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Started by mabdelouahab, February 21, 2017, 07:47:20 PM

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In the past, I mention that I have made bootloader by Nasm,my Very small os, but it works
Are there samples in HJWasm (32/64)



With the changes I implemented a few versions back yes.. I used it for exactly that purpose. I have a bios and pxe boot loader written in hjwasm which starts something like :

option flat:1


include bootconfig.asm

; Ensure the assembler generates 0 relative offsets for our later CS correction.
; -> Some PXE BIOSes will load the boot sector code to 0000:7c00 while others
; -> will load it to 07c0:0000. We move it to this in either event for
; -> simplicity and to ensure we can re-locate the code to a different segment
; -> without affecting the offsets.
org 0h


db 0eah
dw offset cs_correction, 07c0h ; Hard-coded long jump to force cs:ofs correction.

; Configure Stack and Segment Registers.
cld ; Ensure the direction flag is clear.
cli ; Switch off interrupts while we setup the stack.
mov fs,ax

You can make use of

and use16, use32, use64 in the file to switch codegen types, things which were lacking in hjwasm imho when compared to something like fasm.