Before the new 1064-page book "The Art of ARM Assembly" by Randall Hyde with a dedicated topic ( here, other excellent books on ARM64 were published:
- The 506-page book "ARM 64-Bit Assembly Language (" by Larry Pyeatt and William Ughetta (ISBN 9780128192214).
- The 488-page book "Modern Arm Assembly Language Programming (" by Daniel Kusswurm (ISBN 9781484262665).
- The 480-page book "Arm Assembly Internals & Reverse Engineering (" by Maria Markstedter (ISBN 9781119745303).
- The 428-page book "Programming with 64-Bit ARM Assembly Language (" by Stephen Smith (ISBN 9781484258804).
- The free text e-book "A Gentle Introduction to Assembly Language Programming (" by Perry Kivolowitz (has no ISBN).