I have uploaded a complete RadASM package to Sourceforge so you can quickly get started programming this clever little MCU.
It includes the gcc compiler so the download is almost 300MB.
Supported boards:
STM32F100 Discovery
STM32F103 BluePill
STM32F401 BlackPill
STM32F407 Discovery
STM32F411 BlackPill
New boards can be added.
https://sourceforge.net/projects/radasm30/files/RadSTM32/ (https://sourceforge.net/projects/radasm30/files/RadSTM32/)
Unzip to C:\RadSTM32
The package also includes STMSpy. It gives you easy access to documentation and debugging.
You can buy the device on Ali Express
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003880238896.html (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003880238896.html)
You can download RadASM30 release and sources here:
https://sourceforge.net/projects/radasm30/files/Release/ (https://sourceforge.net/projects/radasm30/files/Release/)
Let me know if there is any interest in this project.
I am currently working on a portable all in one electronics instrument.
o LC Meter. Measure inductors and capasitors.
o Voltmeter. +/-20V
o Logic scope. 4 bits logic analyser, 15K sample buffer, 1Hz to 20MHz sample rate.
o Wave generator. Sine, triangle, squear and sawtooth, 100Hz to 10KHz.
o PWM Output. 1Hz to 20MHz.
o DDS squear wave. 1HZ to 1MHz, 1Hz resolution.
o Scope. 10MHz at -3db.
It is just incredible what yo cam nake with this MCU. :biggrin:
The zip contains some images.
Looks good :thumbsup:
Hello Ketil,
You have upgrade RadASM from to, thank you.
Did you update the sources that you provide here:
I have checked the dates of the sources but they seem not updated?
BTW, i have ordered a new STM32F103C8T6 and waiting for it. Thank you!
Quote from: KetilO on August 05, 2022, 08:37:00 PM
I am currently working on a portable all in one electronics instrument.
I'm very curious about this project; the pictures have whetted my appetite. Any more info on this? Schematics?
Thanks for your interest in this project.
The zip contains the schematics.
Interesting, thanks.
But I don't see some things: the display, and the L and C measurement circuitry. (Interested in that latter thing; I built a L-measurement attachment to a DVM that works pretty well. Would like to be able to at least ball-park measure L and C.)
Someone else designed the LC meter.
You can find it here:
http://electronics-diy.com/lc_meter.php (http://electronics-diy.com/lc_meter.php)
Thanks again. Sorry to complain, but they say
Quote... programmed PIC16F628A microcontroller ...
so no code, have to buy their chip. Not totally DIY. That's a different MCU from yours, right? Did you program your own?
Ackshooly, not a bad deal for $30 (http://electronics-diy.com/product_details.php?pid=730&name=ESR%20Meter%20/%20Transistor%20Tester%20/%20LC%20Meter%20Kit%20-%20Blue%20Backlight%20LCD): ESR meter/transistor tester/LC meter all in one ...
Just ignore the pic and display. Only the analog part is used in my project.
Included ar all the schematics and pcb design. Note that the lcd and push buttans are on the back side of the pcb.
Also note that the connections to the lcd might be different from the one i am using.
This is only the prototype to test my design. When everyting is working and well tested i will design a single pcb.
The RadSTM32F103C8T6 package contained the STNBuild.exe file.
Recently Windows reported this as a virus.
You should delete the whole package and download and install the new RadSTM32 package:
https://sourceforge.net/projects/radasm30/files/RadSTM32/RadSTM32.zip/download (https://sourceforge.net/projects/radasm30/files/RadSTM32/RadSTM32.zip/download)
See more in the first post.
I have created a SimCad addin. It lets you create and edit simcad files (*.cad simple drawings) in RadASM30 and RadSTM32.
Unzip SimCadAddin.zip to C:\RadSTM32\Addins
Version 1.0
Initial release.
Version 1.1
o Fixed bug where adding a symbol did not work as it should.
o It is now possible to have more than one cad file open.
I have uploaded my electronics instument project to Sourceforge:
https://sourceforge.net/projects/radasm30/files/RadSTM32/Projects/LCMScopeWaveDVM.zip/download (https://sourceforge.net/projects/radasm30/files/RadSTM32/Projects/LCMScopeWaveDVM.zip/download)
There are still several software improvements to be done on the digital oscilloscope.
o Capacitor: 1pF to 1uF
o Inductor: 1nH to 100mH
o Accurancy: 1%
o +/- 0 to 19.99 volts
o Accurancy: 1% (depends on MCU 3V3 regulator).
Logic analyser.
o 4 bits
o Trigger on any bit level combination.
o Sample buffer up to 15K
0 Sampling rate 1Hz to 20MHz
Wave generator.
o Sine, Triangle Squear, Sawtooth and Reverse Sawrooth.
0 100Hz to 10KHz in 1, 2, 5 steps.
o 250mV to 3V Vpp output.
PWM Outut.
o 1Hz to 26.67MHz.
o Resolution: Any frequency that can be obtained by
dividibg the 80MHz clock.
o Ouput: 3V.
DDS Squear wave.
o 1Hz to 999999Hz
o Resolution: 1Hz
o Ouput: 3V.
Digital Oscilloscope.
o Bandwidth (-3db) 10MHz
1.5MHz for 20mV, 50mV and 100mV / div ranges.
o Pre trigger
o Auto. Analyses input and auto adjust settings.
o Trigger on rising / falling edge.
o Single shot 9K buffer.
o AC/DC selection.
o 20mV to 2V / div in 1, 2, 5 steps
o 10nS to 500mS / div in 1, 2.5, 5 steps
o Horisontal, Vertical and Triiger position settings.
o 15 MHz Frequency counter.
Where to get the parts.
STM32F103C8T6 (Bluepill) MCU:
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003880238896.html (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003880238896.html)
1.8 inch LCD:
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004553437723.html (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004553437723.html)
B0505S-1W Voltage converter:
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003071626685.html (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003071626685.html)
Push buttons:
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32900722317.html (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32900722317.html)
Reed relays:
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002955329460.html (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002955329460.html)
Relay DPDT 5V:
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001077712819.html (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001077712819.html)
Electrolytic capasitors kit:
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32994162214.html (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32994162214.html)
Capacitors kit:
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33007220515.html (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33007220515.html)
40pF trimmer capacitor:
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000222152928.html (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000222152928.html)
Resistor kit:
NOTE: Does not contain all the needed values.
TLE2072, TL074, TL712 and LM311:
https://www.mouser.com (https://www.mouser.com)
Other parts:
1 1.0 uF film capacitor
2 1.0nF film capacitor 1%
2 47uF tantal capacitor
4 22uf tantal capacitor
1 10uf tantal capacitor
1 680K metal film resistor 1%
1 180K metal film resistor 1%
1 120K metal film resistor 1%
1 82K metal film resistor 1%
1 820 ohm metal film resistor 1%
https://www.mouser.com (https://www.mouser.com)
OP amp offset and PWM output error correction.
Digital voltmeter:
Short the inputs.
If you dont get a 0.00V reading the offset must be corrected.
If the OP amp and PWM has no error
#define DVM_OFFSET_ERR 2048
If you have a positive reading, decrace the value.
If you have a negative reading, incrace the value.
First program the device with the value 2048.
If you get a reading of 0.34 then subtract 34 from 2048
and reprogram the device.
The accurancy of the voltmeter is dependent on the 3.3 volts
regulator. If you have more than one STM32F103C8T6 then choose
the one closest to 3.3V.
Digital oscilloscope:
Short the inputs.
If the wave line is not in the middle the offset must be corrected.
If the OP amp amd PWM has no error
#define SCP_OFFSET_ERR 0
If the line is above middle, decrace the value.
If the line is below middle, incrace the value.
Overshot / undershot adjustment.
Select CAL.
Connect the probe to DDS wave out (PC13).
Adjust the 40pF variable capacitor until you cet a flat top.
Overshot |
Undershot /
OK |
LC Meter:
Leave inputs unconnected.
Select Calibrate and change LCM_F1 and LCM_F2.
#define LCM_F1 494572
#define LCM_F2 352336
New upload.
https://sourceforge.net/projects/radasm30/files/RadSTM32/Projects/LCMScopeWaveDVM.zip/download (https://sourceforge.net/projects/radasm30/files/RadSTM32/Projects/LCMScopeWaveDVM.zip/download)
Bugfixes and improvements v1.1:
Logic analyser.
Added bit values and time offset.
Wave generator.
50Hz to 50KHz in 1, 2, 5 steps.
Digital Oscilloscope.
Fixed bugs on ranges 5us / div to 10ns / div.
Anoying ini fil bug in STM32_F401.ini, STM32_F407.ini and STM32_F411.ini
Some time ago I bouth a 4.0 inch LCD panel on eBay.
The panel has the ST7796 driver chip.
More info at: http://www.lcdwiki.com/4.0inch_SPI_Module_ST7796 (http://www.lcdwiki.com/4.0inch_SPI_Module_ST7796)
I finally found the time to test it.
Included is the source code and how to connect it to the STM32F103C8T6 (Blue Pill) .
An image is also included.
Same as abow but for the STM32F401 (Black Pill).
It shouldl also work with the STM32F411 (Black Pill).
I will for shure create somthing useful with this MCU / LCD.
Educational experiments tool version 2.
What you need:
Breadboard and wire jumpers
STM32F401 and ST-Link programmer
4.0 inch SPI LCD panel with ST7796 controller
1 x 47uF electrolye
2 x 10nF
1 x 1nF
1 x 330pF
1 x 68K
1 x 33K
1 x 22K
2 x 18K
4 x 10K
What you can build:
Digital oscilloscope
Waveform generator
High speed clock generator
Frequency counter
Ohm-meter (measure resistors)
Capistance-meter (measure capacitors)
Inductance meter (measure inductors)
Diode tester
Transistor tester, auto detect NPN / PNP
+ your own inventions
Abowe post has been updated to version 2.
New experiments to try:
Inductance meter (measure inductors)
Diode tester
Transistor tester, auto detect NPN / PNP
SimCadAddin bugfix.
Unzip SimCadAddin.zip to C:\RadSTM32\Addins
Version 1.0
Initial release.
Version 1.1
o Fixed bug where adding a symbol did not work as it should.
o It is now possible to have more than one cad file open.
VERY VERY Cool KetilO, this project is awesome :thumbsup:
Educational experiments tool version 3.
Version 3 2023-01-16 Bugfix
Fixed bug in LCD.c LCD_WR_REG where
the program could hang in this function.
Speed optimized LCD.c LCD_DrawIcon.
Changed main.c SysTick handler to generate
interrupt every second.
The above posts download and Sourceforge has been updated.
Hello Ketil;
Does the driver IC matters while using 4.0" lcd screen? For example can I use ILI9486 with your sources?
How much volts you need for reed relays: 5V, 12V or 24V
"Does the driver IC matters while using 4.0" lcd screen? For example can I use ILI9486 with your sources?"
No, the LCD.c file needs to be modified to match the ILI9486 .
"How much volts you need for reed relays: 5V, 12V or 24V"
I am currently working on a project using the STM32F103 (blue pill) where you connect
it to yor PC via USB. The PC will then replace the LCD screen.
Included are all the sources for this early version.
Quote from: KetilO on January 26, 2023, 01:34:18 AM...
I am currently working on a project using the STM32F103 (blue pill) where you connect
it to yor PC via USB. The PC will then replace the LCD screen...
Sounds like an outstanding project. Makes me want to get back into making electronics projects of my own again... :biggrin:
Ketil; thank you for your answers.
I have questions on the semi-conductors: TLE2072, TL074, TL712 and LM311. You have mentioned the base names but did not share the exact names. There are several postfixes for those transistors; like: TLE2072ACP, TLE2072IP, TLE2072CP and goes on...
I have found these on Al-i-express; are those compatible?
TL074CN (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32556389326.html)
LM311DR (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32459171624.html)
TLE2072CP (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003288898245.html)
TL712CP (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003755563816.html)
Or can you share the full names(including postfixes) of transistors. Thank you.
Hi bluedevil
The only important thing is that it is a PDIP package and not the SOIC.
Some postfixes are for ceramic or plastic and lead free
TLE2072CP (PDIP-8) - OK
LE2072ACPE4 (PDIP-8 lead free) - OK
TLE2072IDR (SOIC 8)- Surface mount, not ok
OK Ketil, taking into account your directions, I am goıng to buy those semiconductors:
TL074CN (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32556389326.html)
LM311P (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003529920273.html)
TLE2072CP (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003288898245.html)
TL712CP (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003755563816.html)
I understand that these are compatible for your projects.
Hi bluedevil
I hav checked these on Mouser.
TL074CN - OK
LM311P - OK
TLE2072CP - OK
TL712CP - OK
I trided to order some TLE2072 from China once.
They were all fakes and did not even come close to the specs for TL072.
Quote from: KetilO on January 28, 2023, 12:07:00 AM
I trided to order some TLE2072 from China once.
They were all fakes and did not even come close to the specs for TL072.
I can attest to this, especially when ordering electronic components from
aliexpress. They have independent sellers there and a lot of fakes. Be especially wary if a deal seems to good to be true. It
usually is.
That being said, there are legit bargains that
can be had there as well (aliexpress). NOTE: some sellers sell used parts but do not say they have been desoldered. So, from my experience aliexpress is a mixed bag. Buyer beware... unsure of other Chinese vendors myself. Pretty sure ordering from amazon will yield similar results as with aliexpress as far as quality or lack thereof.
BTW don't buy resistors there at aliexpress. Cheaply made and very thin leads. Tolerances are ok, but .... cannot be used in solderless beadboards for prototyping. Leads are just too thin.
@KetiLO and @zedd151
Thank you for replies. I understand that mouser is more reliable? I have bought some arduino and arduino components before and they were all good btw.
Quote from: bluedevil on January 30, 2023, 02:38:38 AM
@KetiLO and @zedd151
Thank you for replies. I understand that mouser is more reliable? I have bought some arduino and arduino components before and they were all good btw.
Mouser and other companies specifically selling electronic components should be fine, imo. Buying from oversees has been a mixed bag (some good, some bad) for me. Of course Mouser et. al., would be more expensive but would have some semblance of quality to what they are selling as opposed to aliexpress.
USB PC Scoope
What you need to do this experiment:
PC and USB cable
Breadboard and wire jumpers
STM32F103C8T6 (blue pill) and ST-Link programmer
Resistors and capacitors (see below).
What you can build:
Digital oscilloscope
2 x 18K resistor
1 x 27K resistor
1 x 47uF electrolye
1KHz waveform generator
1 x 10K resistor
1 x 4.7nF capacitor
High speed clock generator
1 x 1K resistor
Digital multimeter
o Voltmeter AC (20V) and DC (30V)
1 x 68K resistor
1 x 22K resistor
1 x 10K resistor
o Inductance meter
2 x 180K resistor
1 x 470Ohn resistor
1 x 10uF electrolye
1 x 1nF capacitor
o Ohm meter
o Capacitance meter
o Continuity tester
o Diode tester
o Transistor tester
2 x 10K resistor
1 x 10nF capacitor
(https://i.postimg.cc/VrqJ6zVX/Inductor-PC.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/VrqJ6zVX)
(https://i.postimg.cc/CzLRhTHf/Inductor-STM.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/CzLRhTHf)
(https://i.postimg.cc/xqPkVTH2/Scope-PC.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/xqPkVTH2)
(https://i.postimg.cc/kB1BD1fY/Scope-STM.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/kB1BD1fY)
Included are all the sources and drawings.
Thanks for your sharing. Good work :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I find your STMSpy.exe use STLinkUSBDriver.dll,do you have the document for how to use this dll?
STLinkUSBDriver.dll is made by ST. I hav not been able to find any documentation.
Many years ago someone made a port to Linux and from that I was able to make STLink.lib.
Included is the sources for STLink.lib
Maybe it can be of some use to you.
This is the latest sources for STM32Spy.
Thanks very much.
Updated SimCad addin.
Version 1.2 (10/06/2023)
o Fixed bug where printing top layer PCB was not mirrored.
o Fixed bugs where changes did not trigger file changed.
Ger it here:
https://sourceforge.net/projects/radasm30/files/RadSTM32/SimCadAddin.zip/download (https://sourceforge.net/projects/radasm30/files/RadSTM32/SimCadAddin.zip/download)
https://sourceforge.net/projects/radasm30/files/RadSTM32/Projects/USB_MultiTool/USB_MultiTool.zip/download (https://sourceforge.net/projects/radasm30/files/RadSTM32/Projects/USB_MultiTool/USB_MultiTool.zip/download)
USB Multi Tool
This tool is very cheap, yet has many useful featurees.
It has been kept cheap by avoiding switches and relays
and by using your PC / Laptop as the screen and power supply.
Different sub functions are selected by inserting the probe in
left or right position (LC meter and DMM).
o Digital Osilloscope
o Input
- 1 MOhm
- AC / DC / GND
- 50mV to 2V / Div
- 10MHz at -3db, without probe and 3.3Vpp sqear wave
- Max 15MHz, without probe and 3.3Vpp sqear wave
- Max 12MHz, with DIY X1 probe and 3.3Vpp sqear wave
o Timebase
- 25ns to 500ms / Div
- Sliding wave mode on 250ms and 500ms / div.
- Normal mode on 5us to 100ms / div.
In this mode single shot can be used.
- Fast mode on 25ns to 2.5us / div.
Minimum input frequency 50KHz.
36 MHz worst case sample rate.
400 MHz best case sample rate.
When using the HS Clock as signal sorce, worst
case is always true.
o Trigger
- Pre trigger
- Rising edge
- Falling edge
- None
- Sensivity 35mV
o Position
- Horisontal
- Vertical +/- 8.0V
- Trigger +/- 8.0V
o Single shot on normal mode
- 5K sample buffer.
o Hold
- Freezes the wave
o Auto
- Configures scope to best fit the
input signal.
o Save 1 and Save 2
- Two save slots. Can in many cases be used as a
substitute for a multi trace scope when you need
to compare waveforms.
o Frequency, period and curve quality.
o Logic Analyser
- Channels: 4 bits
- Trigger: High, Low or don't care on each bit.
- Sample size: 64, 128, 256, 512, 1K, 2K, 4K and 8K.
- Sample rate: 1Hz, 10Hz, 100Hz, 1KHz, 10KHz,
100KHz, 1MHz, 2MHz and 4MHz
- Search next or previous trigger
o Waveform generator
- Off, Sine, Triangle, Squear, Sawtooth, Reverse Sawtooth and DC out
- 500Hz to 10KHz in 1, 2, 5 steps
- First and second harmonics
- 0V to 3Vpp output
The blocking of the 1MHz PWM signal is not perfect.
If this is a problem, connect a 4n7 capacitor at the probe
output. This will improve blocking but decrase amplitude.
o High speed squear wave generator
- 3.3Vpp output
- 1Hz to 24MHz frequency
- Resolution: Any frequency that can be
obtained by dividing 72MHz clock
- Dutycycle: 0% to 100% in 1% steps
o DDS squear wave generator with sweep
- 3.3Vpp output
- 1 Hz to 999999 Hz
- Resolution: 1 Hz
- Sweep: 1% to 50% in 1, 2, 5 steps
- Sweep time: 1s to 50s in 1, 2, 5 steps
- Sample rate 7-2 MHz
Done in software. Stops when you leave the function.
o Digital voltmeter DC and AC RMS
o X1 probe:
- 1 MOhm
- +/-8V DC
- 11V AC RMS
o X10 probe:
- 10 MOhm
- +/-80V DC
- 110V AC RMS
o Ohm Meter
- 1 Ohm to 1 MOhm
o Capacitance Meter (Electrolytic Capasitors)
- 10nF to 10 000uF
o Amperemeter DC
- 1mA to 500mA
o Continuity Tester
- Blinking svreen
o Diode Tester
o Transistor Tester
- Auto detect NPN / PNP
- Ic
- hFE
- Vce On
- Vce Off
o LC Meter (Capacitance and Inductance)
- Capacitance: pf, nF and uF. Max 1uF
- Inductance: nH, uH and mH. Max ?
o Stop Watch
- 100 Hours
- 100 mS
o Timer
- 100 Hours
- 1 Second
o Clock
- Test the accurancy of LSE and HSE crystals
What you need to build this USB Multi Tool:
Latest version of RadSTM32
PC / Laptop and USB cable
The parts list is split into functions so
you can build only the functions useful to you.
Stop Watch, Timer and Clock
1 x Double sided 12cm by 10cm pcb
1 x STM32F103C8T6 (blue pill) and ST-Link dongle
2 x 20pin female connector
2 x 220uF Electrolytic capacitor
1 x 47uF Tantal capacitor
Digital Osilloscope and DVM
* 1 x 3pin male connector
1 x TLE2072 Dual OP Amp IC
1 x TL712 Comparator IC
1 x B0505 1W Voltage Converter
1 x SIP-1A05 Reed relay
1 x 1N4148 Diose
4 x 10 Ohm Resistor
2 x 56 Ohm Resistor
3 x 100 Ohm Resistor
2 x 330 Ohm Resistor
1 x 470 Ohm Resistor
1 x 3K3 Resistor
1 x 4K7 Resistor
3 x 100K Resistor
1 x 330K Resistor
1 x 470K Resistor
1 x 40pf Trimmer Capacitor
1 x 68pF Ceramic Capacitor
1 x 1uF Metal film Capacitor
4 x 47uF Tantal Capacitor
2 x 470uF Electrolytic Capacitor
* Omit this part if you want to use a BNC
connector and a X1 / X10 scope probe (recomended).
* DIY X1 Scope / DVM probe
1 x 3pin female connector
1 x 330 Ohm resistor
1 x Pen, used as probe housing
1 x 2mm wire, used as probe tip
1 x Alligator Clip and ground wire
1 x 120cm coax cable
1 x Epoxy glue
* DIY X10 Scope / DVM probe
1 x 3pin female connector
1 x 2M2 resistor
1 x 6M8 resistor
1 x 10pF to 33pF ceramic capacitor
value depends on cox capacitance
(approximately 10% of coax capacitance)
1 x Pen, used as probe housing
1 x 2mm wire, used as probe tip
1 x Alligator Clip and ground wire
1 x 120cm coax cable
1 x Epoxy glue
Logic Analyser
1 x 10pin male connector
4 x 1K Resistor
Waveform Generators
1 x 3pin male connector
1 x 5K6 Resistor
1 x 4n7 Ceramic Capacitor
1 x 4pin male connector
1 x 1A Fuse
1 x 2N3906 Transistor
3 x 1N4007 Diode
2 x 3.3 Ohm Resistor
1 x 3K3 Resistor
3 x 10K Resistor
1 x 33K Resistor
Transistor tester
1 x 4pin male connector
1 x 2K2 Resistor
1 x 1M Resistor
Electrolytic Capacitor Tester
1 x 3pin male connector
1 x 2N3904 Transistor
3 x 1K Resistor
1 x 56 Ohm Resistor
LC Meter
1 x 4pin male connector
1 x LM311 Comparator IC
1 x 10 Ohm Resistor
1 x 4K7 Resistor
1 x 2K2 Resistor
1 x 47K Resistor
3 x 100K Resistor
2 x 1nF 1% Metal film Capacitor
2 x 10uF Tantal Capacitor
1 x 220uF Electrolytic Capacitor
1 x 82uH Inductor
Installing software
Unzip USB_MultiTool.zip to an empty fplder on your computer.
Copy the x86\USB_MultiTool.exe and the x86\USB_MultiTool.ini to a new folder.
Copy the STM32\USB_MultiTool folder to C:\RadSTM32\STM32_F103\Projects.
Open the project with RadSTM32.
Upload the program to the STM32F103C8T6 using ST-Link dongle.
Remove ST-Link dongle and connect the STM32F103C8T6 to your PC with an USB
Start USB_MultiTool.exe, select the newly created COM port and push Connect button.
If you get a connection then you have found the correct COM port and successfully
installed the programs.
Creating the PCB
The process I am using is not easy. There are better
ways to make a PCB. Search the internet for
toner transfer method.
I am using:
HP Laserjet Professional P1102 printer.
Plain A4 paper.
Cooking ware with a flat, thick bottom and
heating it to around 100C on the stowe.
If you are using different printer / paper size
then adjust the size of the outer thin frame
on both the top and bottom PCB designs. You
must have exactly 2.54mm (0.1 inch) pitch.
The printout is landscape.
Cut the PCB to 10cm x 12cm.
I am doing the top PCB side first.
Clean the PCB, avoid touching the copper after cleaning.
Make a hole with a pin in the paper printout,
upper left and bottom right corners.
Wrap the printout around the PCB and secure it with masking tape.
Drill hples where you made the holes in the paper.
You need these holes when you align the PCB top and bottom.
Toner transfer:
Place the PCB on a pice of cloth, paper side up.
Heat up the cooking ware. Place it on the PCB and apply as much
presure as you can. Wriggle it around and pay extra attention
to the PCB edges.
Removig the paper:
Soak the PCB in warm water for a few minutes.
Remove the paper by rubbing the PCB with your thumb.
If the transfer was successful you dont need to be
careful. Inspect and make shure you got rid of all the paper.
Minor errors can be fixed with a permanent ink pen.
Cover the bottom side with packing tape and etch the PCB.
Repeat the process with the bottom PCB side.
There is a + sign on the PCB to help you with the orientation.
Drilling the hples:
I am using a home made hand held drill with a motor from
an old worn out electric toothbrush. The drill bit is 0.6mm.
Use a fine tiped soldering iron and thin (<=1mm) soldering tin.
A combination of surface mount and throug hole is used.
Some componens should be soldered on both sides, others on the
bottom or top only. When a componet needs to be soldered on both
sides, but cannot be soldered on the top, then use a single strand
from a multi stranded wire and solder the wire on the top before
inserting and soldering the component. Example of ths is the 20 pin
female heders, reed relay, B0505 1W converter and 470uF capacitors.
Scope overshot / undershot adjustment:
Select the HS Clock tab.
Set the the HS Clock to 1KHz and 50% duty cycle (default).
Connect a jumper wire from HS Clock pin 3 to scope pin 3.
Select the Scope tab and set sensivity to 500mV / div and timebase
to 100us / div. Adjust 40pF trimmer until you get a flat response.
Software adjustments:
Scope vertical position (VPOS):
Connect a jumper wire from scope pin 1 to scope pin 3 to block noise.
Select the Scope tab and set sensivity to 50mV / div
Select the Connect tab and change the VPOS setting until the wave is in
the middle of the scope screen.
Scope trigger position (TPOS):
Select the HS Clock tab.
Set the the HS Clock to 1KHz and 50% duty cycle (default).
Connect a jumper wire from HS Clock pin 3 to scope pin 3.
Select the Scope tab and set sensivity to 500mV / div and timebase
to 100us / div.
Select the Connect tab and change the TPOS setting until the trigger
is lost equaly spaced from wave top and wave bottom..
Digital voltmeter:
Connect a jumper wire from scope pin 1 to scope pin 3 to block noise.
Select the Connect tab and change the DVM setting until it reads 0.00Vdc.
Digital multimeter:
Connect the probe in the DMM left position.
Select the Connect tab and the Calibrate DMM.
Follow the instructions.
LC Meter:
Connect the probe in the LCM right position.
Select the Connect tab and the Calibrate LCM.
Wait a few seconds before pushing Next.
Some links:
https://hackaday.com/2016/09/12/take-your-pcbs-from-good-to-great-toner-transfer/ (https://hackaday.com/2016/09/12/take-your-pcbs-from-good-to-great-toner-transfer/)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVhSCEPINpM (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVhSCEPINpM)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMJM_nwUZAI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMJM_nwUZAI)
This project piques my curiosity, but what puts me off is 1) the requirement that I use RadAsm (not going to install a whole 'nother IDE just to compile a project--just give me an .exe, library, whatever), and 2) the apparent lack of any schematics for the electronics part of it. Any electronics project MUST have a schematic, and not just a bunch of random instructions ("put R1 between C1 and U1, solder a blue wire to the bottom of R1 ...". No. Give me a standard schematic. I can wire up a board from that no problem.
It'd be really nice to have a DIY digital 'scope ...
Hi NoCforMe
Thanks for your interest in this project.
If you dount want to install RadSTM32 but want to see the scematics
then you can download SimCad.exe and USB_MultiTool_PCB.cad file.
Thanks, that's everything needed to build the project.
Update to USB_MultiTool
2023-12-03 Version
o Initial release
2023-12-05 Version
o Fixed bug where COM ports > 9 failed to connect
o Fixed bug where saved scope waves would be displayed
on Wave Generator, HS Clock and DDS Wave tabs
Image shhows 1MHz squear wave using the DIY X1 probe.
Green wave: Rising edge
Red wave. Falling edge
(https://i.postimg.cc/KkfLdkwZ/USB-Multi-Tool.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/KkfLdkwZ)
WiFi Scope Test
Use your phone, pad or laptops internet browser
to view the scope.
What you need:
RadSTM32: https://sourceforge.net/projects/radasm30/files/RadSTM32/RadSTM32.zip (https://sourceforge.net/projects/radasm30/files/RadSTM32/RadSTM32.zip)
Project: https://sourceforge.net/projects/radasm30/files/RadSTM32/Projects/Experiments/WiFi_Scope_Test.zip (https://sourceforge.net/projects/radasm30/files/RadSTM32/Projects/Experiments/WiFi_Scope_Test.zip)
Unzip to: C:\RadSTM32\STM32_F103\Projects
STM32F103C8T6 (blue pill) MCU
ST-Link programmer
ESP8266 WiFi nodule (with AT command set)
Breadboard and wire jumpers
See the WiFi_Scope.cad file on how to connect
To find IP addresses: Start the STM32Spy (Tools / STM32Spy)
Select Terminal and set Port to ST-Link
Push reset button on the STM32F103C8T6
Look for this result:
+CIFSR:STAMAC,"cc:50:e3:1f:a2:70" is the IP to use if you connect directly to the ESP8266 is the IP to use if you connect to your router
In your browser use or
Tested on several browsers and devices.
Apple devices will not connect to the ESP8266.
Maybe someone knows why?
WiFi Scope Test
New upload:
Update Version 1.1.0 2024-06-07:
o Improved response handling.
(https://i.postimg.cc/TLQ3tL4n/Screenshot.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/TLQ3tL4n)
WiFi Scope Test
New upload:
Update Version 1.2.0 2024-06-11:
o Now works on Apple Safari.
Safari required a header to be sendt
before sending data to the browser.
WiFi Scope
o Digital oscilloscope
o Digital voltmeter, DC and AC rms
o Waveform generator
o HS Clock sqear wave generator
o DDS sqear wave generator
o Portable
o Small footprint
o Use phone, pad or laptop
https://sourceforge.net/projects/radasm30/files/RadSTM32/Projects/WiFi_Scope/WiFi_Scope.zip/download (https://sourceforge.net/projects/radasm30/files/RadSTM32/Projects/WiFi_Scope/WiFi_Scope.zip/download)
(https://i.postimg.cc/K4xqzyfh/Wi-Fi-Scope-Screen.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/K4xqzyfh)
(https://i.postimg.cc/hJVsDC7G/Wi-Fi-Scope.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/hJVsDC7G)
Fish finder simulator
I am playing with the idea to make a WiFi fish finder.
It will use the ESP8266, STM32F103C8T6 and an ultrasonic cleaner element as the transducer.
All parts can be found at Ali Express for a few bucks.
(https://i.postimg.cc/vg85xRQH/Wi-Fi-Fish-Finder-Block-Diagram.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/vg85xRQH)
Download the zip, unzip to an empty folder and double click on the WiFi_FishFinder.html file to open it in your browser. Even if fishing is not your thing it migth be of interest to you if you want to learn some html5 canvas image manipulation and javascript.
(https://i.postimg.cc/Z0d5P7CT/Wi-Fi-Fish-Finder.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Z0d5P7CT)