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General => The Workshop => Topic started by: TouEnMasm on August 04, 2020, 11:39:32 PM

Title: Saving tuner to file
Post by: TouEnMasm on August 04, 2020, 11:39:32 PM
This one is a demo program.
It show how to save a tuner (mp3) to a file with URLDownloadToFile and the implemented Interface IBindStatusCallback.
The  IBinding and IBindctx are registered but not used.
To abord the save,just used the menu with abord.
The URLDownloadToFile works on a thread,the Interface IBindStatusCallback test a dword in data who say when to abord.
When it begin one,the implemented interface return E_ABORT to URLDownloadToFile who stop the save.
The IBindStatusCallback had his own source file and must be reusable without many problems.
To ear the sound during the save a little more writing.