There is a problem with the .if macro, as in line #15. It generates double compares.
13: _DllMainCRTStartup PROC hInstDLL:QWORD,reason:QWORD,unused:QWORD
00007FF85BDE1020 C8 80 00 00 enter 80h,0
00007FF85BDE1024 48 83 EC 60 sub rsp,60h
00007FF85BDE1028 48 89 4D 10 mov qword ptr [hInstDLL],rcx
00007FF85BDE102C 48 89 55 18 mov qword ptr [reason],rdx
00007FF85BDE1030 4C 89 45 20 mov qword ptr [unused],r8
15: .if reason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH
00007FF85BDE1034 48 83 7D 18 01 cmp qword ptr [reason],1
00007FF85BDE1039 75 1B jne intermedloc_0+14h (07FF85BDE1056h)
00007FF85BDE103B 48 83 7D 18 01 cmp qword ptr [reason],1
00007FF85BDE1040 75 14 jne intermedloc_0+14h (07FF85BDE1056h)
16: mrm hInstance, hInstDLL
00007FF85BDE1042 48 8B 45 10 mov rax,qword ptr [hInstDLL]
00007FF85BDE1046 48 89 05 23 31 00 00 mov qword ptr [hInstance (07FF85BDE4170h)],rax
17: mov rax, TRUE
00007FF85BDE104D 48 C7 C0 01 00 00 00 mov rax,1
19: .elseif reason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH
00007FF85BDE1054 EB 19 jmp intermedloc_0+2Dh (07FF85BDE106Fh)
00007FF85BDE1056 48 83 7D 18 00 cmp qword ptr [reason],0
00007FF85BDE105B 75 02 jne intermedloc_0+1Dh (07FF85BDE105Fh)
21: .elseif reason == DLL_THREAD_ATTACH
00007FF85BDE105D EB 10 jmp intermedloc_0+2Dh (07FF85BDE106Fh)
00007FF85BDE105F 48 83 7D 18 02 cmp qword ptr [reason],2
00007FF85BDE1064 75 02 jne intermedloc_0+26h (07FF85BDE1068h)
23: .elseif reason == DLL_THREAD_DETACH
00007FF85BDE1066 EB 07 jmp intermedloc_0+2Dh (07FF85BDE106Fh)
00007FF85BDE1068 48 83 7D 18 03 cmp qword ptr [reason],3
00007FF85BDE106D 75 00 jne intermedloc_0+2Dh (07FF85BDE106Fh)
25: .endif
00007FF85BDE106F C9 leave
00007FF85BDE1070 C3 ret
27: ret
29: _DllMainCRTStartup ENDP
Which .if macro are you using? There are two in \Masm64\macros64\macros64.inc and one in \Masm64\macros64\vasily.inc...
I'm including masm64rt.inc so it includes both for preprocessor. I think this problem is in the vasily.inc
This is Windows 11 Pro with latest ML64.
I am seeing it here. Its the change from .if to .elseif.
; ------
; source
; ------
LibMain proc instance:QWORD,reason:QWORD,unused:QWORD
.if reason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH
mrm DLLinstance, instance ; copy local to global
mov rax, TRUE ; return TRUE so DLL will start
.elseif reason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH
.elseif reason == DLL_THREAD_ATTACH
.elseif reason == DLL_THREAD_DETACH
LibMain endp
; -----------
; disassembly
; -----------
.text:0000000180001000 C8800000 enter 0x80, 0x0
.text:0000000180001004 4883EC60 sub rsp, 0x60
.text:0000000180001008 48894D10 mov qword ptr [rbp+0x10], rcx
.text:000000018000100c 48895518 mov qword ptr [rbp+0x18], rdx
.text:0000000180001010 4C894520 mov qword ptr [rbp+0x20], r8
.text:0000000180001014 48837D1801 cmp qword ptr [rbp+0x18], 0x1
.text:0000000180001019 751B jne 0x180001036
.text:000000018000101b 48837D1801 cmp qword ptr [rbp+0x18], 0x1
.text:0000000180001020 7514 jne 0x180001036
.text:0000000180001022 488B4510 mov rax, qword ptr [rbp+0x10]
.text:0000000180001026 48890533200000 mov qword ptr [0x180003060], rax
.text:000000018000102d 48C7C001000000 mov rax, 0x1
.text:0000000180001034 EB19 jmp 0x18000104f
.text:0000000180001036 0x180001036:
.text:0000000180001036 48837D1800 cmp qword ptr [rbp+0x18], 0x0
.text:000000018000103b 7502 jne 0x18000103f
.text:000000018000103d EB10 jmp 0x18000104f
.text:000000018000103f 0x18000103f:
.text:000000018000103f 48837D1802 cmp qword ptr [rbp+0x18], 2
.text:0000000180001044 7502 jne 0x180001048
.text:0000000180001046 EB07 jmp 0x18000104f
.text:0000000180001048 0x180001048:
.text:0000000180001048 48837D1803 cmp qword ptr [rbp+0x18], 3
.text:000000018000104d 7500 jne 0x18000104f
.text:000000018000104f 0x18000104f:
.text:000000018000104f C9 leave
.text:0000000180001050 C3 ret
Quote from: C3 on December 07, 2022, 06:48:20 AMI think this problem is in the vasily.inc
Thinking is not knowing. Edit your include files to find out which of the three macros you are using:
echo dotif A (Vasily)
J_POLY_COND LastDefLabel,FALSE,<args>
Once you know who is the culprit, we can discuss the problem.
I meant "thinking".. it would conflict if there are two macros by same name. I examined both macro files.
Quote from: C3 on December 07, 2022, 07:08:38 AM
I meant "thinking".. it would conflict if there are two macros by same name. I examined both macro files.
No, there is
no conflict. There are three macros, and
the last one will be used. To find out which is the one, add the echo this is A or similar.
It would also be most helpful if you posted a complete test case. Until now, we haven't even seen your
include line.
Well, there aint much. Hutch already got the few lines I gave. Here is for you, and no other files for project.
Just tried a .switch block.
.switch reason
mrm DLLinstance, instance ; copy local to global
mov rax, TRUE ; return TRUE so DLL will start
.text:0000000180001000 C8800000 enter 0x80, 0x0
.text:0000000180001004 4883EC60 sub rsp, 0x60
.text:0000000180001008 48894D10 mov qword ptr [rbp+0x10], rcx
.text:000000018000100c 48895518 mov qword ptr [rbp+0x18], rdx
.text:0000000180001010 4C894520 mov qword ptr [rbp+0x20], r8
.text:0000000180001014 90 nop
.text:0000000180001015 488B4518 mov rax, qword ptr [rbp+0x18]
.text:0000000180001019 4883F801 cmp rax, 0x1 ; 1st cmp
.text:000000018000101d 7514 jne 0x180001033
.text:000000018000101f 488B4510 mov rax, qword ptr [rbp+0x10]
.text:0000000180001023 48890536200000 mov qword ptr [0x180003060], rax
.text:000000018000102a 48C7C001000000 mov rax, 0x1
.text:0000000180001031 EB16 jmp 0x180001049
.text:0000000180001033 0x180001033:
.text:0000000180001033 4883F800 cmp rax, 0x0 ; 2nd cmp
.text:0000000180001037 7502 jne 0x18000103b
.text:0000000180001039 EB0E jmp 0x180001049
.text:000000018000103b 0x18000103b:
.text:000000018000103b 4883F802 cmp rax, 2 ; 3rd cmp
.text:000000018000103f 7502 jne 0x180001043
.text:0000000180001041 EB06 jmp 0x180001049
.text:0000000180001043 0x180001043:
.text:0000000180001043 4883F803 cmp rax, 3 ; 4th cmp
.text:0000000180001047 7500 jne 0x180001049
.text:0000000180001049 0x180001049:
.text:0000000180001049 C9 leave
.text:000000018000104a C3 ret
The switch macro seems to work ok here.
2: INCLUDE <c:\masm64\include64\masm64rt.inc>
6: .DATA
8: .DATA?
10: hInstance HINSTANCE ?
12: .CODE
00007FF85BDE1020 C8 80 00 00 enter 80h,0
00007FF85BDE1024 48 83 EC 60 sub rsp,60h
00007FF85BDE1028 48 89 4D 10 mov qword ptr [hInstDLL],rcx
00007FF85BDE102C 48 89 55 18 mov qword ptr [reason],rdx
00007FF85BDE1030 4C 89 45 20 mov qword ptr [unused],r8
14: mov rax,reason
00007FF85BDE1034 48 8B 45 18 mov rax,qword ptr [reason]
15: .switch rax
00007FF85BDE1038 48 8B C0 mov rax,rax
00007FF85BDE103B 48 83 F8 01 cmp rax,1
00007FF85BDE103F 75 14 jne locif0_0 (07FF85BDE1055h)
17: mrm hInstance, hInstDLL
00007FF85BDE1041 48 8B 45 10 mov rax,qword ptr [hInstDLL]
00007FF85BDE1045 48 89 05 24 31 00 00 mov qword ptr [hInstance (07FF85BDE4170h)],rax
18: mov rax, TRUE
00007FF85BDE104C 48 C7 C0 01 00 00 00 mov rax,1
00007FF85BDE1053 EB 16 jmp locif0_0+16h (07FF85BDE106Bh)
00007FF85BDE1055 48 83 F8 00 cmp rax,0
00007FF85BDE1059 75 02 jne locif0_0+8h (07FF85BDE105Dh)
00007FF85BDE105B EB 0E jmp locif0_0+16h (07FF85BDE106Bh)
00007FF85BDE105D 48 83 F8 02 cmp rax,2
00007FF85BDE1061 75 02 jne locif0_0+10h (07FF85BDE1065h)
00007FF85BDE1063 EB 06 jmp locif0_0+16h (07FF85BDE106Bh)
00007FF85BDE1065 48 83 F8 03 cmp rax,3
00007FF85BDE1069 75 00 jne locif0_0+16h (07FF85BDE106Bh)
22: .endsw
00007FF85BDE106B C9 leave
00007FF85BDE106C C3 ret
23: ret
24: _DllMainCRTStartup ENDP
Except .switch macro doesn't work with reason parameter as parameter. Had to get it into rax, and then is one useless mov.
Quote from: C3 on December 07, 2022, 07:18:27 AM
Well, there aint much. Hutch already got the few lines I gave. Here is for you, and no other files for project.
_DllMainCRTStartup PROC hInstDLL:QWORD,reason:QWORD,unused:QWORD
.if reason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH
0000000140001014 | CC | int3 |
0000000140001015 | 48:837D 18 01 | cmp [rbp+18],1 | [rbp+18]:EntryPoint
000000014000101A | 75 14 | jne 140001030 |
000000014000101C | 48:8B45 10 | mov rax,[rbp+10] |
0000000140001020 | 48:8905 39100000 | mov [140002060],rax |
0000000140001027 | 48:C7C0 01000000 | mov rax,1 |
000000014000102E | EB 19 | jmp 140001049 |
0000000140001030 | 48:837D 18 00 | cmp [rbp+18],0 | [rbp+18]:EntryPoint
0000000140001035 | 75 02 | jne 140001039 |
0000000140001037 | EB 10 | jmp 140001049 |
0000000140001039 | 48:837D 18 02 | cmp [rbp+18],2 | [rbp+18]:EntryPoint
000000014000103E | 75 02 | jne 140001042 |
0000000140001040 | EB 07 | jmp 140001049 |
0000000140001042 | 48:837D 18 03 | cmp [rbp+18],3 | [rbp+18]:EntryPoint
Coded manually.
mov rax, reason
jne @F
mrm DLLinstance, instance ; copy local to global
mov rax, TRUE ; return TRUE so DLL will start
jmp outlbl
jne @F
jmp outlbl
jne @F
jmp outlbl
jmp outlbl
.text:0000000180001000 488B4518 mov rax, qword ptr [rbp+0x18]
.text:0000000180001004 4883F801 cmp rax, 0x1
.text:0000000180001008 7514 jne 0x18000101e
.text:000000018000100a 488B4510 mov rax, qword ptr [rbp+0x10]
.text:000000018000100e 4889054B200000 mov qword ptr [0x180003060], rax
.text:0000000180001015 48C7C001000000 mov rax, 0x1
.text:000000018000101c EB16 jmp 0x180001034
.text:000000018000101e 0x18000101e:
.text:000000018000101e 4883F800 cmp rax, 0x0
.text:0000000180001022 7502 jne 0x180001026
.text:0000000180001024 EB0E jmp 0x180001034
.text:0000000180001026 0x180001026:
.text:0000000180001026 4883F802 cmp rax, 2
.text:000000018000102a 7502 jne 0x18000102e
.text:000000018000102c EB06 jmp 0x180001034
.text:000000018000102e 0x18000102e:
.text:000000018000102e 4883F803 cmp rax, 3
.text:0000000180001032 EB00 jmp 0x180001034
.text:0000000180001034 0x180001034:
If what you want is the most efficient coding and you are not processing threads,
.if reason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH
mov rax, TRUE
Or at the bare bones.
mov rax, TRUE
Quote from: hutch-- on December 07, 2022, 08:26:15 AM
If what you want is the most efficient coding
My guess is that C3 wanted to flag a bug in one of the three .if macros :cool:
Pardon asking off the road question, but who is vasily and how does he happen to leave his file in masm bits?
Vasily wrote the original win64.inc after borrowing a fair bit of the 32 bit MASM32 windows.inc file. He did a lot of good work and a reasonable amount of it was incorporated into the masm64 SDK.
thanks, good to know!
is he still active contributor?
There is only one .if macro, that is Vasily macro.
Other macros are uppercase: .If and .IF :biggrin:
(Anyway could be a lot of .if macros, only last one is used by assembler)
Later: Apparently problem is using \masm64\include64\masm64rt.inc.
With \masm32\include64\masm64rt.inc is OK.
I don't found any difference :rolleyes:
More later: Problem is not vasily.inc.
Hector, :thumbsup:
Some forget that MASM is case sensitive but a combination of the dot prefix and case changes allow you to explore different techniques. Vasily's ".if" notation is reliable and it is the one that most should use.
I'm coding a message loop for my test program:
.while ( TRUE )
.if ( rv( PeekMessage, pMSG, hWnd, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ) )
.break .if ( msg.message == WM_QUIT )
rcall TranslateMessage, pMSG
rcall DispatchMessage, pMSG
; TODO rendering operations
and get this error message when assembling:
Assembling: msgLoop.asm
msgLoop.asm(21) : error A2006:undefined symbol : reg_ind
J_ONE_COND(79): Macro Called From
J_ONE_COND(34): Macro Called From
J_POLY_COND(9): Macro Called From
.if(3): Macro Called From
msgLoop.asm(21): Main Line Code
msgLoop.asm(21) : error A2006:undefined symbol : reg_ind
J_ONE_COND(86): Macro Called From
J_ONE_COND(34): Macro Called From
J_POLY_COND(9): Macro Called From
.if(3): Macro Called From
msgLoop.asm(21): Main Line Code
msgLoop.asm(21) : error A2006:undefined symbol : RegIndex
J_ONE_COND(7): Macro Called From
J_ONE_COND(4): Macro Called From
J_POLY_COND(9): Macro Called From
.if(3): Macro Called From
msgLoop.asm(21): Main Line Code
msgLoop.asm(21) : error A2006:undefined symbol : RegHigh8Index
J_ONE_COND(8): Macro Called From
J_ONE_COND(4): Macro Called From
J_POLY_COND(9): Macro Called From
.if(3): Macro Called From
msgLoop.asm(21): Main Line Code
make: *** [msgLoop.obj] Error 1
I'm using masm64 in Windows 11 & trying to trace the problem, found with that these symbols: RegIndex and RegHigh8Index are undefined neither in \masm64\macros64\vasily.inc nor anywhere else. Anybody found yourself in this situation before??
Thanks for your support here... in advance
Maybe you need to break the message loop into smaller pieces for calling. Like
.while TRUE
invoke GetMessage,ADDR msg,NULL,0,0
.break .if (rax==0)
invoke TranslateAccelerator,hwnd,hAccel,ADDR msg
.if (rax==0)
invoke TranslateMessage,ADDR msg
invoke DispatchMessage,ADDR msg
mov rax,msg.wParam
Also show as what do you include from headers?
Happy xmas time!
Hi EesS@70,
It would dramatically increase your chances to get help if you zipped your complete source and posted it here.
Just a suggestion :cool: