RadASM 3.x can be downloaded at:
RadASM sources and release:
https://sourceforge.net/projects/radasm30/files/Release/ (https://sourceforge.net/projects/radasm30/files/Release/)
Old download
https://fbedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/fbedit/RadASM30/Release/RadASM.zip (https://fbedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/fbedit/RadASM30/Release/RadASM.zip)
Hi KetilO :biggrin:
It seem that the 'code editor' dialog always show "Black Night" theme. (btw radasm load the correct theme, but it's always show Black Night selected). Not a big trouble ;)
The Color theme will not show the current theme. It is just a tool to select another theme or to create a new one.
Is there an easy way to copy my colour settings etc... [colors] info from radasm 2.x ini to 3.x's ini file? I see the block is now called [themes] and it doesn't seem to be compatible.
You are right. It is not compatible and cannot be copied.
that sucks :) took me hours to get my colour scheme right...
can i not copy the individual values in the correct order from colors to schemes and put 0's in for the different ones? :)
这个新版本支持中文么,还有就是原来的radasm在win7 下面工作时,那个自动完成功能总是会有时不显示,真是无所适从了
Hi Jochen,
could you translate that, please? :lol:
No problem (http://translate.google.it/)
nice trick. Your'e really speaking Mandarin or is it just kidding?
Just kidding. Google translation is getting better and better, and Chinese to English and vice versa is not a problem at all. And I hope the guy who posted above will learn to use it, instead of insisting that we learn Chinese.
Hi Jochen,
Quote from: jj2007 on October 14, 2012, 06:14:17 AM
And I hope the guy who posted above will learn to use it, instead of insisting that we learn Chinese.
right. Learning Chinese is indeed a very hard turn.
New upload
Whats new
Version 2012-10-29
o Added Copy Name To Code to project menu.
Thanks KetilO
For add my Idea
Radasm2 has this function but without "include" string
And i have many extra sources *.asm,*inc .... and ervery must i add this to my projects
and this is a very little helper :t
I did not tested the newest version yet, but can it become compatible with the last RadAsm Project? Im too lazy to create a new one.
Ahhh there are convert project tools on the tools section.
RadASM uploaded
Whats new:
Version 2013-02-18
o Fixed a dialog editor bug when deleting controls.
Use Tools / Check for Updates to download.
Thanks it very nice update :t :greenclp:
Quote from: jj2007 on October 14, 2012, 06:14:17 AM
Just kidding. Google translation is getting better and better, and Chinese to English and vice versa is not a problem at all. And I hope the guy who posted above will learn to use it, instead of insisting that we learn Chinese.
absudra is NOT going to insisting you guys to learn Chinese, but he's just posting a message. 中文怎么了,说句话还有错了?
Dein erster Post, Glückwunsch! Aber anstatt Unsinn zu posten, solltest Du besser darueber nachdenken, warum wir hier nur eine Sprache verwenden.
Is it just me, or is the link for download not working?
hi atandb,
it's not just you - hopefully just temporary glitch
Thanks NAN, I found, but not 3.0. I was using, but it has a couple of annoying bugs, and gets confused every once in a while. Hopefully is more stable.
Any alternative to the SourceForge site for download KetilO ? - Reason : I'am getting SSL protocol errors when connecting.. :(
So happy to surprisingly find out there's a newer release of RadAsm IDE, so I downloaded it immediately to see what surprise I got.
Yet, one simple feature I desired most is global/local variable (code) completion, since sometime, I may forget what name I gave to a variable and need to scroll back and forth to see.
Is there any possibility to implement this simple feature in latter release? It would be very much appreciated.
Anyway, thanks a lot for the latest release. :t
Hello Ketil;
Are those links broken or am i doing something wrong?
Where can i download latest RadASM3? Any GitLab repo?
A mirror for Rad_Asm IDE by Ketil Olsen :
http://www.oby.ro/rad_asm/index.html (http://http://www.oby.ro/rad_asm/index.html)
EDIT It would appear the link above is broken.
Thanks Erol 8)
mieiro also shared this link:
Both packages are same, only the package from sourceforge include files for STM32