Hi Ramon, I don't think this is my PC, as this has been happening for a while.
There's a slight problem when creating a new Procedure and then assembling.
An error pops up saying the proc is undefined - As you see in the picture the proc is very much there.
Could this be a proto problem wrt defining procedures in an inc file ?
If I close Easycode, restart, reload the project and assemble it with no problem.
Hi K_F,
Thanks for the report. I will have a look and com back to you.
Hi again K_F,
Easy Code internally defines Protos for all files (windows and/or modules) being children of the "Windows" and "Modules" nodes of the Project Explorer, but not for those files being children of the "Includes" node . Protos for files being in the "Includes" node have to be manually defined by the programmer. Besides, if the Procedures are called from another file, they have to be defined with the "ExternDef" directive in the file where they are called.
Is that the case?
Not sure.
What I have noticed, is that even within the same visual module, changes to a procedure (ie: amount of parameters, or procedure name ), are not always recognised at assemble time.
I underline not always.. as sometimes it's ok - I just haven't looked for a pattern yet, which I'll do over the next few days.
I'm not defining any proto defs... etc, in any inc files. but purely inserting some procedures, or changing the proc names within the modules.
It makes me think it might be the auto proto definition. Restarting Easycode elliminates this problem.
I'm also not sure whether it also might be Win7 Pro.. as this OS is coming up with some real 'funnies' lately.
I will try to reproduce this behaviour in order to fix bugs (if any), but if you can find a pattern, please let me know.
Thanks in advance,
Hi Ramon, I think I can clarify this 'problem'
It seems that on loading a project EC parses all the functions/procs and their parameters - call this a static parsing.
If I change the function/proc parameters, or rename a function/proc, EC does not have this info as the properties window doesn't reflect the changes, and gives errors on compiling/assembling
IOW EC doesn't have a dynamic function/proc parser.
Hope this helps
Thanks Van, I will see what I can find out.
I am getting crazy trying to reproduce the problem you have reported but it does not happen to me. Actually EC does have a dynamic parser and it should work properly (and it does when I change a proc name or any of the proc vars). So, may I have an example project please? I would like to fix any possible bug.
Thanks in advance,
Ramon .. sorry for the delay... been very busy, and now my PC is U/S
Have to do this when all is working again.
Ok Van, no problem.
Hope you can make all working again very soon!