : unitType   C:\Irvine\Examples\Project_sample\Problem 18.asm   69   1   ASM_Project
Error   5   error MSB3721: The command "ml.exe /c /nologo /Zi /Fo"Debug\Problem 18.obj" /I "c:\Irvine" /W3 /errorReport:prompt  /Ta"Problem 18.asm"" exited with code 1.   C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V110\BuildCustomizations\masm.targets   49   5   ASM_Project

I've been over the code several times comparing it directly with the instructional video and I can't seem to find what is causing the trouble. If anyone has any insight into this, it would be greatly appreciated.


Swap PROTO, ;Prototypes

DumpMemory PROTO,

array DWORD 16 DUP(?)
msgBefore BYTE "Array before the swap:",0
msgAfter BYTE "Array after the swap:",0

main PROC
mov esi,OFFSET array
mov ecx,LENGTHOF array

L1: call Random32
mov [esi],eax
add esi,TYPE array
loop L1

INVOKE DumpMemory,OFFSET array,LENGTHOF array,TYPE array
call Crlf

mov esi,OFFSET array
mov ecx,LENGTHOF array ;Number of elements in the array
shr ecx,1 ;Divide counter by 2(pair of elements)

L2: INVOKE Swap,esi,ADDR[esi+4] ;Swap the pair
add esi,TYPE array * 2 ;Next Pair
loop L2

main ENDP

Swap PROC USES eax esi edi,
pValX:PTR DWORD, ;First Pointer
pValY:PTR DWORD ;Second Pointer
;Exchange values of two 32 bit ints

mov esi,pValX ;get pointers
mov edi,pValY
mov eax,[esi] ;get first int
xchg eax,[edi] ;exchange with second
mov [esi],eax ;replace with first int

DumpMemory PROC USES esi ebx ecx,
address:DWORD, ;starting address
units:DWORD, ;number of units
unitType:DWORD ;unit size

mov esi, address
mov ecx, units
mov ebx, unitType
call DumpMem
DumpMemory ENDP
END main

Title: Re: Conflicting Parameter Definition (Array Value Swap Program)
Post by: GoneFishing on September 30, 2013, 04:41:35 AM
Try to prototype your function in this way:


Let me know if it helped or not

Another thought is to rename parameter "address" .
Title: Re: Conflicting Parameter Definition (Array Value Swap Program)
Post by: dedndave on September 30, 2013, 05:26:47 AM
i think you are ok except for a couple commas
both of your PROC's have the same error
DumpMemory PROC USES esi ebx ecx,    ;<------- remove this comma
address:DWORD, ;starting address
units:DWORD, ;number of units
unitType:DWORD ;unit size

normally, it might look like this...
DumpMemory PROC USES esi ebx ecx address:DWORD,units:DWORD,unitType:DWORD

however, vertograd has a point:
try to use names for PROC's, arguments, variables, and other labels that are more unique   :P

and so on....
these are "everyday" names that should be avoided

you almost had a problem with "DumpMemory" - lol
Irvine32 has one named "DumpMem"

otherwise, nice job for a beginner   :t
Title: Re: Conflicting Parameter Definition (Array Value Swap Program)
Post by: jj2007 on September 30, 2013, 05:46:38 AM
As Dave wrote, the comma is illegal.

DumpMemory PROTO address:DWORD, units:DWORD, unitType:DWORD

Replace Swap with MySwap or similar, it seems the assembler doesn't like "Swap".
Title: Re: Conflicting Parameter Definition (Array Value Swap Program)
Post by: Syre Lancaster on September 30, 2013, 06:12:35 AM
Aye I replaced some of the names of the labels as you guys said and moved the defintions into the PROC line for the procedures and the code assembled sucessfully:

Now all I have to figure out is to display the before/after *head scratch*

Updated code:


Swap PROTO, ;Prototypes

DumpMemory PROTO,

array DWORD 16 DUP(?)
msgBefore BYTE "Array before the swap:",0
msgAfter BYTE "Array after the swap:",0

main PROC
mov esi,OFFSET array
mov ecx,LENGTHOF array

L1: call Random32
mov [esi],eax
add esi,TYPE array
loop L1

INVOKE DumpMemory,OFFSET array,LENGTHOF array,TYPE array
call Crlf

mov esi,OFFSET array
mov ecx,LENGTHOF array ;Number of elements in the array
shr ecx,1 ;Divide counter by 2(pair of elements)

L2: INVOKE Swap,esi,ADDR[esi+4] ;Swap the pair
add esi,TYPE array * 2 ;Next Pair
loop L2
call WaitMsg
main ENDP

Swap PROC USES eax esi edi pValX:PTR DWORD,pValY:PTR DWORD
;Exchange values of two 32 bit ints

mov esi,pValX ;get pointers
mov edi,pValY
mov eax,[esi] ;get first int
xchg eax,[edi] ;exchange with second
mov [esi],eax ;replace with first int

DumpMemory PROC USES esi ebx ecx sAddress:DWORD,nUnits:DWORD,unitType:DWORD

mov esi, sAddress
mov ecx, nUnits
mov ebx, unitType
call DumpMem
DumpMemory ENDP
END main

Thanks for the advice, it really helped alot.  :biggrin:
Title: Re: Conflicting Parameter Definition (Array Value Swap Program)
Post by: Syre Lancaster on September 30, 2013, 06:35:20 AM
Figured it out.... added a jmp to the end of L2 and DumpMem'd my way to victory!

L2: INVOKE Swap,esi,ADDR[esi+4] ;Swap the pair
add esi,TYPE array * 2 ;Next Pair
loop L2
jmp L3
mov esi,OFFSET array
mov ecx,LENGTHOF array
mov ebx,TYPE array
call DumpMem

Thank you all, I shall be sure to mention you all after I use this program to TAKE OVER THE WORLD  :badgrin: