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Projects => MasmBasic & the RichMasm IDE => Topic started by: jj2007 on February 08, 2023, 03:31:31 AM

Title: MasmBasic history
Post by: jj2007 on February 08, 2023, 03:31:31 AM
I have an "old" folder with over a hundred archives containing sources and tools etc, inter alia also the latest version of \Masm32\MasmBasic\, the file that contains the macros.

So, given that I am notoriously lazy and never kept a systematic list of changes, I wrote a proggie that
- opens the archives, oldest first
- extracts to its current folder
- recalls ( all lines to a text array
- finds all macros
- checks if macro X is already registered
- if not, writes its name and date of creating to an o$() output array
- and finally writes the array to disk.

2010-04-28 --------------- MasmBasic04Oct10.arc
2010-04-28 _Win$
2010-04-28 Asc
2010-04-28 Bin$
2010-04-28 Bmove
2010-04-28 ChkNum
2010-04-28 Chr$
2010-04-28 CL$
2010-04-28 ClearLocalVariables
2010-04-28 Close
2010-04-28 Clr
2010-04-28 Clr$
2010-04-28 ConsoleColor
2022-07-28 --------------- MasmBasicJune22.arc
2022-07-28 GuiImageSet
2022-07-28 MbProfile
2022-07-28 SetIni$
2022-08-11 --------------- MasmBasicAugust22.arc
2022-08-11 Json$
2022-10-02 --------------- MasmBasicSept22.arc
2022-10-02 Choose$
2022-10-02 FontExist
2022-10-27 --------------- MasmBasicOct22.arc
2022-10-27 ClipboardImageWH
2022-10-27 uBytes
2022-12-07 --------------- MasmBasicNov22.arc
2022-12-07 CenterWindow
2022-12-07 Guid$
2022-12-07 IntAsWords$
2022-12-07 xCall
2023-01-11 --------------- MasmBasicDec22.arc
2023-01-11 BitSort

Source (58 lines) & output attached, it counts 620 macros. However, currently only 505 are documented in \Masm32\MasmBasic\MbGuide.rtf, which means some are undocumented, while others have disappeared over time. It's organically grown code :tongue: