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Projects => MasmBasic & the RichMasm IDE => Topic started by: 3bas_Elhendy on November 04, 2024, 01:55:05 AM

Title: help in encrypt , decrypt code[closed]
Post by: 3bas_Elhendy on November 04, 2024, 01:55:05 AM
I getted it

I was testing set password for all encrypting and decrypting.

include \masm32\MasmBasic\
;  Password db "AMU", 0

  Let esi = Qtrim$(CL$())                 
  .if Exist(esi)
    Let edi = "ahmed"                 
    Encrypt esi, edi                     
    PrintLine "Encoded as ", eax         
    Kill esi                             
    PrintLine "No commandline found: ", esi
include \masm32\MasmBasic\
;  Password db "AMU", 0
  Let esi = Qtrim$(CL$())                 
  .if Exist(esi)
    Let edi = "ahmed"                     
    Decrypt esi, edi                     
    PrintLine "Decoded as ", eax         
    ;Kill esi                             
    PrintLine "No commandline found: ", esi
but always got bad password