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Projects => Rarely Used Projects => GoAsm => Topic started by: FlySky on June 23, 2012, 05:32:33 PM

Title: CreateToolHelp32SnapShot (weird error/ bug)
Post by: FlySky on June 23, 2012, 05:32:33 PM
I am having a very strange problem with the following code. Weirdest thing, the code worked before just fine, I didn't change anything.
I am running Windows 7 Professional 64 bit. The code below worked fine on it before.

With the following code I am trying to get the handle to the primary thread.

GetMainThread Frame

   Local ourPID:D
   Local hProcessSnap:D
   Local te32:THREADENTRY32

        Invoke GetCurrentProcessId
        mov [ourPID], Eax

        Invoke CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD, [ourPID]
   Mov [hProcessSnap], Eax

   mov D[te32.dwSize], SIZEOF THREADENTRY32
   Invoke Thread32First, [hProcessSnap], Addr te32                     ;First handle found is usually the main thread
   Test Eax, Eax
   Jnz > FoundThreadID
   Invoke Thread32Next, [hProcessSnap], Addr te32
   Test Eax, Eax
   Jz >> L2THREAD

   Mov Eax, [te32.th32ThreadID]                                                                //Always zero??
   Mov [SteamhThread], Eax
   Xor Eax, Eax

The main problem Thread32First works, returns 1, but the buffer is not filled correct. So when grabbing:  [te32.th32ThreadID] and copying it to Eax it always copies the value 0.
Anyone has any idea why that problem occurs. The code below is posted by Donkey before and I have been using it a lot on my project.
It's just on this new project it doesn't work anymore??
Title: Re: CreateToolHelp32SnapShot (weird error/ bug)
Post by: dedndave on June 23, 2012, 08:34:05 PM
you should close the handle on hProcessSnap when done (CloseHandle)
the snapshot may require a lot of system resources
Title: Re: CreateToolHelp32SnapShot (weird error/ bug)
Post by: wjr on June 24, 2012, 06:35:12 AM
No idea why, but it looks like you still need to walk through the list recorded in the snapshot:

mov eax,[te32.th32OwnerProcessID]
cmp eax,[ourPID]
je >FoundThreadID ;First handle found is usually the main thread

INVOKE Thread32Next, [hProcessSnap], Addr te32
test eax, eax

Instead of doing all of that, it seems like you can just call the GetCurrentThreadId function and use that in OpenThread...