This is how to load a dxll ShaderResourceView as a cube map (Box) in MASM32
from six individual images.
All images are of the same pixel size and are usaly 512 by 512 or for better
quality use 1024 by 1024. The technique shown here does not make use of image
staging (.MipLevels = 1) as it is not necessary when used as a sky cube/sphere
since the image's Z will always be 1 (furthest from camera). However, some games
that allow for different playable screen resolutions may make use of image staging
to adjust for quality.
The 6 images (2D textures) have one MipLevel only and are assembled as a cube map
array represented as:-
(-X) (+Z) (+X) (-Z)
Look ma, no D3DX 11 utility library.
mAm MACRO m1:REQ, m2:REQ ; memory to memory using 'A'ccumulator i.e. EAX register
mov eax, m2
mov m1, eax
;; The 6 individual images where:
;; (+X)_right, (-X)_left, (+Y)_up, (-Y)_down, (+Z)_front, (-Z)_back
swPX dw L(Assets\\posx_rt.jpg\0)
swNX dw L(Assets\\negx_lf.jpg\0)
swPY dw L(Assets\\posy_up.jpg\0)
swNY dw L(Assets\\negy_dn.jpg\0)
swPZ dw L(Assets\\posz_ft.jpg\0)
swNZ dw L(Assets\\negz_bk.jpg\0) ;; Useing the L macro by Ernest Murphy
g_pCubeShaderResourceView LPID3D11ShaderResourceView null
;; Note: (1) - GdiplusStartup already done.
;; (2) - Error checking removed.
;; (3) - g_pd3dDevice is a valed public pointer to a ID3D11Device Interface.
;; (4) - The callee saves registers esi and ebx in the 2 .while loops using Gdi Plus.
CreateCubeShaderResourceView PROC
local Texture2dDesc:D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC
local pTextureArray:LPID3D11Texture2D
local InitData[6]:D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA
local GdipBitmapData[6]:BitmapData
local pImage[6]:ptr
local pFile[6]:ptr
local i:dword
mov pFile[0*4], offset swPX
mov pFile[1*4], offset swNX
mov pFile[2*4], offset swPY
mov pFile[3*4], offset swNY
mov pFile[4*4], offset swPZ
mov pFile[5*4], offset swNZ
lea ebx, GdipBitmapData
mov i, 0
.while (i < 6)
mov esi, i
invoke GdipCreateBitmapFromFile, pFile[esi*4], addr pImage[esi*4]
invoke GdipBitmapLockBits, pImage[esi*4], null, ImageLockModeRead, PixelFormat32bppARGB, ebx
add ebx, sizeof(BitmapData)
inc i
mAm Texture2dDesc.dWidth, GdipBitmapData[0].dWidth ;; All images are of the same size.
mAm Texture2dDesc.dHeight, GdipBitmapData[0].dHeight
mov Texture2dDesc.MipLevels, 1
mov Texture2dDesc.ArraySize, 6 ;; <-- Note: for 6 images
mov Texture2dDesc.Format, DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM
mov Texture2dDesc.SampleDesc.Count, 1
mov Texture2dDesc.SampleDesc.Quality, 0
mov Texture2dDesc.CPUAccessFlags, 0
mov Texture2dDesc.Usage, D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT
mov Texture2dDesc.BindFlags, D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE
mov Texture2dDesc.MiscFlags, D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_TEXTURECUBE
mAm ShaderResDesc.Format, Texture2dDesc.Format
mov ShaderResDesc.ViewDimension, D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_TEXTURECUBE
mov ShaderResDesc.Texture2D.MostDetailedMip, 0
mAm ShaderResDesc.Texture2D.MipLevels, Texture2dDesc.MipLevels
mov ShaderResDesc.Texture2DArray.FirstArraySlice, 0 ;; "Zero out rest
mov ShaderResDesc.Texture2DArray.ArraySize, 0 ;; of the union."
mov i, 0
.while (i < 6)
mov esi, sizeof(D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA)
imul esi, i
mov ebx, sizeof(BitmapData)
imul ebx, i
mAm InitData[esi].pSysMem, GdipBitmapData[ebx].Scan0
mAm InitData[esi].SysMemPitch, GdipBitmapData[ebx].Stride
mov InitData[esi].SysMemSlicePitch, 0 ;; Use only for 3d textures else set to 0.
inc i
coinvoke g_pd3dDevice, ID3D11Device, CreateTexture2D, addr Texture2dDesc, addr InitData[0], addr pTextureArray
coinvoke g_pd3dDevice, ID3D11Device, CreateShaderResourceView, pTextureArray, addr ShaderResDesc, addr g_pCubeShaderResourceView
coinvoke pTextureArray, ID3D11Texture2D, Release
lea ebx, GdipBitmapData
mov i, 0
.while (i < 6)
mov esi, i
invoke GdipBitmapUnlockBits, pImage[esi*4], ebx
invoke GdipDisposeImage, pImage[esi*4]
add ebx, sizeof(BitmapData)
inc i
return true
CreateCubeShaderResourceView ENDP
QuoteLook ma, no D3DX 11 utility library.