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Miscellaneous => The Orphanage => Topic started by: psychoticflora on September 30, 2018, 01:20:01 PM

Title: Question about Iczelion
Post by: psychoticflora on September 30, 2018, 01:20:01 PM
Hey. I'm a new user, 18 yrs old and from the UK.
I recently started to learn x86 assembly and I've been using Iczelion's tutorials.
I also plan on going through his Windows PE tutorials and then reading the Windows Internals book, of course, Iczelion's tutorials are very old nowadays, even though they are still useful.
I'm sure the old 1990s/early 2000s website style would put many new learners off but I am a bit of an internet historian (having done several projects that required me to look back through many old webpages), so it actually makes me quite intrigued when I come across such websites.

At some point when reading Iczelion's tutorials, I decided I would like to learn a bit more about the person I was reading from but there seems to be very little info about him online.
Therefore I was just wondering if anyone has any relevant info about him they would like to share (such as other projects he's been involved in, where he disappeared to, et cetera).
Thanks in advance for any responses!
Title: Re: Question about Iczelion
Post by: felipe on September 30, 2018, 03:29:45 PM
hey psycothicflora, did you try with the cops?  :badgrin:

Welcome btw... :eusa_dance:
Title: Re: Question about Iczelion
Post by: daydreamer on September 30, 2018, 05:36:36 PM
I Think that question is needed to be answered by Hutch
Title: Re: Question about Iczelion
Post by: hutch-- on September 30, 2018, 06:53:08 PM
Iczelion retired in about 1999 and deliberately took his identity and privacy with him, issues like life, wife, work etc .... is why he retired, his identity will never be revealed.
Title: Re: Question about Iczelion
Post by: Mikl__ on September 30, 2018, 09:20:48 PM
Hi, psychoticflora!
It is link for download ( russian computer underground magazine "Hacker" (2002 #45). There is the tiny article about Iczelion on 27th page. There is also a small article about hutch--
Title: Re: Question about Iczelion
Post by: anunitu on October 02, 2018, 01:19:40 AM
somewhere I read he was a doctor in training, before he went silent..hutch??
Title: Re: Question about Iczelion
Post by: avcaballero on October 02, 2018, 04:35:18 AM
Interesting magazine. Unfortunately copy/paste doesn't work on my system to the Google translator :shock:
Title: Re: Question about Iczelion
Post by: Caché GB on October 02, 2018, 09:39:51 AM
OK, in Assembly I cut my teeth on both Kip Irvine and Iczelion.
Now this is where it gets interesting for me.
Later I found out that Irvine is a karateka (Taekwondo) and now I see this picture of Iczelion performing a Choku-zuki (Straight punch) and wearing a karate gi.
In the article link by Mikl__ it says Iczelion lives in Thailand, where the most popular martial art is Muay Thai.
However the most popular style of karate there is JKA Shotokan Karate (Japan Karate Association).
Now the burning question for me is ... Does/did Iczelion practice JKA Shotokan, the same as I do?

Anyway caballero the article translates roughly to:

36 years old. He is married and has a family. Lives in Thailand.
Works for the government.
Assembler is the first language he learned.
It happened 10 years ago, right after graduation.
Iczelion then could not distinguish the monitor from a mouse.
The guy who worked with him in the office had his own computer.
Future maestro then just wanted to play with it but a colleague decided not to let him behind the keyboard until he learn't how to use it.
As the first book from his colleague Iczelion received Peter Norton's "guide for IBM/PC and PS/2".
In it, in the section on programming languages, he found the lines: "only Assembly language allows you to use the power of your PC in full...".
These words marked the beginning of a long journey that resulted in another brilliant low-level programming expert.
Now Iczelion is world-renowned for his leadership in writing code in assembler for Win32.
Title: Re: Question about Iczelion
Post by: Mikl__ on October 02, 2018, 11:11:13 AM
Hi, Caché GB!
I think it is a fake photo of Iczelion.
Maximum, what a journalist could - communicated with him via e-mail.
Pay attention to the year of publication - 2002, then Skype was not yet.
I will not exclude the journalist could even came up with this talk...
Title: Re: Question about Iczelion
Post by: Caché GB on October 02, 2018, 12:02:21 PM
Hi Mikl__

You are right. Knowing how journalists operate.

"...OOO he's from Thailand.
OK let's take a random picture of some Korean wearing a Japanese karate suite, past a band over the eyes and no one, except two people in the world who won't say a thing, will be the wiser.
...OOO it's the end of the month, can I get my pay check now."
Title: Re: Question about Iczelion
Post by: HSE on October 02, 2018, 01:06:04 PM
And Huch's picture, is only somebody with an australian hat?

Title: Re: Question about Iczelion
Post by: hutch-- on October 02, 2018, 01:57:58 PM

I have terrible news for you, I found the two photos and they are both fakes, I am one of the few people who knew what Iczelion looked like 18 years ago and he never looked like that. You can be sure that the photo of me is a fake as the camera did not break.  :P

Iczelion retired without anyone knowing his personal details as he had a life, a career, got married, work and probably kids by now.
I hear see and speak no evil, you will get nothing out of me.
Title: Re: Question about Iczelion
Post by: Mikl__ on October 02, 2018, 02:27:45 PM
Thank you hutch--, but you know the forbidden knowledge attracts a curious man even more. (
Title: Re: Question about Iczelion
Post by: psychoticflora on October 09, 2018, 06:51:54 AM
Interesting article, thanks for all the responses!