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error A2071: initializer magnitude too large for specified size

Started by pgw001, March 25, 2014, 12:01:35 AM

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Hi all,  need some guidance in understanding how to make further progress

I am trying to invoke a procedure but the assembly fails with the A2071 error pointing at the last line (endp) of the procedure.
Attempts to comment out the bulk of the code is not helping and I am not sure what I am looking for ? The logic is not complete
as I cannot proceed without the ability to assemble - code specifics follow:

readrec PROTO :DWORD

        invoke readrec, offset recout

readrec proc outbuf:dword

   LOCAL hFile :DWORD                          ; file handle
        LOCAL bwrt  :DWORD                          ; variable for bytes written
        LOCAL cloc  :DWORD                          ; current location variable
        LOCAL txt   :DWORD                          ; text handle
        LOCAL flen  :DWORD                          ; file length variable
        LOCAL hMem  :DWORD                          ; allocated memory handle
   LOCAL lbuf  :DWORD                     ; address of line buffer
   LOCAL inPtr :DWORD                     ; input buffer ptr
   LOCAL otPtr :DWORD                     ; output buffer ptr

   cmp hMem, 0                           ; Check if file open
   jne labGO                           ; Jump if so

   mov hFile, fopen("testIN.asm")            ; open the input file
        mov flen, fsize(hFile)                      ; get its length
   mov hMem, alloc(1024+1)                  ; allocate a 1k plus '0' buffer
   mov eax, outbuf                        ; store passed line buffer
   mov lbuf, eax                        ; store passed line buffer
   mov inPtr, 0                        ; reset input buffer ptr
   mov otPtr, 0                        ; reset output buffer ptr

   mov cloc, fseek(hFile,cloc,0)            ; save next file pointer
   mov bwrt, fread(hFile,hMem,1024)         ; read data from file into buffer

   mov esi,hMem                        ; setup input buffer
   mov edi,outbuf                        ; setup output line buffer

;=========================  BUILD A NEW LINE  =========================================

rdLine:                                 ;     Get Line
   mov al,[esi]                        ; get next input char
   inc esi                              ; incr in pointer
   cmp al,13                           ; check if CR char
   je labCR                           ; go check for EoR

   mov[edi],al                           ; store next output char
   inc edi                              ; incr out pointer
   jmp rdLine                           ; loop for next

labCR:                                 ; CR found
   mov[edi],al                           ; store CR char
   inc edi                              ; incr out pointer
   mov al,[esi]
   inc esi
   cmp al,10                                  ; check if LF char
   je labLF

labLF:                                 ; LF found
      mov[edi],al                              ; store LF char
      inc edi                                 ; incr out pointer

readrec endp


your code compiles just fine here
How  does the complete asm file being assembled  look like ?


Many thanks for the prompt and thought provoking response.

Just to be clear are you saying that despite the assembler pointing to this proc as being in error
the actual problem could be elsewhere in the code?



As far as I've been able to compile it without warnings I thought that the actual problem lies outside this proc


Quote from: vertograd on March 25, 2014, 12:41:19 AM
your code compiles just fine here

Well, it doesn't, it throws plenty of errors - probably because the OP assumes that real experts like vertograd have nothing better to do than adding header stuff etc to his code.

include \masm32\include\

[OP's code]
end start

If you want feedback, post COMPLETE code.


Quote from: jj2007 on March 25, 2014, 03:00:13 AM
Well, it doesn't, it throws plenty of errors - probably because the OP assumes that real experts like vertograd have nothing better to do than adding header stuff etc to his code.

JJ, as I already wrote the code compiles fine HERE  (you're not here, are you?)  ;)
Really I'm not an expert and therefore I found some time to add all missing stuff and successfully assemble it .



Hi pgw001,

Quote from: pgw001 on March 25, 2014, 12:01:35 AM
I am trying to invoke a procedure but the assembly fails with the A2071 error pointing at the last line (endp) of the procedure.

Error A2071 is this. You should post the entire code for qualified help.

You have to know the facts before you can distort them.


Folks, thanks for your time and support

The assembler throws up the A2071 error pointing to the readrec  endp statement - full code follows:

   .486                              ; create 32 bit code
   .model flat, stdcall                  ; 32 bit memory model
   option casemap :none                  ; case sensitive

   include \masm32\include\         ; always first
   include \masm32\macros\macros.asm         ; MASM support macros

  ; -----------------------------------------------------------------
  ; include files that have MASM format prototypes for function calls
  ; -----------------------------------------------------------------
   include \masm32\include\
   include \masm32\include\
   include \masm32\include\
   include \masm32\include\

   include \masm32\include\         ; C Runtime Library (CRT)

  ; ------------------------------------------------
  ; Library files that have definitions for function
  ; exports and tested reliable prebuilt code.
  ; ------------------------------------------------
   includelib \masm32\lib\masm32.lib
   includelib \masm32\lib\gdi32.lib
   includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib
   includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib

   includelib \masm32\lib\msvcrt.lib         ; C Runtime Library (CRT)


.DATA                                 ; Begin initialized data segment

   ; --------------------------
    ; PROTO statements for INVOKE
    ; --------------------------

   show_text PROTO :DWORD
   strlen PROTO:PSTR
   SetConRows PROTO :DWORD
   system PROTO C, :PTR BYTE
   readrec PROTO :DWORD

   ; --------------------------
    ; CONSOLE definitions
    ; --------------------------

   txtmsg db "This is in the .DATA section",0   ; General display message
   txtout db 'Enter input : ',0            ; Request input prompt
   txtin dword 25 DUP(?)                  ; Console input buffer
   txtlen dword ($-txtin)                  ; Console buffer size
   CRLF  DB 00Ah, 00Dh, 0                  ; End of line
   command BYTE "color 17",0               ; Set console Fore - white, Back - blue   
   commandw BYTE "mode CON: COLS=140"         ; Set console column width

   ; --------------------------
    ; FILE definitions
    ; --------------------------
   recout BYTE 160 DUP (?)                  ; Output record buffer
   reclen dword ($-recout)                  ; Output record length
   recptr PBYTE recout                     ; Output record pointer
   hWriteto dd ?                         ; Device handle (Writefile)
   ByteCnt dd ?                        ; Bytes written (Writefile)

.CODE                                 ; Tell MASM where the code starts

;   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
;   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


   INVOKE SetConRows,70                  ; Resize Console window
   invoke system, offset command            ; set new back/fore colours
   invoke system, offset commandw

   call sub4                           ; branch to Subroutine

; «««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««

sub4 proc

;   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
;   <   SUB4 FILE I/O
;   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

  ; -------------------------------------------------
  ; open the file  read and display its content
  ;               (RECORD OPTION)
  ; -------------------------------------------------

   invoke readrec, offset recout

sub4 endp

readrec proc outbuf:dword

   LOCAL hFile :DWORD                          ; file handle
    LOCAL bwrt  :DWORD                          ; variable for bytes written
    LOCAL cloc  :DWORD                          ; current location variable
    LOCAL txt   :DWORD                          ; text handle
    LOCAL flen  :DWORD                          ; file length variable
    LOCAL hMem  :DWORD                          ; allocated memory handle
   LOCAL lbuf  :DWORD                     ; address of line buffer
   LOCAL inPtr :DWORD                     ; input buffer ptr
   LOCAL otPtr :DWORD                     ; output buffer ptr

   cmp hMem, 0                           ; Check if file open
   jne labGO                           ; Jump if so

   mov hFile, fopen("testIN.asm")            ; open the input file
    mov flen, fsize(hFile)                      ; get its length
   mov hMem, alloc(1024+1)                  ; allocate a 1k plus '0' buffer
   mov eax, outbuf                        ; store passed line buffer
   mov lbuf, eax                        ; store passed line buffer
   mov inPtr, 0                        ; reset input buffer ptr
   mov otPtr, 0                        ; reset output buffer ptr

   mov cloc, fseek(hFile,cloc,0)            ; save next file pointer
   mov bwrt, fread(hFile,hMem,1024)         ; read data from file into buffer

   mov esi,hMem                        ; setup input buffer
   mov edi,outbuf                        ; setup output line buffer



;=========================  BUILD A NEW LINE  =========================================

rdLine:                                 ;     Get Line
   mov al,[esi]                        ; get next input char
   inc esi                              ; incr in pointer
   cmp al,13                           ; check if CR char
   je labCR                           ; go check for EoR

   mov[edi],al                           ; store next output char
   inc edi                              ; incr out pointer
   jmp rdLine                           ; loop for next

labCR:                                 ; CR found
   mov[edi],al                           ; store CR char
   inc edi                              ; incr out pointer
   mov al,[esi]
   inc esi
   cmp al,10                           ; check if LF char
   je labLF

labLF:                                 ; LF found
   mov[edi],al                              ; store LF char
   inc edi                                 ; incr out pointer


readrec endp



    LOCAL   _rcWindow   :RECT
    LOCAL   _rcWork     :RECT


;get current character rows

    lea     edx,_csbi
    INVOKE  GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo,eax,edx
    movzx   ebx,_csbi.srWindow.Bottom
    movzx   eax,_csbi.srWindow.Top
    sub     ebx,eax
    inc     ebx                                    ;EBX = number of character rows in current window

;get console window title bar + border height
;calculate cell height and proposed new client height

    INVOKE  GetConsoleWindow
    xchg    eax,edi                                ;EDI = hWnd

    INVOKE  GetClientRect,edi,addr _rcWindow
    xor     eax,eax
    mov     esi,
    mov     edx,eax
    sub     esi,_rcWindow.bottom                   ;ESI = -(client height)
    sub     eax,esi                                ;EAX = +(client height)
    div     ebx                                    ;EAX = character cell height
    mul     dwRows
    xchg    eax,ebx                                ;EBX = proposed new client height

    INVOKE  GetWindowRect,edi,addr _rcWindow
    add     esi,_rcWindow.bottom
    sub     esi,                      ;ESI = title bar + border height
    add     esi,ebx                                ;ESI = proposed new window height

;justify new window in desktop work area

    INVOKE  SystemParametersInfo,SPI_GETWORKAREA,NULL,addr _rcWork,NULL

    mov     ecx,
    mov     edx,_rcWork.bottom
    lea     eax,[ecx+esi]
    .if eax>edx
        xchg    eax,edx
        sub     edx,eax
        sub     ecx,edx
        .if CARRY?
            xor     ecx,ecx

;set window size and position

    mov     esi,_rcWindow.left
    mov     edx,_rcWindow.right
    sub     eax,ecx
    sub     edx,esi
    INVOKE  MoveWindow,edi,esi,ecx,edx,eax,TRUE


SetConRows ENDP

SetTextColor proc fore:DWORD,back:DWORD


    invoke GetStdHandle,STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
    mov   hStdOut,eax
    mov   eax,back
    shl   eax,4
    or    eax,fore
    invoke SetConsoleTextAttribute,hStdOut,eax
SetTextColor endp

END start                       ; Tell MASM where the program ends


You might shows us the full error message? I guess the problem resist inside
MREAL macros - when you need floating point arithmetic while assembling!


Folks, just to clarify some recent responses:

I don't think the additional macro's file has any bearing on the problem - it is not referenced in this assembly

The full error message is contained in the subject line

I stress the code does not represent a finished product, it is a test harness that I cannot get to assemble



The above code assembles fine after removing "include".
MREAL macros - when you need floating point arithmetic while assembling!


it assembles here too
may it be ML / masm32 sdk version issue ?


Quote from: pgw001 on March 25, 2014, 05:20:21 AM
The full error message is contained in the subject line

Perfect. If you could now kindly tell us in which line that error happens, then we might have a chance to find that bug.

Without the macro include, it assembles fine and crashes here with an access violation:

004010FB     ³.  8B7D 08           mov edi, [ebp+8]
rdLine       ³>  8A06              Úmov al, [esi]
00401100     ³.  46                ³inc esi

Probable reason: testIN.asm is not on my computer, and there is no error check after fopen.


it may be the missing spaces in 2 places
mov [edi],al

another possibility is that macros.asm might be better included last
so that all the functions used in the included file are prototyped prior to reference


Folks,  many thanks for the suggestions

I have commented out the include statement for

I have made the include statement for macros.asm the final include item

I have corrected the mov instruction syntax errors, sadly the assembly still fails as follows:

Error   1   error A2071: initializer magnitude too large for specified size          X:\MASM\fileopsr.asm    171    1   Project1

The line no identified (171) points to the - readrec  endp  statement
