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Option Explicit Off
Imports HyperLib
'!!! For this code to work, because of the numeric methods used, "Skip integer overflow checks" option must be checked in the Advanced compile settings
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Hyper.displayMode = Hyper.displayModeType.inDecimalBase2_64
Hyper.maxDigitsInString = 7 'display range
' input some random numbers for a and d ->
Dim a As New Hyper(-251, -253) 'assign 3 * 8 bytes for a, with its least exponent (2^64)^(-253)
a(-252) = -79786875757656175
a(-253) = 79978687575765619 '
a(-251) = 7978687575765619
Dim d As New Hyper(-444, -444) 'reserve 8 bytes for the divisor
d(-444) = 1 + (2 ^ 53)
d(-5) = 1 + 2 ^ 44 'mantissa automatically gets extended when assigning values at exponents out of current range; now the size of "d" is ((444-5) * 8) bytes
Dim rdiv As Hyper = QuickDivide(a, d)
Debug.WriteLine("=================== result:")
rdiv *= d
Debug.WriteLine("=================== check:")
End Sub
Private Function QuickDivide(dividend As Hyper, d As Hyper) As Hyper
Return dividend * ReciprocalVal(d)
End Function
Private Function ReciprocalVal(d As Hyper) As Hyper
precision% = 1444 'number of 64-bit digits to extract. Must be larger than exponent range
precision2% = 222 'may be zero
Dim r As New Hyper(precision, 0) ' New Hyper(0, 0)
Dim bp, r1 As Hyper
hiExp% = d.FindHighExponent
lowExp% = d.FindLowExponent
lowVal& = d(lowExp)
If lowVal And 1 = 0 Then
Debug.WriteLine("even nr")
'if the least significant bit is 0, then we can help ourselves with dividing/multiplying the dividend, and then the result, by 2^n.
d(lowExp - 1) = 1
lowVal = 1
lowExp -= 1
End If
mq& = GetMagicNr(lowVal)
pos% = lowExp '
d.PartSize = 0
bp = New Hyper("1")
pos1% = 0
' get the sequence which, when multiplied by divisor, nullifies itself
r1 = New Hyper(pos1, pos1)
r1(pos1) = bp(pos1) * mq
r(pos1) = r1(pos1)
bp -= d * r1
pos1 += 1
If pos1 > precision Then GoTo nx
'reciprocal values of large numbers tend to repeat at very large intervals, so we'll be satisfied with our precision
GoTo mainloop
r1 = r * d
hi% = r1.FindHighExponent
r.Divide(r1(hi), precision2)
r.PartSize = hi + r1.PartSize + r.PartSize + lowExp '.PartSize
d.PartSize = -lowExp
Debug.WriteLine("--=-=-=-=- recip*d:")
Debug.WriteLine(r * d) 'should output close to 1
Return r
End Function
Private Function GetMagicNr&(a&)
' Magic number or "reciprocal integer" - GET THE 64-BIT NUMBER WHICH, when multiplied by the lowest digit, gives 1 as the remainder of 2^64
' Only for odd numbers.
bt& = 1 'bit tester
d& = a 'bit mask
r& = 0 : i& = 0 : r0& = 0
For i = 0 To 63
If bt And r Then GoTo skip
r += d
r0 = r0 Or bt
bt <<= 1 : d <<= 1
Return r0
End Function
End Class
Quote from: HSE on June 12, 2024, 11:59:09 PMQuote from: sinsi on June 12, 2024, 12:01:27 AMDoes len take into account the zero terminator?
Fantastic Sinsi. That it's the point.
Then must be:mov r12, rvcall(GetCommandLine)
mov r13, len(r12)
add r13, 1
mov r14, alloc(r13)
Quote from: tenkey on August 25, 2024, 01:52:38 AMAn interesting question is if UASM PROC args, USES, LOCALs, INVOKE, and RET properly work together--involving issues I had to consider when constructing STRUCTs for local (stack) data.
Quote from: NoCforMe on August 29, 2024, 08:46:39 PMMaybe the thread title?Quote from: jj2007 on August 29, 2024, 03:37:12 PM... and the Irvine library.
Where do you get that from, JJ? The OP didn't mention it at all. Are you a mind reader?
Quote from: jj2007 on August 29, 2024, 03:37:12 PM... and the Irvine library.