Auto Brackets Addin for RadASM 3 by William McKeever (WillASM)
1. Copy AutoBrackets.dll to \RadASM3\addins
2. Copy AutoBrackets.txt to \RadASM3\addins\help
This addin makes inserting brackets [] behavior more closely to that of RadASM 2.
It also adds the missing auto completion for curly braces {} and parentheses ().
It also adds auto completion for "double quotes" and 'single quotes' as well.
The accelerators should work as is for standard north american keyboards. If your keyboard uses different virtual key definitions, you can configure them in the file "AutoBrackets.ini" file in RadASM's addins folder. This file is created automatically when the addin is first loaded. View the "AutoBrackets.txt" file for more details if you require this.
Note: Source is in Goasm syntax.
Edit: Updated to v1.1 - Pressing right bracket to wrap word to the left places cursor outside on the right of the brackets rather than inside.
New upload fixing cursor position on right brackets.
Pressing right bracket to wrap word to the left places cursor outside on the right of the brackets rather than inside.
Upload in first post.
New, updated to v1.2. Upload is in the first post.
Fixed: The accelerator keys for the brackets and quotes did not function at all in RC resource files. The addins new accelerators are now disabled for resource files and the keys will function as normal keys while editing resource files. Also made some minor tweaks to single and double quotes handling.
New update to v1.2.1. Fixed a conflict with other addins that add accelerators to RadASM.
Download in original post.