Hello, Ketil!
Thank you for posting the editor's source code. But it is hard to understand these source codes. Here is a package:
https://sourceforge.net/projects/radasm30/files/Release/ (https://sourceforge.net/projects/radasm30/files/Release/)
But as I can understand, this is very far from everything. You wrote RadASM based on FbEdit FreeBASIC and all the deep modules are located here, as I understand:
https://sourceforge.net/p/fbedit/code/HEAD/tree/RadASM30/ (https://sourceforge.net/p/fbedit/code/HEAD/tree/RadASM30/)
Where is the beginning, where is the end, what grows from where — it is not clear. Could you post in one place a complete and up-to-date package of sources with all the nested modules and the program itself of the corresponding version?
Thanks a lot!
Hi Villuy,
The most recent souurces for RadASM30 is at:
https://sourceforge.net/projects/radasm30/files/Release/ (https://sourceforge.net/projects/radasm30/files/Release/)
It contains sources for RadASM30 and the library files for the custom controls.
Unfortunatly some custom controls are written in RadASM20, so the sources for these are not included.
Give me some time and i will convert them to RadASM30
Aha! There is version, there is version They are indistinguishable externally, but code is different. Many modules are not in package at all. In general, I will wait for full authentic package And if you leave text file there with description of what is what and for what — that will be cherry on top! )
KetilO strikes me as a great programmer.
They also seem to me to be what I call a "write-only" one, where their code is almost indecipherable to anyone else looking at it. No comments. None. And cryptic variable names. (I know: some years ago I stole some stuff from your resource editor for one of my own, a totally private project. It took me a very long time to figure out what your code was actually doing.)
Quote from: NoCforMe on October 18, 2024, 08:21:42 AMKetilO strikes me as a great programmer.
They also seem to me to be what I call a "write-only" one, where their code is almost indecipherable to anyone else looking at it. No comments. None. And cryptic variable names. (I know: some years ago I stole some stuff from your resource editor for one of my own, a totally private project. It took me a very long time to figure out what your code was actually doing.)
I think Ketil simply didn't set goal to himself that his code would be understandable to anyone else.
Obviously not.
Hi, Ketil!
My old faithful mouse has double click error. Because of this tabs in program close when I not want. And even program "Mouse Fix" not rescues. How to shut off closing tabs on double click?
Quote from: Villuy on October 19, 2024, 03:39:20 PMHi, Ketil!
My old faithful mouse has double click error. Because of this tabs in program close when I not want. And even program "Mouse Fix" not rescues. How to shut off closing tabs on double click?
It sounds like you need a new mouse. Eventually the left button will cease to work at all. Right now it appears the contacts inside the switch (internally in the mouse) are dirty, causing multiple 'clicks', even though you only clicked once.
While the "work around" you suggest might work, it is better to get a new mouse. Even if you have to buy a cheap mouse, it is better to have a mouse that works reliably than a mouse that works erratically.
Quote from: zedd151 on October 19, 2024, 04:36:36 PMIt sounds like you need a new mouse. Eventually the left button will cease to work at all. Right now it appears the contacts inside the switch (internally in the mouse) are dirty, causing multiple 'clicks', even though you only clicked once.
While the "work around" you suggest might work, it is better to get a new mouse. Even if you have to buy a cheap mouse, it is better to have a mouse that works reliably than a mouse that works erratically.
FixMouseLMB mostly solves problem, except RadASM. I need lots of new things but world is what it is.
Quote from: Villuy on October 19, 2024, 05:01:33 PMFixMouseLMB mostly solves problem, except RadASM.
Okay, otherwise the mouse works okay, beside RadAsm. I think I understand.
QuoteI need lots of new things but world is what it is.
Yes, unfortunately. If I could, I would send you one of my spare mouse.
Whoops... quoted my post above, had meant to edit it. :toothy:
Quote from: zedd151 on October 20, 2024, 12:47:09 AMYes, unfortunately. If I could, I would send you one of my spare mouse.
For what? It's like that joke:
Son asks his father programmer:
— Dad, why sun rise in east and set in west every day?
— Really every day? Have you checked? If everything works, don't touch anything, don't change anything. :azn:
Yet another problem.
When pasting symbols from clipboard with codes outside of ASCII, question marks are shown instead of symbols — ?????. Yes, and they are saved in file as question marks — 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F. When copypasting backward there are no errors.
UPD: Error appears and disappears in both directions. I can't figure out pattern yet in order to consistently reproduce error.
The converted libraries can be found at:
https://sourceforge.net/projects/radasm30/files/Release/RadASMCustomControls.zip/download (https://sourceforge.net/projects/radasm30/files/Release/RadASMCustomControls.zip/download)
Disable close on double click:
In the RadASM sources file: TabTool.asm comment following code.
mov eax,lParam
movzx edx,ax
shr eax,16
mov ht.pt.x,edx
mov ht.pt.y,eax
invoke SendMessage,hWin,TCM_HITTEST,0,addr ht
.if eax==da.tabinx
invoke SendMessage,ha.hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_FILE_CLOSE,0
mov da.tabinx,-2
xor eax,eax
jmp Ex
Quote from: KetilO on October 26, 2024, 06:19:33 AMHi
The converted libraries can be found at:
https://sourceforge.net/projects/radasm30/files/Release/RadASMCustomControls.zip/download (https://sourceforge.net/projects/radasm30/files/Release/RadASMCustomControls.zip/download)
Hi, Ketil!
Thank you, I'll look into it. :thup:
Quote from: KetilO on October 26, 2024, 06:26:28 AMHi
Disable close on double click:
In the RadASM sources file: TabTool.asm comment following code.
I can't compile it so that everything is authentic. And what about clipboard bug?
I dont think this is a bug.
RasASM does not support unicode or UTF-8, only windows ansi character set. The ???? will be the result if you paste UTF-8
characters not found in the ascii character set.
What is your computers language setting?
Does it match the language you are pasting?
Quote from: KetilO on October 27, 2024, 04:16:35 AMHi
I dont think this is a bug.
RasASM does not support unicode or UTF-8, only windows ansi character set. The ???? will be the result if you paste UTF-8
characters not found in the ascii character set.
What is your computers language setting?
Does it match the language you are pasting?
It has nothing to do with Unicode or UTF-8. RadASM incorrectly works with 8-bit encodings, in particular Windows-1251. I mean exactly clipboard.
I have no idea why. The paste function in RAEdit is simple and uses windows api's to get the clipboard data.
invoke OpenClipboard,[ebx].EDIT.hwnd
.if eax
invoke GetClipboardData,CF_TEXT
.if eax
call InsertMem
invoke CloseClipboard
If you were able to build RadASN i would suggest trying CF_OEMTEXT instead of CF_TEXT
I'm sure you would have found cause of problem if it annoyed you as me. Well, it is what it is.
Not true.
It works as it should with CP-1252 wich is the windows default.
Why it does not work with CP-1251 I dont know.
Probably some windows configuration problem.
"It does not work" is not very helpful identifying the problem.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows-1252 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows-1252)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows-1251 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows-1251)
I open RadASM and copy string:
Привет, как дела?
I paste it here, and what I have:
Ïðèâåò, êàê äåëà?
But if now I write same string and copypaste, then everything is fine. That means problem arises with file that has just been opened and not yet edited. In the first approximation it looks like this.
The clipboard is confused on what codepage to use.
This is 1251: Привет, как дела?
and this is 1252: Ïðèâåò, êàê äåëà?
I will try this winapi and see if it helps:
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/shobjidl/nf-shobjidl-iquerycodepage-setcodepage (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/shobjidl/nf-shobjidl-iquerycodepage-setcodepage)
Yeah, good luck. And not to get up twice, remove double click on tabs. We have tab context menu and we have F4. That's quite enough.
It has been a long time since i worked with interfaces so SetCodePage will take a while.
To disable close tab on double click download the zip and replace RadASM.exe
Then edit RadASM.ini and add this at the end.
Yeah, it works. )
Had to transfer from version files Masm.ini and RadASM.ini in order to save my settings and session. But it is not at all fact that it is allowed to do so. Personal settings should be ported from version to version in prescribed order, not by intuition.
Upd: And indeed, [Addins] is different. Yes, I had to check it line by line.
When I switch between tabs, I can see for moment that tab first turns into window, and then turns back into tab. This bug also needs to be fixed.
This is only visible when a mdi child is maximized on a slow computer.
It is not a bug.
Ok, if you not like term "bug", let's call it "feature". Feature which annoys me and which no anywhere else but RadASM on my slow computer. Can you remove this feature?
No, the feature cannot be removed. It is the behaviour of WM_MDIACTIVATE.
If it annoys you that much, here is a trick to minimize the effect of this behaviour.
1. From the Window menu select Cascade.
2. Minimize all mdi children.
3. Maximize the active mdi child.
4. Close the project.
5. Reopen the project.