Attached is my latest esoteric utility.
It is used to create a mask that can be placed over the screen to hide stuff you don't want to see, or to keep from accidentally clicking something you don't want to click.
I use it for things like Kindle reader, to mask out everything but the text and page number. Also over some games that have popups if you just move the cursor over spot, etc.
It is currently set to a maximum of 50 holes, but easily changed.
The following is the help you get by hitting F1 or clicking help on the menu.
Note: As written, this program requires UASM.
This is a program to make a mask that can be laid over any area of your screen to hide parts you don't want to see or accidentally click on.
All commands are via the context (right click) menu.
Right click anywhere on the window (but not over a hole) to get the context menu.
To move the window, hold down either the control key or the right mouse button anywhere over the window (but not over a hole) then press and hold the left mouse button and drag.
-- Holes --
To make a hole, click on the screen (not on another hole) and drag.
To move a hole, line up on the border of the hole, and either press control+leftmouse or click and hold rightmouse+leftmouse, and drag.
To resize a hole, left click on a border of the hole and drag.
To delete a hole, line up on a border and press the D key or the Del key.
-- ini file ---
Preferences are written to an ini file with the same name as the executable.
You can copy the exe to different folders as needed, or copy it to a different name in the same folder, to have different setups.
This program is completely portable, there are no entries made in the registry.