Welcome to beautiful sunny downtown Sydney Australia, the new home of the MASM Forum.
The MASM Forum was moved from the UK to Australia in 2012 because the site was no longer large enough to properly host the forum.
The forum attachments and database had become so large that it was almost impossible to backup the attachments and database.
To further compound the problem, the hosting company in the UK was taken over early in 2012 and advised its old customers that the shared hosting platforms would be retired and that accounts would no longer be renewed.
The new home for the MASM Forum is on a High Speed High Security Virtual Private Server and it is a far larger site with full control of the server and how it is configured.
This substantially improves maintaining the site as it is no longer half a world away and there are almost no restrictions on what can be done with it.
The Old UK forum has been stored on the New server as a 'Read Only' Archive, that can be browsed and searched.
It has recently been updated to the same SMF version as the current 'active' forum and given a new cleaner more modern Theme.
Newly Registered Members
All Newly Registered Members will have 'limited' forum access, with 'Initially' ONLY the "Introduction & Welcome" section visible & accessible.
We ask that ALL of our new members make an 'Introductory Posting' in the Introduction from New Members (https://masm32.com/board/index.php?board=76.0) board, so we know you are a Human & Not a 'Bot'.
You may use DeepL.com (https://www.deepl.com/translator) or Google Translate (http://translate.google.it/) if you are not a native English speaker.
So, please make a posting in the forum, tell us about yourself, your coding experience, and what brought you here to The Masm Forum.
NB: You must have at least one post, to enable searching the forum
Once you have made your 'Introductory Post', ALL the forum will become visible and accessible.
Thanks for joining the MASM forum we hope you enjoy your time here.
Regards, the Forum & Admin' Staff