I managed to compile the RAEdit to a static control. Example shows very basic usage, and requires the RAEdit class is registered before any dialogs use it - I called the install function before winmain: Invoke InstallRAEdit, hInstance, FALSE
I added a few additional functions to help load bitmaps and cursors from memory/data. Then used the masm32 bin2dbex tool to get the byte data for the few bitmaps and cursors required to store the data in the static library.
I used vortex's CreateBmpFromMem (http://www.masmforum.com/board/index.php?topic=16267.msg134453#msg134453) for the bitmap part.
Hi Fearless!!
I'm thinking if you have KetilO full code package "Fbedit". KetilO make this things years ago. Of course they need some improvements (very welcome indeed :biggrin:)