Hi all!
This is a new backend for SmplMath under development.
In essence is an adaptation of Complex Number Zlib Library (https://masm32.com/masmcode/rayfil/index.html) written by Raymond Filiatreault, previously translated to neutral bitness (Complex Numbers in 64 bits (http://masm32.com/board/index.php?topic=10269.msg112166#msg112166)).
Functions conserve capacity to read parameters from FPU and store results to FPU:
fld problemx2.imag
fld problemx2.real
fld problemy.imag
fld problemy.real
invoke ZPower, SRC12_FPU or DEST_FPU or Z_DBL
fstp solution.real
fstp solution.imag
Capacity to read/store in adresses was replaced with and emulation of FPU stack (just like in double doule precision backend (http://masm32.com/board/index.php?topic=10750.0)):
push_z problemx2
push_z problemy
invoke ZPower, Z_DBL
pop_z solution
Of course, most interesting thing is an specific solve macro named fSlvZ:
problemx2 Z_NUM {-2.4 , 0.0}
problemy Z_NUM { 3.99, 0.0}
solution Z_NUM { }
fSlvZ solution = problemx2 ^ problemy
And a little macro-parser allow to read complex numbers with some format (floating point format, parenthesis, sign between real and imaginary part, character i in imaginary part):
fSlvZ solution = (-2.4+0.0i)^(3.99+0.0i)
You can see that example is from Exponentiation (https://masm32.com/board/index.php?msg=111591) topic.
I will preciate some more complicated examples :thumbsup:
I have to improve procedure that show complex numbers, and adapt example to 32 bits :biggrin:
Regards, HSE
Later: library 64 bits is builded with JWASM 15, and example with ML64.
SmplMathZ.zip (329.61 kB - downloaded 10 times.)
Later: library 32bits is builded with JWASM 15, and example with ML 14.
A little better print: Complex number functions library
Written with MASM32 by Raymond Filiatreault
February 15, 2005
(-2.4000e+000+0.0000e+000i) ^(3.9900e+000+0.0000e+000i) = (3.2872e+001-1.0330e+000i)
(-2.4000e+000+0.0000e+000i) ^(3.9900e+000+0.0000e+000i) = (3.2872e+001-1.0330e+000i)
(-2.4000e+000+0.0000e+000i) ^(3.9900e+000+0.0000e+000i) = (3.2872e+001-1.0330e+000i)
(-2.4+0.0i)^(3.99+0.0i) = (3.2872e+001-1.0330e+000i)
Zneg (3.9900e+000+0.0000e+000i) = (-3.9900e+000-0.0000e+000i)
Zneg (-2.4000e+000+0.0000e+000i) = (2.4000e+000-0.0000e+000i)
Press any key to continue...
Now also with 32 bits example (using MASM32 SDK).
Updated in first post.