The MASM Forum

Miscellaneous => Linux Assembly => Topic started by: mabdelouahab on August 08, 2024, 01:42:55 AM

Title: GtkApplication
Post by: mabdelouahab on August 08, 2024, 01:42:55 AM
GtkApplication is the cornerstone for building robust and flexible desktop applications using the GTK library. It provides a comprehensive infrastructure for managing the application lifecycle, handling events, and window management. With GtkApplication, developers can focus on designing the user interface and implementing the application logic, rather than dealing with complex technical details. In short, GtkApplication is a powerful tool that helps accelerate application development and deliver a better user experience

Hello World GTK application:
   GtkApplication                TYPEDEF QWORD
   GtkWidget                     TYPEDEF QWORD
   gpointer                     TYPEDEF QWORD 

   g_signal_connect_data          PROTO :QWORD,:QWORD, :QWORD, :QWORD, :QWORD, :QWORD
   gtk_window_set_default_size     PROTO :QWORD, :QWORD, :QWORD
   g_application_run              PROTO :QWORD,:QWORD, :QWORD
   gtk_application_window_new      PROTO :QWORD
   gtk_application_new            PROTO :QWORD,:QWORD
   gtk_window_set_title           PROTO :QWORD,:QWORD
   gtk_widget_show_all            PROTO :QWORD
   g_object_unref                PROTO :QWORD


   main  PROC  argc:QWORD, argv:QWORD
         LOCAL app:GtkApplication, status:DWORD
         mov app, RV(gtk_application_new , CStr("uasm.gtk.example"), G_APPLICATION_FLAGS_NONE) 
         invoke g_signal_connect_data, app, CStr("activate"), ADDR activate, 0, 0, 0
         invoke g_application_run , app, 0 , 0
         mov status, eax
         invoke g_object_unref, app
         mov eax, status
   main  ENDP

   activate PROC  app:GtkApplication, user_data:gpointer
       LOCAL window:GtkWidget

       mov window , RV(gtk_application_window_new, app)
       invoke gtk_window_set_title, window, CStr("Window")
       invoke gtk_window_set_default_size, window, 640, 480
       invoke gtk_widget_show_all, window
   activate ENDP               
    uasm -elf64 hwgtkapp.asm
    gcc -o hwgtkapplication hwgtkapp.o -lgio-2.0  -lgtk-3 -lgobject-2.0

Title: Re: GtkApplication
Post by: Biterider on August 11, 2024, 02:55:38 AM
Hi mabdelouahab
Thanks for the demo code.
After installing UASM and GTK on my Mint (v.22) OS, I was able to compile and link the asm file.

( (

I had some fun tweaking the file, but finally got it to work.

    uasm -elf64 hwgtkapp.asm
    gcc -o hwgtkapplication hwgtkapp.o -z noexecstack -lgio-2.0 -lgtk-3 -lgobject-2.0 -fno-pie -no-pie

This is very exciting as it opens up a huge opportunity for macro frameworks such as ObjAsm.

Regards, Biterider