The MASM Forum

General => The Campus => Topic started by: six_L on November 16, 2024, 03:23:02 AM

Title: How to get the standard cursors ?
Post by: six_L on November 16, 2024, 03:23:02 AM

How to get the standard cursors ?

;// Create a custom cursor based on a resource.
    invoke  LoadCursor,hInstance,IDC_HAND
    mov     hCursor,rax
;//Windows provides a set of standard cursors that can be used by applications. The following cursor identifiers are defined in WinUser.h
MAKEINTRESOURCE(32631) ;A pen cursor.
How to use the "MAKEINTRESOURCE(32631)"?

Thank you in advance.

Title: Re: How to get the standard cursors ?
Post by: six_L on November 16, 2024, 04:37:17 AM
i know.
look as if:
invoke  LoadCursor,NULL,32631
mov     hCursor,rax

invoke   DestroyCursor,hCursor

ask a question and answer it oneself.
Sorry to trouble you.

Title: Re: How to get the standard cursors ?
Post by: fearless on November 16, 2024, 04:39:02 AM
Yes, just use the ID or define a constant to use that id: (

Title: Re: How to get the standard cursors ?
Post by: six_L on November 16, 2024, 04:49:31 AM
Thank you for the respones at first time.

Title: Re: How to get the standard cursors ?
Post by: NoCforMe on November 16, 2024, 09:18:20 AM
The problem is that only some of the standard cursors are defined in our very own Here's the complete list of cursors (from this page at ( so you can use them in your programs:

NameValue  Type of cursor
IDC_ARROW32512  Normal select
IDC_IBEAM32513  Text select
IDC_WAIT32514  Busy
IDC_CROSS32515  Precision select
IDC_UPARROW32516  Alternate select
IDC_SIZENWSE32642  Diagonal resize 1
IDC_SIZENESW32643  Diagonal resize 2
IDC_SIZEWE32644  Horizontal resize
IDC_SIZENS32645  Vertical resize
IDC_SIZEALL32646  Move
IDC_NO32648  Unavailable
IDC_HAND32649  Link select
IDC_APPSTARTING32650  Working in background
IDC_HELP32651  Help select
IDC_PIN32671  Location select
IDC_PERSON32672  Person select

That particular cursor you wanted, IDC_PEN is one that Micro$oft says "do not have identifiers defined in WinUser.h (or are considered obsolete)":

Value  Type of cursor
32631  A pen cursor
32652  A scrolling cursor with arrows pointing north and south
32653  A scrolling cursor with arrows pointing west and east.
32654  A scrolling cursor with arrows pointing north, south, east and west
32655  A scrolling cursor with an arrow pointing north
32656  A scrolling cursor with an arrow pointing south
32657  A scrolling cursor with an arrow pointing west
32658  A scrolling cursor with an arrow pointing east
32659  A scrolling cursor with arrows pointing north and west
32660  A scrolling cursor with arrows pointing north and east
32661  A scrolling cursor with arrows pointing south and west
32662  A scrolling cursor with arrows pointing south and east
32663  An arrow CD cursor

Of course, even if these are considered "obsolete" they're still displayable by the OS.

Note: These really should all be in Maybe I'll create an auxiliary include file with these and post it here.

Meta note:
I discovered a little trick creating these 2 tables. The default table formatting of this board (Simple Machines) is horrible; it just jams the columns together with hardly any space between them. I tried creating a "blank" row entry, using [td] [/td], but it just did the usual HTML thing (collapse all white space to a single space).

However, I found that you can put in any number of "non-breaking spaces" in a [td] entry, and that will space the table out nicely. You can use the Windows Character Map to find this character ("No-Break Space") and copy it.
Title: Re: How to get the standard cursors ?
Post by: NoCforMe on November 16, 2024, 01:43:08 PM
Here's that include file for y'all:

; IDC_xxx values not in

IDC_PIN EQU 32671 ;Location select
IDC_PERSON EQU 32672) ;Person select

; The following values have no officially-defined IDC_xxxx names.
; Appropriate names have been assigned here.
IDC_PEN EQU 32631 ;A pen cursor
IDC_ARROW_NS EQU 32652 ;A scrolling cursor with arrows pointing north and south
IDC_ARROW_EW EQU 32653 ;A scrolling cursor with arrows pointing west and east
IDC_ARROW_NSEW EQU 32654 ;A scrolling cursor with arrows pointing north, south, east, and west
IDC_ARROW_N EQU 32655 ;A scrolling cursor with an arrow pointing north
IDC_ARROW_S EQU 32656 ;A scrolling cursor with an arrow pointing south
IDC_ARROW_W EQU 32657 ;A scrolling cursor with an arrow pointing west
IDC_ARROW_E EQU 32658 ;A scrolling cursor with an arrow pointing east
IDC_ARROW_NW EQU 32659 ;A scrolling cursor with arrows pointing north and west
IDC_ARROW_NE EQU 32660 ;A scrolling cursor with arrows pointing north and east
IDC_ARROW_SW EQU 32661 ;A scrolling cursor with arrows pointing south and west
IDC_ARROW_SE EQU 32662 ;A scrolling cursor with arrows pointing south and east
IDC_ARROW_CD EQU 32663 ;An arrow cd cursor
Title: Re: How to get the standard cursors ?
Post by: six_L on November 17, 2024, 04:52:16 AM
Thank you for providing the information.
Your sheet looks nicely.

Title: Re: How to get the standard cursors ?
Post by: NoCforMe on November 17, 2024, 08:39:24 AM
There's one typo there; I'm sure you'll see it.
I'm not going to correct it. Why? Because the stupid f**king editing function here (this board, Simple Machines) totally mangles my nice formatting every time I modify a post. I've reported this to SMF, but it's so far down their priority list it'll probably never get fixed.
Title: Re: How to get the standard cursors ?
Post by: TimoVJL on November 17, 2024, 06:42:58 PM
In Windows 10 WinUser.h
#define IS_INTRESOURCE(_r) ((((ULONG_PTR)(_r)) >> 16) == 0)
#ifdef UNICODE
#endif // !UNICODE

 * Standard Cursor IDs
#define IDC_ARROW          MAKEINTRESOURCE(32512)
#define IDC_IBEAM          MAKEINTRESOURCE(32513)
#define IDC_WAIT            MAKEINTRESOURCE(32514)
#define IDC_CROSS          MAKEINTRESOURCE(32515)
#define IDC_SIZE            MAKEINTRESOURCE(32640)  /* OBSOLETE: use IDC_SIZEALL */
#define IDC_ICON            MAKEINTRESOURCE(32641)  /* OBSOLETE: use IDC_ARROW */
#define IDC_SIZEWE          MAKEINTRESOURCE(32644)
#define IDC_SIZENS          MAKEINTRESOURCE(32645)
#define IDC_NO              MAKEINTRESOURCE(32648) /*not in win3.1 */
#if(WINVER >= 0x0500)
#define IDC_HAND            MAKEINTRESOURCE(32649)
#endif /* WINVER >= 0x0500 */
#define IDC_APPSTARTING    MAKEINTRESOURCE(32650) /*not in win3.1 */
#if(WINVER >= 0x0400)
#define IDC_HELP            MAKEINTRESOURCE(32651)
#endif /* WINVER >= 0x0400 */

#if(WINVER >= 0x0606)
#define IDC_PIN            MAKEINTRESOURCE(32671)
#define IDC_PERSON        MAKEINTRESOURCE(32672)
#endif /* WINVER >= 0x0606 */

Title: Re: How to get the standard cursors ?
Post by: NoCforMe on November 17, 2024, 07:13:25 PM
Timo: I've already provided that info* IN ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE. Why do you keep insisting on posting C code?

* Everything that's not already in
Title: Re: How to get the standard cursors ?
Post by: TimoVJL on November 17, 2024, 09:27:06 PM
Quote from: NoCforMe on November 17, 2024, 07:13:25 PMTimo: I've already provided that info* IN ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE. Why do you keep insisting on posting C code?
was not for you, just others, who want to know, from where those things come.