I can't seem to find it in .inc, .lib, etc.
GetThreadTimes works great and helps to explain batch response time,
matches PROCMONs' 'Thread Exit' times, GetTickCount, and GetLocalTime,
but all are Wall-Clock times.
QueryThreadCycleTime appears to be CPUR (real) in the IBM M/F world,
which helps to see more "absolute" (non-interference) and "average" times
to determine if any coding tuning actually helps...
It's Vista upwards. If that isn't a problem, link to it dynamically (Kernel32.dll).
...or use Michael's timing macros (which use RDTSC)
http://masm32.com/board/index.php?topic=49.0 (http://masm32.com/board/index.php?topic=49.0)
Is that function wrapper of NtQueryInformationThread from ntdll.dll with ThreadInformationClass of ThreadCycleTime ?
Thankx for the NT info and dynamic CALL suggestion; those, w/GetVersionEx & DUMPBIN, works great.