Hi Rubber Duck Fans:
I am having problems playing DVDs and
After writing a CDROM I can't get the CDROM drive to see
a disk in drive.
i e windows says no disk in drive?
If I re-boot the problem goes away.
Is this codec thing or am I missing something.
Regards herge
It is a hardwear problem
On each computer OS it is slightly different ,
But you need to right click on your computer icon and get to your device manager ,
You might need to reinstall the particular CD driver for your particular CD rom!
By going to your device manager you will know , the serial and type of driver that you have !
Google all you need , it will be more useful !!!
Did you change anything ? Like add new burner ?
That could be it , but most likely your device driver :)
Quote from: hfheatherfox07 on February 20, 2013, 09:58:04 AM
It is a hardwear problem
On each computer OS it is slightly different ,
But you need to right click on your computer icon and get to your device manager ,
You might need to reinstall the particular CD driver for your particular CD rom!
By going to your device manager you will know , the serial and type of driver that you have !
Google all you need , it will be more useful !!!
Did you change anything ? Like add new burner ?
That could be it , but most likely your device driver :)
Have you tried Pupply Slacko ?
Slacko Puppy version 5.4, released Dec 2012
It's only 168 Mb.
I just used it to play a DVD and burn an iso.
I put it on a pen drive.
It puts everything in RAM, so it runs really fast, especially when using the Internet.
Hi andy:
We have not added any hardWare BUT we had to re install Windows.
I thought it might be codecs issue but what ever it is it's annoying.
After you write it thinks every disk is zero byte length even thou
it has been burned. It will not see anything in fact will not detect any
disk in the CD ROM at all.
Device Manager will say every thing is OK I don't think so.
regards herge
yah - if a re-boot fixes it, the driver, itself, is probably ok
maybe a registry entry or something
i have never heard of this particular problem and it would be hard to troubleshoot without sitting in front of the machine
maybe google can help :biggrin:
Hi DednDave:
You should google cattlegate some kind of
printing problem at a chemical plant. Also
a printed by hand screw up. Some farmer
[Rick Halbert, Page 104 SDBRD code for Slow Death by Rubber Duck]
who just so happened to have a degree in chemistry
and worked for Dow for three years.
To make a long story a legal battle some
cattle feed was mis-labelled and the rest is now legal
history in Michigan.
You could also read Slow Death by Rubber Duck
by Smith and Lourie.
I think this book is absolurly very funny.
Not funny ha ha but funny OH Sh*T! INSERT UNPRINTABLE WORD HERE
Regards herge
yes - i vaguely remember that
it happened about the time i left Michigan and went into the army :P
actually - it happened when i was in high-school - but didn't hit the news until later
Hi DednDave and other Rubber Duck fans:
The book Slow Death by Rubber Duck,
is filled with OH Sh*t moments it all about
chemicals in your life in your house & @ work.
Essential it's about un-leaded gasoline.
What happened when it was not put
in to petrol {gasoline] for you Americans.
Regards herge