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Started by shankle, July 27, 2012, 10:05:28 PM

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Anybody familiar with these APIs:  PrintDlgEX and DisplayPrintPropertySheet?
The instructions on the Microsoft site are in "C" and are Greek to me.
Having trouble with code that works in MASM32 that I am translating to GoAsm.
Specifically the Creation of a handle for the printer.


I have the logic worked out for printing.  My program access a user selected logical fonts including:
height / size in thousands of inches, character weight weight, font face, etc.  After the user selects the
printing device, the program creates the fonts, and pens it will use depending on the capabilities of the printer.   Acessessing the printer the thr print dlg call, returns you a handle to the DC and you may work with that.  I have this available if you still need help,  I have been off of the forum for a while and had to re-register.


Hi KennGough,

welcome back to the forum. Nice to see you again.

You have to know the facts before you can distort them.