The DataVector and the SortedDataVector are the last elements in the Vector development.
They hold the information of all Items in a single block of memory. The difference to the specialised objects created using the TVector template is that DataVectors do not need a defined Item size at compile time. This definition is done at runtime and can be of any size. The consequence is that the internal management is a bit more time consuming compared to the specialised objects.
The next step is to review all the code, see if there are common code paths, and perhaps adjust the object inheritance.
It would also be nice if the macro iterators could be unified. :biggrin:
Attached are the 2 objects and my current testbed.
Regards, Biterider
Hi Biterider!
Quote from: Biterider on February 11, 2024, 06:49:37 PMthe internal management is a bit more time consuming compared to the specialised objects.
:thumbsup: Any other size than 1, 2, 4 and 8 need additional steps.
One thing I didn't like was that in the DataVector implementation posted above, the sort method could potentially fail, while all other peer implementations are fail-safe and don't need to return a status code.
It took me some time to find alternatives. Finally I managed to rework the method with a variable size memory in the stack. I omitted the stack probe because the required memory sizes are much smaller than a page size that could trigger a page fault.
Method SortedDataVector.Sort, uses xbx xdi xsi
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] SetObject xsi[/font]
sub esp, [xsi].dItemSize ;Probing?
mov eax, [xsi].dItemSize
sub xsp, xax ;Probing?
mov ebx, [xsi].dCount
xor eax, eax
test ebx, ebx
setnz al ;If exists, skip first item
mov [xsi].dCount, eax ;Set list new initial count
.if !ZERO?
mov xdi, [xsi].pItems
.while TRUE
dec ebx
.break .if ZERO?
mov eax, [xsi].dItemSize
add xdi, xax ;Move to next item
mov ecx, esp
invoke MemClone, ecx, edi, [esi].dItemSize ;Store item on a temp location on the stack
OCall esi.Insert, esp ;Insert it
invoke MemClone, addr [rsp + 28h], xdi, [xsi].dItemSize ;Store item on a temp location
OCall xsi.Insert, addr [rsp + 28h] ;Insert it
add esp, [xsi].dItemSize
mov eax, [xsi].dItemSize
add xsp, xax
The last step is complete!
The inheritance path has been optimised and the common ancestor is called Vector :cool:
The macro iterators are located in the same file so that they can be shared by all descendant objects.
All previous iterators have been reduced to a single version that covers all cases.
The sorting algorithm for the DataVector object described in the previous post has been rewritten so that it is fail-safe like all other implementations.
Serialisation was also analysed and implemented.
Finally, new specific constants (IDs, Errors, etc.) have been created for vectors.
All files can be downloaded from the GitHub repo.
My last testbed is attached.
Regards, Biterider
Hi Biterider,
Quote from: Biterider on February 17, 2024, 05:47:54 PMAll files can be downloaded from the GitHub repo.
Which GiHub repo? :biggrin: :biggrin:
(Vector.inc must be in some other repo :rolleyes: )
I had a sync problem again. Tortoise reports that all changes have been pushed, but this is not the case.
Maybe I need to rebuild the .git directory... :sad:
The file is now on the repo. :biggrin:
PS: Later... I added Vector.asm, which was really missing, and updated the descendant compilation files to reflect the change.
Hi Biterider!
I only use git, and I check uploads with git status.
Thanks, HSE.