The MASM Forum

Projects => MasmBasic & the RichMasm IDE => Topic started by: jj2007 on February 22, 2024, 01:57:49 AM

Title: Building Python sources
Post by: jj2007 on February 22, 2024, 01:57:49 AM
To build a Python project, install Python ( For building the attached tkinter source, tick the tkinter checkbox when the installer suggests it.

Afterwards, extract:
- python.bat to \Masm32\MasmBasic\Res\Python.bat
- tkinterTest.asc to (e.g.) \Python38\tkinterTest.asc

Change the C:\Users\Jochen... path to where your Python.exe resides, then open tkinterTest.asc in RichMasm and hit F6 :cool: