GoLink – version has the following changes:
- modified to have standard section names .text .data
- modified to have a standard IMAGE_DOS_HEADER and MS-DOS Stub Program
- modified .idata section characteristics to 0C0000040h with no Import JMP Table present (by using CALL [...] for all imports)
- modified exception handler to show RVA instead of ASLR EIP
- removed IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_MISC separate DBG file information
- modified to output a standard IMAGE_DOS_HEADER and MS-DOS Stub Program
- modified to output .idata section characteristics to 0C0000040h if no Import JMP Table present (by using CALL [...] for all imports)
- added support for export forwarding
- added some error messages for missing export symbol name and name too long conditions
- fixed output of /files to show number of exports not named (instead of always none)
- fixed error message to show for symbol defined more than once in multiple OBJ files
Although I added some support for export forwarding, given limited time and that this most likely will not get used frequently, it currently does not verify the availability of the forwarded to DLL or if the function exists within that DLL (GoAsm does not yet include support for the export forwarding syntax).
The internal changes also made it into GoAsm update, with the first item applying to GoAsm output (also using .rdata).
GoLink – version has the following changes:
- fixed problem with .bss section when also using section name $ suffix followed by text for section ordering
- fixed a .bss only data section which output the previous "data" section name instead of ".data"
- a couple of internal adjustments for better ".rdata" processing
GoLink – version has the following changes:
- fixed problem with /mix symbol undecoration when searching in first DLL listed for imports
- modified with slightly better program flow for search of symbol in external DLL
GoLink – version has the following change:
- fixed problem with command line /entry symbol with trailing @## decoration not recognized
GoLink – version has the following change:
- added support for renamed export symbol
GoLink – version has the following changes:
- fixed problem with a larger number of import symbols
- a couple of internal adjustments for better program flow with memory allocation and error conditions
- built on system with Windows 11 so now loads quicker there due to correct import hints
GoLink – version now available here http://www.godevtool.com/Golink.zip (http://www.godevtool.com/Golink.zip) with the following changes:
- modified /fo command line switch to allow output file with 3-character arbitrary file extension
thank you for your effort. :thumbsup: The new version works well.
Apparently I didn't get around to the intended internal GoAsm .idata modification. That change has been done in v0.62betaS, now available at the above link.
GoLink update now available.
GoLink update now available.
GoLink update now available.
GoLink update now available.
Some of your recent and past files are flagged possibly suspect according to the online summary scans.
Further the compiled files produced are as well.
All users need not to alarmed right?
False positives, i.e. there is no risk. Check the AV Software sh*t list (http://masm32.com/board/index.php?board=23.0) sub-forum.
Correct, false positives, no need to get alarmed. On a certain site, I am totally aware of such flagging of the main Go tools by 1 to 5 out of 69 to 72 security vendors (and may even send off a few false positive reports).
GoLink update now available.
GoLink update now available.