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Started by shankle, November 05, 2013, 07:29:06 AM

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Getting these errors when compiling a GoAsm 64-bit program.
The program just puts some data to the screen.


Based on your "Set INCLUDE=D:\codejps" I assume you have placed your header files here. In this folder you should have a C99 folder along with some others, if not, probably easiest to re-unzip Donkey's headers using the "use folder names" option.


Thanks for responding WJR.
I have tried to put the headers in codejps.
I have no idea why I find "C99" in "GoAsm\helpjps\codejps" and in "GoAsm\codejps\controls".
Should I make a folder in codejps and call it c99 and put these two in there?????
Or do what you suggested and reload the headers? 


You have done something differently since the unzip "use folder names" option will place things into a folder called "headers". So it may be easier for you to just copy that C99 folder into your "D:\codejps" folder. Do the same for other folders such as controls, gl, GDIplus, and WMS if you have these elsewhere.


I moved the C99 folder from GoAsm\codejps\controls to GoAsm\codejps.
That seemed to clear up the program. I have no idea how it got put in the wrong place.
Hope I haven't spoken to soon.
Thanks much WJR