i recently found an issue with MASM...
i created a response file with DIR/B, then assembled from the response file
dir/b *.asm>.\Resp.txt
ml /c /coff /nologo @Resp.txt >..\LibErr.txt
MASM is prone to errors - even crashed once
so, i wrote a FOR loop, instead
for %%f in (.\*.asm) do ml /c /coff /nologo %%f >>..\LibErr.txt
works every time :P
if that works, it's probably more-or-less the same as using a response file :P
Long file names as such are probably OK, but missing quotes around filenames with spaces are a problem. Check the response file for spaces, try to put quotes around these, and see if ML still chokes.
the response file is not the problem
the problem seems to be that MASM doesn't fully "reset" between modules
by using a FOR loop, each module gets a fresh instance of MASM execution
Strange. I always build MasmBasic using a response file, it never chokes with ML 6.15 .. 10 or JWasm.
it generally works ok
but if any modules have errors, you may be in for a bumpy ride
that tells me that it's less than ideal, even if the modules have no errors
another place a response file is used is during installation of the Masm32 package
it seems to be a processor-intensive operation, and has even been problematic in some cases
perhaps the FOR loop method would relieve some of those issues
Quote from: dedndave on January 26, 2014, 04:43:57 AM
but if any modules have errors, you may be in for a bumpy ride
Well, kind of... I do have errors sometimes, and one problem is that errorlevel doesn't work, so you have to detect it with different methods (i.e. checking the output):
\Masm32\bin\%oAssembler% /c /coff @libtmpXY.rsp
if errorlevel 0 goto okmlWhat I find definitely annoying is that even when there is an error in the first source, ML continues to assemble all my 26 source files - and it's so slow...
No way to make it exit, even with Dave's for loop it just continues... :(
If you are working in the MSYS environment :
for f in *.asm
/d/masm32/bin/ml.exe /ID:\masm32/include //c //coff $f